ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

Dubchick81 said:
Wow... No way I've given you 40 something.. I'd have guessed no more than 32/33.. You look great :)
Allot to be said for good aging genes but you obviously look after yourself...

I do try to look after myself .. And drink loads water ... Eat as healthy as I can .. But I enjoy wine and vodka and take aways :) but I mostly cook from scratch .. I don't cook from jars or packets ..
I run too twice/three times a week and go a class of resistance exercises per week too ...
I look better now iv lost a stone .. With another half stone to go .!!

Thankyou for those kind words .. I lack self confidence and don't necessarily feel attractive .. So it's nice for finding to say that to me :)

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I do try to look after myself .. And drink loads water ... Eat as healthy as I can .. But I enjoy wine and vodka and take aways :) but I mostly cook from scratch .. I don't cook from jars or packets ..
I run too twice/three times a week and go a class of resistance exercises per week too ...
I look better now iv lost a stone .. With another half stone to go .!!

Thankyou for those kind words .. I lack self confidence and don't necessarily feel attractive .. So it's nice for finding to say that to me :)

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Well, you look stunning.. ;)
Well done the great loss.. Its so hard when yer so close to goal so fair play..

PS.. I'm knackered just reading the exercise you do per week lol

I too cook from scratch most of the time.. I do have lazy days too tho, I will admit it!
I don't like ready meals n processed foods but they don't agree with my tummy either and cause pain and irritablity so I've 2 reasons to stay away from them.. I enjoy cooking tho so I like to cook from scrath.. Have just moved into a house with my BF so will have to teach him a few easy recipes to cook without jars!!! so i'm not stuck cooking the whole time lol :D
Dubchick81 said:
Well, you look stunning.. ;)
Well done the great loss.. Its so hard when yer so close to goal so fair play..

PS.. I'm knackered just reading the exercise you do per week lol

I too cook from scratch most of the time.. I do have lazy days too tho, I will admit it!
I don't like ready meals n processed foods but they don't agree with my tummy either and cause pain and irritablity so I've 2 reasons to stay away from them.. I enjoy cooking tho so I like to cook from scrath.. Have just moved into a house with my BF so will have to teach him a few easy recipes to cook without jars!!! so i'm not stuck cooking the whole time lol :D

Lol ... Yes you will :)
I do try and look smart too and never leave the house without putting my face on and doing my hair x
Losing this last 7 lbs is a nightmare ... I'm just reading a book on my kindle called "escaping the diet trap" ... Written by a dr .. It's very enlightening and I think we are doing it all wrong .!! Basically he says not to count calories .. Eat lots protein .. And fat but pull back on carbs ... Gives all the science behind it too ..!!! To have sugar . Obv in limited quantities rather than sweetner .. And to have ordinary day stuff like yogurts rather than diet ones ...!!!

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What free food is filling? I have stopped and started this diet loads of times and am now back on my second week, I struggle filling myself. Today I have eaten half a water melon, banana, 8 cherry toms, 1 slice of bread, lettuce, spring onion and a serving of boursin and am still hungry
debbielerwill said:
What free food is filling? I have stopped and started this diet loads of times and am now back on my second week, I struggle filling myself. Today I have eaten half a water melon, banana, 8 cherry toms, 1 slice of bread, lettuce, spring onion and a serving of boursin and am still hungry

Nuts ...!!!! Protein .... Tin tuna .. Low carbs low fat and high protein .. Mix with a little mayo .. Protein fills you ..!!!! nuts ate great ... But obv not in huge quantities ... They keep your insulin levels level .. It's the insulin that turns everything to fat ... Your safe with protein and some fat ... But watch your portions .... Maybe 20 whole almonds ..,!!!! Give it a go .... Or the tuna x

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Thank you :) So how many points would 20 whole almonds be? I may change my lunches at work to include some form of meat as you suggested and I do love tuna ! xx
debbielerwill said:
Thank you :) So how many points would 20 whole almonds be? I may change my lunches at work to include some form of meat as you suggested and I do love tuna ! xx

