
Hi everyone,
Aren't we lucky to be snug and warm?
The cats are so cute on these days aren't they.
I wish I had a basket to curl up in.
If you've ever met a Maine Coon, you should meet one coming down the garden at full pelt all fluffed up without the ability to stop!!! I thought it was a yeti!!! 22 lbs of feline grumpy because he needed to pee in the cold!
HEy FT.....I adore Maine Coons. We were going to get one, but as all of our cats are indoor cats (except the stray we took in from outside - not fair to keep him from what he was used too)...

...Anyway, we decided, all things being relative, the fact that we have litter trays, we thought best to wait till we are in California where they can be outside before we take in a big kitty. :D

But they are so lovely. :)
I got a snow day after all.................

The way it was last night when I went to bed I thought it was all going to be gone by this morning. How wrong a total white-out.

My sons school was open but I told them he wasn't coming in as it was still snowing so heavily. Then we get a text to say it is closing and will probably be closed tomorrow. I am so glad we stayed home in the warm!

I guess that means another snow day for me tomorrow! Maybe it will stop snowing long enough to go to the park.
I love Maine Coons, they have the fur for the weather at least!! Please, please send pics FT!!!! Pets in the snow are fabulous.. My mom has to keep on digging a little path from the catflap for her cats to get out and they too race back in like the hounds of hell are after them :)

Lily is as ever curled up loving the heater, bless her she is such a nerd!!! Good news is Mr Chai has had his second lot of vacs and all is fine, so next friday is Chai day!!!!!! We had snow all day today and lots this afternoon, cars are all stuck up the road now. Think I will be working from home the rest of the week.

One of my friends has a moggy who got a little chubby around the middle. They live in an apartment and have a cat flap in the sitting room window.
Pussy went out for a pee, got the cat flap stuck around her tummy, carried on in a panic, took the cat flap and net curtain with her.
Spent some time racing round the car park like a manic bride learning to swim!!!:D :kitty:
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lol - i can just picture it!!! That would be one for Utube!!
Roflmao!!Brilliant I can just picture it. Just come back from a nice walk, it really is freezing out. Traffic is crawling here, and we actually helped push a few cars that were sliding up the hill!. Good deed for the day done :)

There you go Jez <<<<<<<<<<< Just for you.

Leopold Majesticoon. Izzy to us mere mortals, as in, where the heck Izzy??
Absolutely Gorgeous, I always think Maine Coons, look incredibly majestic and lion like and how is it that all cats have the ability to look down their noses with such a lovely sneeeeeeer :) How old is he (izzy hehehehe)? More pics more pics, I think we should set up a gallery of all of our Cat and Dog Pics .....


What a beauty x
I've shut the door so he doesn't read your comments. He's far too aloof as it is!

He's 8 now, it's a couple of years old that photo but avatar friendly. He's also a lot broader now! Think galleon in full sail rather than sleek sailing yacht. The vet has to weigh him on the dog scales.

We have two Somali's too, they don't seem to mind the cold as much and the two of them together are still less than Izzy is!
Oooh, Somalis, I love them too!! havent seen any in the flesh for a while now, they are not that common here in the UK, more pics, more pics, tell me about the sexy somalis.....

Somalis are BAD!!! They steal ships and cargo and....oh...wait aminute? There are cats called Somalis??? <<<<off to Google>>>>

Lets post some pics! Here is my lovely VIncent, who we lost a few months ago :( I made have already posted this at the time, but its my fave pic of my beautiful girl. :) Gone, but never, ever forgotten.

This is Bud....the little stray that adopted us. I can almost hear him saying, in his best teenage annoyed voice, "Yah? Whaaaat? Uh huh. " :D

I'll give it a try

As you know I'm not very good at this IT wizardry.


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OOOH I did it !

I've got one of Mayfair in the snow.....

I'll stop now. x


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Idid it by clicking on the paperclip on the little tool bar above.
That gives the thumbnail.
BL does it much better to get as big pic by opening up a picture and copying and pasting.
I tried it, but can't do that. Too advanced for me.
I took mine from my online photo albums, like Webshots and Photobucket, etc. I just copie the code, and then attach it to my post. I use the little icon that looks like two little mountain tops and a sun - paste code there - and voila!

Or I upload them to MM photo album, open the photo, right click-copy; go back to post right click-paste.

Hope that helps!

SB - LOVE the pic curles up in the basket!!! Beautiful! :D