Size 10 screaming to get out!!

heheheh...sorry for the food talk! But is only talk- clearly we WILL NOT consume these!!!! Hope you get home soon so operation sofa mould can begin xx
French bread spread with thick butter and cheese (any variety, not fussy as long as its cheese).

Hope your feeling bettter Jubbly and resist the temptation to use being ill as an excuse to eat!
Well, I reluctantly weighed in after hugely debating with myself whether to leave it another week. I was strict with myself getting on the scales (well done me), didn't want to look, and thankfully, hurrah, I have stayed the same this week. So diet progress sadly back a week but to be honest, I'm lucky I have not put weight on after the extreme binge this weekend. Pleasantly surprised. And I think it was worth it for lovely time. Now that means that with the one bad meal out this Saturday, so long as I'm good the rest of the time and get straight back on it, I can get a loss next week (so, so hope I can). I'm philosophical. I did get down to 9 stone 10lbs last week on a sneaky peek so I guess I have sort of put a lb on in reality but I'm only going to change my ticker on Thursdays. Better have reached that next mini-goal next week.

Feeling a bit better today although up again early not being able to breathe. Definitely not as spaced out though.

Look at all that lovely food porn above :D:D:D xx
teapig said:
French bread spread with thick butter and cheese (any variety, not fussy as long as its cheese).

Hope your feeling bettter Jubbly and resist the temptation to use being ill as an excuse to eat!

Yay @ STS :D great news!!!

Thanks Carly. I know it's not a loss but I think all things considered it's pretty positive and I'm going to get more motivated this week coming :).

How you doing on 100% TS?? xx
Well done on a STS- see food porn TALK is good for you....xx
Thanks Carly. I know it's not a loss but I think all things considered it's pretty positive and I'm going to get more motivated this week coming :).

How you doing on 100% TS?? xx

Indeed considering what I have read food porn wise I think that's great ;)
Ahhh, I just said to Curtis that I still needed to lose half a stone and he said "where from?". That's very nice. He's clearly blind but it's nice all the same!!! :D xx
Comments like that are lovely aren't they and have come straight from the heart xx
Is Curtis your OH? :) My OH is rather like that, but I wish he'd be slightly more enthusiastic about my losing weight.

"Guess what! I lost two pounds!" -Me
"Wow." -OH

He's not the type to get excited much. :rolleyes:

Congrats on your slack of gain! ;) I know how relieving that is!
Is Curtis your OH? :) My OH is rather like that, but I wish he'd be slightly more enthusiastic about my losing weight.

"Guess what! I lost two pounds!" -Me
"Wow." -OH

He's not the type to get excited much. :rolleyes:

Congrats on your slack of gain! ;) I know how relieving that is!

Haha - no, no, no Curtis is NOT my OH at all - he is the new social worker at work that people have been very undecided about since he started but I think I'm warming to him more now ;). My affections are so easily bought! He has been really quiet and not seeming to want to fit in much but I think I've made him smile a bit today as I was telling him that I think I am allergic to my pants (ran out of washing powder so down to horrible synthetic, lacy emergency pants)...!!

Lovely Boo (my OH) has defo been great and supportive although constant enthusiasm for my new sexy bod would always be appreciated. Mind you the last 3 days I've been sitting around watching TV with a runny nose, a red, dry top lip, a big sloppy jumper and mounds of snotty tissues surrounding me! It's a good look!!

I was sooooo relieved this morning when I looked at the scales. I reckon I can get down another lb at least next week as well.

New chiropracter exercises now - must stuff rolled up towel under my neck and hold head back for 5 minutes a day. Hoping all this intervention makes me look taller and slimmer :) xx
Good things about being slimmer - skinner hands and arms (loving these, always very satisfying), the little dip near the bone near my wrist, skinnier ankles, seeing my collarbones, cheekbones visible.

Things to work on - my stomach still makes me feel sick, it's so blobby and massive :(

Hmm, never happy ;) xx