Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Will have to take turns to talk lol - what is that thing where the only person who can talk has the "stick"? maybe we should do it with a vodka bottle lol
Hah - I actually tried hypnosis some years ago. It was a very expensive way of having a nap for an hour a week.

I think most of us who got into the obesity category probably have big issues with binge eating and emotional eating. I stuck to cambridge for 6 months and other diets for 3 months or so without a cheat, but I've never found it 'retrained' me not to want to binge or eat to soothe my emotions. Even now when I think omg i'd kill for [insert bad evil carby food here] I think about wanting huge amounts, not just one small portion. I have to have all 'treat' type atkins foods rationed for me, otherwise I'd eat the lot.

It's strange, isn't it. My mum can have one small slice of something and not want the rest, or can buy a box of ice creams, have one, and forget about them for a week. When it's me, the whole cake is gone and the ice creams go two a day or more. Packets of biscuits and multipacks of crisps last maybe two days.

Mum says she remembers being horrified at a birthday party when I was little by the way I loaded up my plate with a bit of everything. Why didn't I just take a little bit knowing I could go back if I wanted more? I've never been starved, though I have been on diets since puberty and nothing but 'low fat' foods in the house before that. But there's never been an experience where I've lacked food, so why the binge impulse.

I wish I could figure it out.

Just to say that you're very much not alone. I hope you manage to get back on the wagon, or even the exante wagon if you think you'll be able to cope with that. Sometimes cutting out food entirely is a big help, but my own failing with VLCD and the failing for a lot of others is not figuring out or sticking to a way to maintain. Do a lot of thinking and I'm sure you'll find the right choice for you. Keep on keeping on.

I hope today is a better day. Take care xx
Rosebug.. have you been stalking me my whole adult life?... ha.. Reading your post.. mirrored my attitude towards food too. I'm an ALL OR NOTHING person too..When I have a 'binge' I really do.. my one bite turns to .. well. f*** it.. I"m going for the big bag of cheesy puffs.. a milk chocolate bar, and a few other of my favourite things.. including Mashed pots with butter.. until I feel SICK and vow to remember that feeling when I'm craving carbs again..

As for parties. ONe of my sisters and I are exactly the same.. HATE it when I'm at a house party and the hosts order in pizza.. if they order four or five different pizzas.. I HAVE TO HAVE A PIECE OF EACH.. I am so relieved when just cheese arrives..

I would seriously love to do a study on this.. as you rightly said.. we are obese (or were) for this reason... our love/hate relationship with food.. it seems to be a trend.. It's not just hunger. ( I know this as I have the Lapband.. which helped me lose 40 pounds FAST.. but then it's tastes.. I have to taste everything.. even though now it's smaller amounts)...

Keep on keeping on is my motto too.. if I fall off. I bounce back on again.. UNTIL I GET TO WHERE I WANT TO BE!!!!!!!!...

I'm So glad you are all here and I FEEL normal that there are so many people like me around.. rather than the people I live with who eat practically NOTHING and are size 0's... (and 5ft 9 !)...
cheers dears!!!!..

going to bed now!.. checking in tomorrow!..
Morning Susie

Oh yes, I can binge with the best of them as well, luckily Atkins suits me and I manage to avoid binges mainly
Im exactly the same. Ive recently come to the conclusion that I cant have the stuff there or I will eat it. Funnily enough though I dont mind having it for the kids, its only if I know its mine I have a problem. DD gets fed up hiding things from me, lol.
Afternoon lovelies

Thanks for all your grand posts! it's always really interesting to get other points of view :)

Won't get a chance to chat tonight as it is a mad day here today - full council meeting to discuss budget cuts, with lots of protests and media turning up - so it is an 8am to midnight shift for me!

Hope you all have a good day :)
That is a long day Susie, I bet you'll sleep well after that stint
Yep, I can binge too. Royally! This is why weight flies back on so fast when I am off-plan. Even when I nibble off-plan, it is not so called 'normal' nibbling. Sometimes - rarely, these days - I eat until I feel I might burst, and this as others will know is a very unpleasant sensation.

This is not a rational way to behave around food! But I am an addict and will have to deal with my addiction every day, forever.
Morning Susie
hey darling. only a week to go!!!!
Afternoon sweetie pies :)

Wasn't as late as we thought, luckily, had a lot of protesters but the budget got through about 9.30pm, home about 10.45pm, bed 11pm LOL. Back at 8.30am this morning and we are all walking around very braindead today :)

Thx Miss Starry Eyed :) ONE WEEK TO GO!!!!
Hello:) My make my day sound positively lazy!!!lol!!