Simon (Bolero's) Food Diary

Well, I gained 18-pounds over Christmas. Currently trying to work out just how I could sabotage things so much, but also well and truly drawing a line under it.

Probably doesn't help that I was beyond upset last night, and all the emotional stress got the better of me...and in a post tears moment of non-thinking, I opened a box of choccies and finished off a bottle of wine. Still a bit upset this morning (my emotions have always been a bit volatile and incredibly easy to read, if I'm honest), but shall hopefully get there.

After that especially, I'm getting into my new year resolution time. I made two: one to do more exercise (so it's going to be using the gym when I'm in work, and using my exercise bike & weights at home when I'm not), and two to cut down my drinking to special occasions and holidays only. That is going to be the hard one for me, as I do like my drink a lot. But I feel it's a change that has to be made, and it's something I want to do. Wish me luck.
Good luck with your resolutions. They're deffo achievable :0)
Hopefully your Christmas gain should come off quickly.
Chin up ;0)
Chin up hon, you at least know the damage now and what you need to do to sort it. The drink is always going to be difficult isn't it....some of us still like that drink or ---- (feel free to add your own quantities) at the end of the day. x
Thanks. :) I'm trying to be more philosophical about things that I can't control, and it certainly helps now that I've had the rota for next week...two days off, and a few days without a certain member of staff/the need to play office politics (so basically a week off in my book lol). That's really helped my stress level! :)

Drink has always been my downfall...and unfortunately my tipple of choice is cider, and you can't get much worse calorie wise. Well, maybe advocaat. lol
The New Year's resolutions sound very achievable, and I'm sure quite a lot of that 18 lbs will be gone pretty quickly. You're right - draw a line under it, as you can't change it. Sorry to hear that you have started the New Year upset though. Hopefully the changes at work will help somewhat with that. Here's to a happy, healthy and slimmer year for you in 2013.
I have excactly same sort of work issue.. so draining, so maddening, so frustrating, so downright wrong!! I really feel for you Hon.x
Aye, work is a pain. Don't get me wrong...I love my job, and enjoy every second of being a librarian. I just think I'd be happier working alone, to be honest, so I could be a librarian and enjoy my time with the public without stress. :)
Interestingly I've just noticed there's a job going down in Kent in Maidstone Library, that's awfully tempting. I was born in Maidstone, and would love to move back. Trouble is the job is only a 12-month contract, and I think it'd be silly of me really to exchange a permanent contract for it...even if I'd love it. Ah well, shall keep looking. :p
Morning all. :) Hope all is well with everyone.

Day 2, and feeling good. Went to bed last night with an odd feeling...and realised that feeling was hunger, which was a strange things to be pleased about really. Was odd as I'd used all bar 1 of my points, but suspect that's mainly my body complaining at going down to what is now 60pp a day from the about 500 I must have been having every day over Xmas. :eek:

Trying to decide if I should treat myself next week to a cinema visit. I'm quite a big fan of Les Mis, and with the film coming out I do very much want to see it. Looked at the prices, though, and I'm a bit reluctant to be paying as much for a cinema visit as I would to buy the DVD when it comes out. But it's Les Mis, and I think it's the one film I'll enjoy most this year. Shall see, I suppose.
Today's drama: early last year I gave online dating a try, and started talking to this one girl. We got on really well, and arranged to meet. Great, until out of the blue she announces she's spent a lot of time online going through all the sites I post on and how I shouldn't be doing this and shouldn't be doing that. Ok fine, but isn't this just a touch creepy? Following day I ended up with 27 texts in my first half hour at work from her, basically *****ing at me for not replying to the first text...which I hadn't even had chance to read, given it was a busy day at work that day. Ended up with me feeling like I was being stalked by someone I'd yet to meet, and so I basically told her as politely as I could that I wanted her to leave me alone & that it wasn't going to work out.
Today she contacts me, wanting to chat and start over fresh. Don't get why after 7 months she thinks I'll have a different view of things, as I still find her behaviour very disturbing. Very strange person.
Oh, I certainly intend to steer well and truly clear. Been hurt in the past, and am not going down that route again! Bit of a private joke, but I do seem to attract the nutters. :p

It'd be a bit unfair to get involved with anyone at present anyway, even if they were normal. :p I've a bit of a crush (albeit I deeply suspect unrequited) at present on someone who shall remain nameless, and I'm trying to get that sorted in my head before I consider looking for a relationship. :eek: As long as I have this person's friendship, then I'm happy really...worth more to me than anything in the world.

But yes, diet is going well in day 3. Yay! Opened a box of falafels I've had in the freezer since the time of the dinosaurs, and put a few of those in a square wrap with some cheese. Very very nom! They were Tesco's falafel balls in their frozen meat free range, and were 2pp I think it was for 3 balls.
Head up, hon. I have been married for 8 yeras to someone I was just really good friends with for 15years bfore we even had a snog lol....hang on in there you just never know;)
Oh dear she does sound like a nutter lol hope she backs off!
I like falafels :0) in a pitta bread with salad and have some encona chilli sauce mixed with ketchup in it mmmm
Really hope everything works out well. I am, to be totally honest, very apprehensive and a little sad even trying to work out my feelings, and I'll probably be feeling a bit off until we next talk...which I'm really hoping is today. I'm not great at these things, and I suppose I really just need to reaffirm that everything is ok there. Ah and my lack of self-confidence.

That sounds delicious with chilli sauce. Nomnom! Always tend to have mine the same a wrap, with cheese & ketchup. Today is a nice food day...a sort of eggs benedict for lunch (which is basically two crumpets with poached eggs & cheese), and chicken stew for dinner. Looking forward to that. :)

My resolutions didn't last very long though. Relaxing with a gin & tonic this afternoon, so didn't quite manage to last until Easter without alcohol as I'd planned. Ah well, we all have our vices and a drink is mine.
Hi, just popping in to subscribe..

Have read your diary for beginning to end - I found it really interesting seeing a male take on WW - have me a bit of variety!!!

Your doing fab!! Xx
Afternoon, and welcome. The more the merrier. :)

Had a bit of a mixed day emotionally. Felt really depressed when I woke up, but now I've caught up with an old friend and feel much better. Still a lot on my mind and I'm a bit apprehensive about one or two things, but a lot of the stress I've felt has lifted a bit and it feels like I can cope with it all now...and if I can just sort one thing out later, then I'll be back to my usual self.

Foodwise it's chicken stew again tonight, and lunch was really a late breakfast as I was working had a quick haslet sandwich made with the Warburton's sandwich thins. I've also had another gin. Bit concerned that I'm drinking during the week (and that my new year's resolution went down the loo pretty quickly), but I enjoy it...and I think the best thing I can do for myself is to be true to who I am, 'cause I think trying to turn myself into something I'm not would just lead me to falling off the wagon pretty quickly. So for me that means sticking to WW, having a drink when I've a few points to spare & I don't have to drive, and focusing on my future. That immediate future being a slimmer me, and the long term future being the slimmer me with the career I want.