Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

LOL Scrumbles - OUCH! :D

Well it has been all protein today, with lashings of mayo. Salad just doesn't cut it when you've got a throbbing head...:)

Also, gallons of water...
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Proof that I am losing my marbles - checked the date for the Eddie Izzard concert this Thursday - 8 June - to discover that it is actually on 8 June...2013!

Duh! :eek:
That's the kind of mistake I'd make Sooz... Lol

Hope you have a good rest this evening xxx hugs :)
I've been comfort eating all day - chicken, then lamb, then sossies - all with mayo.

Am now on my second bowl of s/f jelly and alpro cream :eek:

Will be in bed soon I think - not very excited about the thought of work tomorrow - but at least it's only three days, and then it's the start of my three day weekends :)
At least you won't be late for the Eddie Izzard thing will you? Will you ;) xxxx

3 days for me too.................then up up and away for 2 whole weeks :) xx
Are you going to be ok money-wise Susie?? It will be a dent in your income...

I do that comfort eating too ... I can relate to that! Hope you have a good rest Susie! Hugs :) xxx
Should be OK in the short term Di, and might have some other work via the composer who did the Diamond Greenwich piece, she's composing for the Paralympics and wants me to PR it for her.

Got no idea of how much I should charge her, though!
Will it be for the project? Or per hour/day?

I can give you details of an agency friend who would know if you need it? Xx
Oh thanks hun, that would be great - am still waiting for the details from her, suspect it will be an hour here and there...
Ok... Keep me posted Susie xxx
Morning all

At work - and that's about it. Had a toss turn night because of the mugginess and my get up and go is still in bed!

B - 2 fried eggs and 4 Toulouse sossies (will save one for snacking), soya latte
L - 3 chicken thighs, lettuce, tomato, cucumber - was supposed to have mandarin oil over it but it's leaked throughout my lunch bag...
D - lamb and creamy spinach

Cheeky WI this morning and the weekend's alcohol and mayo/SF jelly/Atkins bars binge have taken their toll, still showing a loss but not much. Oh well, OAD (onwards and downwards).
Just got a call from the estate agent - the vendors have nearly finished all the legal stuff around my lovely flat, and it could be done in 2-4 weeks - so (as long as I can still get a mortgage!), it's back on!!!

Won't start celebrating until I get the mortgage OK (should be later today hopefully) - but will head down there on Saturday to do some measuring up :)
Alcohol and mayo sounds an icky combination ;)

I bet it's mainly the alcohol and the fake alcohol in Atkins bars. Can you get both out of the house for a couple of weeks to give yourself a really good start? I would end up binging too if I kept stuff like that around but it's such nasty stuff really.

Lots of water though and you'll be on track in no time.
LOL I just need to be more discplined!

Less gin, more water....:D

Just met a friend for lunch. He had a panini, I had coffee :) Not that hungry today...
I agree with moonlights about getting the bad stuff out of the house if you can. I'm pretty disciplined as a rule, but I know that if there's bad stuff lying around it makes it a lot harder to stay on the straight and narrow.

How does two weeks "cold turkey" (no booze, no sf foods) sound? Okay - terrible :p, but it would really kick start things for you, kill cravings, etc

Your food today sounds great by the way. What make of Toulouse sausages is that, and how many carbs?
Hiya Susie!!! Brilliant news on the flat!!! Have everything crossed for you!!! Clean and green and plenty of water should sort you out!! Well done chickadee! Xxx :)
Just read your holiday diary post ladyfelsham. Wow!!!! You honestly made me realise that I have dreams that I'm constantly putting on hold. I want to move to Scotland, just have to put our current house on the market. What is stopping me? You have lit the fire under my butt. Thank you.
Cold turkey, Scrumbles? Not really feasible with a couple of social things coming up...(excuses, excuses)...I'm just an old soak, really :D Will try and avoid the s/f stuff though.

The sossies are Tescos Toulouse ones, less than 1 carb for the pack :) I like them, meaty and nicely flavoured. For dinner, I'll have the chicken and salad I didn't have for lunch. Do feel less bloated - bye bye windy carbs! And did anyone see this in the Mail today, about drinking water? Bless the Mail, they really do love touting "experts" - Are you drinking too much water? Millions chugging 'excessive' two litres a day are wasting their efforts | Mail Online

And thx Didi, I swear it will be a miracle if this flat (or any other) actually happens! (this is me not getting my hopes up in case something goes wrong again).

And so pleased to read your post Locket hun - it's so easy to get stuck in a rut, so all the very best for selling yours and finding somewhere you can call home :) Anytime you want your butt lit, I'm your woman :D - and please call me Susie, otherwise I actually believe I AM a lady :D
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