About 4 points ..!!! But if you think of a choc bar at 5 points or a pkt of crisps at 4 points .... I don't think I need to point out the math lol
For lunch Tuna salad chicken salad ..!! Try not to have a lot of refined starchy carbs ... If you really "need" a lot of carbs then have a small amount in your salad ..!! But you can get the carbs you need from fruit and veg .!! I'm not an advocat for Atkins coz I don't believe in keytosis but limit your carbs .. 100-150g a day is all you need x it's protein that fills you x

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Off to work soon peeps ... Wish me luck with all the sweets and bloomin biscuits that sit on the nursing station ..... X
And good luck to you all fit the rest of the day :)

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Off to work soon peeps ... Wish me luck with all the sweets and bloomin biscuits that sit on the nursing station ..... X
And good luck to you all fit the rest of the day :)

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Oh good luck!! I know that burden!! :)
thank you, have a good day x
Night shift 1/7 overrrr, looked after 2 post op Icu patients last night, kept me very busy hehe ... Good morning ... Time too get up for me xxxxxxx
linski24 said:
Fab for you :) I'm an adrenaline junkie so I'll end up staying in ED or going back to critical care one day x
You'll be fine hun and if they have good preceptorship packages you'll get on great ... There's a lot to learn .. Not only nursing but being a technician with all the equiptment ..!!! I feel iv lost a lot of skills by moving but then iv gained a lot too ... Love getting into resus .. That's where my skills lie x
Anyway iv digressed long enough lol
How's the weight loss going ..?? I was 9.13 now blooming 10 stone again and iv been good ... Just finishing totm do hopefully it's that ... :-(

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I know I loved ed for the fast pace, I know I have so much to learn! I agree you look to young to have all this experience! the weight loss is very slow but I've had the last few weekends off really so I need to get my bum in gear! I am 9.8 but I did get down to 9.6 a few months ago :(
linski24 said:
About 4 points ..!!! But if you think of a choc bar at 5 points or a pkt of crisps at 4 points .... I don't think I need to point out the math lol
For lunch Tuna salad chicken salad ..!! Try not to have a lot of refined starchy carbs ... If you really "need" a lot of carbs then have a small amount in your salad ..!! But you can get the carbs you need from fruit and veg .!! I'm not an advocat for Atkins coz I don't believe in keytosis but limit your carbs .. 100-150g a day is all you need x it's protein that fills you x

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See that book sounds just what I need I'm close to goal and my boyfriend is all about the protein and the weight is falling off him!! He eats what he wants weekends but for me I can't get away with that! I love carbs but really need to cut down. Do you do your own thing then rather than counting?
Baby-belle said:
See that book sounds just what I need I'm close to goal and my boyfriend is all about the protein and the weight is falling off him!! He eats what he wants weekends but for me I can't get away with that! I love carbs but really need to cut down. Do you do your own thing then rather than counting?

Hiya ....
Back from work ... And resisted sweets ... That's coz I was in resus for most of the shift and you get forgotten about anyway lol
I am calorie counting still to make sure I'm not eating too much x I try not to go over 1400 a day.
Tonight when iv gotten home I had a tin tuna mixed with a little mayo on a bed if salad leaves .. Ate 25g almonds a banana and 2 apricots at work ...
Fur lunch had a weight watchers meal and a yoghurt and 1 whiteness toast with baked beans for fir brekkie :)

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Almonds are on my shopping list for today, I need something to bulk my lunch out, added some sliced beef today x
debbielerwill said:
Almonds are on my shopping list for today, I need something to bulk my lunch out, added some sliced beef today x

Fabulous :)
Well done x keep the good work up x

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Hi hun
How ru?
Just.finished shifts? Ur a better woman than me x
debbielerwill said:
Almonds are on my shopping list for today, I need something to bulk my lunch out, added some sliced beef today x

Hi Hun .... How are you doing .....????
The added protein helping at all ..??

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*Claire-Bear* said:
Night shift 1/7 overrrr, looked after 2 post op Icu patients last night, kept me very busy hehe ... Good morning ... Time too get up for me xxxxxxx

Hi Claire ... Have your nights tone yet ..??? I'm about finish my run of this weeks shifts x

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hi .. ive still got tonight n tomo .. then thats 7 of 7 done .......... hard coreeeee xx