Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Oh Susie - you're talking my language now lovey! Off to check out the recipes thread. :D

Have a great week at work (do you get to finish early Friday to get to Brum or what?) as I know you have trouble getting here during the week now - pesky job!!! ;)
ooh food porn again!

the flax base cheescake will need to be tried in this house too!!

i made a cheeseburger pie last night with aubergine base and a layer of fresh spinach before the topping, was yummy yum!
Morning Susie, good weekend then :)
Sounds like you're all prepped for a good week! Far more prepped than I am - Atkins as someone who can barely cook is interesting, managed to mess up an omelette the other day. All your goodies sound great.
Hi all - the morning crises are over, so time to chow down on some chicken salad and say a quick hi :)

Clare - I get Friday afternoon off (for working extra hours last week) so will be bussing across to Euston for my Brum departure. I'm getting my hair cut Wed night so will get someone at work to take a pic Thursday so you all know what I look like.

Hope the weather's like this! BBC says sunny intervals for Friday...
Hi Susie, glad the week is off to a good start. I'm impressed by your meal planning - just realised we forgot to get a tesco order in today and i need a packed lunch tomorrow. I can see it will be "bits" - maybe with a mim thrown in!
Oooh, all excited about seeing a photo of you now Susie! I have a mental picture of you of course - wonder how close it'll be to the real thing??? :)

I'm not posting a pic, hope nobody minds but I just don't do photos on open internet places. I'm weird. :eek:
Hi Susie.Hope you have a good day:) The cheats cheese cake sounds lush...hopefully will keep me on the straight and narrow!
Morning Susie :)
Afternoon lovelies

Quick sneaky "post read time" while snaffling lunch at my desk (left my lunch at home so have a bought chicken salad that has no chicken in it, go figure).

Hadn't thought about whole pic privacy thing Clare and I agree with you - may have to pm my pic to you separately :) or you can just wait :)

Glad the cheat's cheesecake is sounding good - I have to make it in smaller quantities because I ate 10 carbs worth in 2 goes!
Hi Susie, hope your week is going well, the job does sound like it keeps you on your toes :) good luck with the haircut - looking forward to seeing the pic if you send it, or your good self on Friday if not ;)
Morning Susie :)
Morning Susie
Happy hair day :)
ooh haircut day. im getting mine done tomorrow :D