Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Can't you have the rings altered Bren?
Hi Susie
Hope you are having a good day and hope you are fully recovered

Hiya Bren- ooh shopping for jewelry - sounds fab:)
Evening all

One unhappy bunny here - supposed to go to Italy tomorrow but guess who can't find her passport? Searched everywhere...and I mean everywhere. Think it must have either fallen out of my bag or I've chucked it out somehow....

Wahhhhhhhhhh :(
Omg - there must be a way!
Hope you found it Susie!!!!
Hi all, thanks for your kind thoughts.

Sadly I am still in London - my passport has vanished, it's either dropped out of my bag somewhere or it's got caught up in paperwork and I've chucked it out!

A trip to the High Commission on Monday should sort it - damn shame though - but have to be philosophical about it - and much more careful with my next passport!
Huge (((hugs))) susie my love. Hope you find yourself an alternative
Aww I'm so sorry. Will you be able to get a flight out on Monday if you can get your passport sorted then, so you can still have some of your holiday? I really hope so. I feel so bad for you :cry:
Thx Cokes - it's going to take a few weeks to sort out a new passport, sadly, but thx for the thought.

Let rip yesterday and had a major carb fest :( Pizza, crisps and a doughnut! Boy do I eat badly for comfort!

Oh well, back to clean and green tomorrow :)
I think I was comfort eating with you yesterday, plus 2 bottles of cava to boot! Hope you do manage to get away before long, are you going into work tomorrow then? xxx
:wave_cry:Hi babes, it's easily done eh? Hope you enjoyed the cava! I ate so much pizza I nearly burst....:eek:

Got another Italian break in September, let's hope I get the new one processed before then :) Taking tomorrow off, got to go and report it missing to the police, then get to the High Commission and apply for a new one, which will take most of the day, no doubt. My boss said I can take the week off if I want (well, I wasn't going to be there anyway lol) so might take Tuesday off too and get some parcels to the post office.

The weird thing is that I feel stateless and vulnerable without one!

I have a new friend, Shirley (next door neighbour's cat), who is little and black all over and has her paw on my leg. Very cute - despite the fleas :eek: She seemed to know something was wrong yesterday during one of my teary moments, very comforting. Just wish she was a lapcat, she doesn't like being picked up but loves her ears and head being patted.

How's your day?
Awwwwwwwww on the puddy, we nearly came home with 2 ginger kitties from town yesterday but common sense prevailed :) animals are great, they do pick up on our emotions so well.

I suppose it must feel different for you not having a passport because you are not actually native to England? Hope you get one sorted quickly and get to enjoy your September break.

Yes I loved the cava, Sainsbo's medium - highly recommended by me :D

Am having a quietish day today, Loretta has just gone to see her Mum for a couple of hours - I can't go as am still full of a cold and she would not thank me for it. We cleaned the fish tank out earlier but not planning on much else. Am struggling a bit as hungry because of the last couple of days but will be fine, need to get more water down me.

Sending lots of hugs to you cos I know you are probably in need xxxx
Oooh thx for the hugs, I was feeling a bit blah xxx

Maybe this is a sign to apply for UK citizenship and have two passports? :)

Take it easy today, hun, you need to get over this cold!
Yes, sounds like a plan :)

Progress with Shirley, she hopped on my lap for a bit, then promptly turned round for a full bottom view....nice (not) :) I couldn't see her anywhere, thought she'd gone outside and went for a snooze. Wake up and guess who strolls out from under the bed!
LOL oh god no surely lightening doesn't strike twice :)

She shows absolutely no inclination to go home! It would probably help if I didn't feed her but the owners have been out all day.


Bit dark - sorry :)