TS AAM Support!!!!!!!!


Full Member
Hi everyone im starting exante on Monday and have only told a couple of people . My husband has paid for it but is not supportive in any way ( thinks it's the easy option lol had to laugh at that ) and my friend thinks it's unhealthy . So I guess I'm on my own doing this . So want to prove them all wrong , I'm hoping the lack of support will give me more incentive to do well rather than give up xx how does everyone else fair -
I use the boards to help support me. Id probably get lectures off a few friends, so would rather keep quiet than argue about it. A bit cowardly I know, but figure it will be easier.

Good luck :)
I wouldn't tell anyone. Most people are jealous and critical hence more jealousy. I speak from a few nasty experiences.
I've told all my friends on Facebook and they've been wonderfully supportive, I also have a lot of support at home, so I am very lucky.

I think though, that if I wasn't getting any support, it would make me even more stubborn and probably give me added incentive to prove myself :)

Good luck, and this forum is probably all the support you will need. Posting here daily is a fantastic form of stress relief and reading everyone's diary helps keep you right on track.
You will get LOADS of support on this forum. I have only told a handful of people. Im lucky that my husband is really sportive but as time has gone past I find the forum is my main source of support. Everyone on here can relate to how you feel.

Set up a ticker, write down your targets and get stuck in. Show everyone that you can do it!
I haven't told anyone except my husband, as I am doing this diet for myself and not anyone else! My husband is supportive and I find that using this forum and reading how other people are doing really helps. I won't lie, it isn't easy but you need to keep reminding yourself how much better you will look and feel when the extra weight is gone!
I'm the same. The only person who properly knows that I'm doing it is my hubby. His parents kind of know.. They have weight issues so understand (to a point). A couple of my mummy friends know I'm on some kind of diet as I've been refusing cake! My parents are up for the day on Thursday and I'm intending to tell that I'm just on a diet and will have salmon and salad for lunch and some new potatoes for them (I'm not a fan so no temptation there) and will just give them fruit for pudding. They're quite health conscious so they should be suitably impressed. I just hope that they notice my 2st weight loss!!

The only one's that know I am doing this is my parents and Mr Lauriel...I wouldn't dream of telling Mr Lauriel's parents - although FMIL is quizzing me every time she sees me. I just tell her I've cut out all the crap, eating loads of veg and fruit...Each time she sees me though the quizzing is getting more and more extensive. To be honest I wish she'd yap up about it.
My folks are very supportive as is Mr Lauriel. My Mum told me that she was speaking to Mr Lauriel and he told her that he is so proud of me for sticking and losing so much in the past 6weeks.
The way I see it, it isn't anyone else's business what diet I am on, if I want to tell someone then I will - we should all be the same and not under pressure to reveal to the whole world and his brother what diets we're following :)

Im the same have only told a handful of people, My partner who is totally supportive my mum as shes done these diets before and swears by them and a couple of close friends. I agree with what everyone has said i cant be doing with the lectures and the snide comments its my business and my business alone and i will choose to tell people who i want and anyone else can get the half a story of im cutting out the rubbish
Good luck on your journey it will be so worth it in the end