Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

LOL some good suggestions, thanks hun.

I used to have a cat called Jezebel - what about that? I might need to drive her a bit before I decide.

Just had my mushrooms - delish! 650g mushrooms, some onion, garlic, 2 tsp paprika, a slosh of mushroom ketchup and veg stock -slow cooked for about three hours, then stirred some l/f fromage frais in and sprinkled dried basil on top - served up on toast, but would be just as yummy on a bed of wilted spinach :)
Wow, must try something like that with mushrooms. Bet it would be lovely on cauli rice or mash too.

Love the car - looks like a Beyonce to me. All the ladies who independent~
Morning Girls, nice little cabriolet there Susie.
Thanks all - happily the car made it through the night unscathed in crime-ridden Lewisham :)

Feel a bit poo today, got a really sore throat again (thought I'd slept it away yesterday) - and I don't know if it was that, or the mushrooms, but man did I have mad and crazy dreams!

But on the plus side, have had two people at work this morning say they can tell I've lost weight :)
Isn't it lovely when people say that - NSV!! Where did you get those mushrooms?? I need some lol.
Ive had a pants day. Mad busy (not been on here at all) then ended with 2 deaths in service. Having a little drinky now before I start all over again with my other job as (non)wife and mother.
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Morning all

Lisa hun - sorry you had such a sad ending to the work day, hope the voddie helped, and your family of boys behaved themselves!

I'm wfh today, this cold has really latched on - but so far it has been all sleep and no work. Woke to find a "parcel couldn't be delivered" slip, didn't even hear the doorbell!

Everything is ticking over slowly for the flat, but I'm really getting excited about moving, can't wait :)
Morning all

Back at work but not feeling it at all - would love to head home to bed again - but too much on, hey ho :(

Have a good day, all.
Morning Girls,

That's sad Lisa.

So when is the move Susie?
Morning all

At work before eight this morning :eek: - but we've got a big international festival on for the next three days, so it's all hands to the pump! :)

Speak later - if there's anyone here, it's so quiet in here lately :cry:
We need a boost of nice weather to get us all going again. Who wants to eat salad ewhen it's cold and damp lol. How's the car Susie? Have you had much chance to use it yet? I have a serious case of can't be bothered today. It's so busy and I'm overwhelmed. I know I'll be OK if I can just find the enthusiasm to get properly started rather than just making lame stabs at it lol.
LOL I feel the same - all the hard work over the last few weeks has paid off and there's not as much work for me to do as I thought right now - so am typing away, sounding productive, but am actually online here and other sites :D

The car is good although I haven't taken her out since Sunday - but I keep popping out to make sure she's still there! :) She's going out for a good spin on the 22nd, we're doing a road trip down to Glyndebourne to do some filming, and all being well I should be able to go to the flat on the way back.
Morning all

3lbs down this week so I'm back to posted - will break into the 200s next week! :)

Madly busy day, working until 10pm, then back to work first thing tomorrow. Will catch up later xxx
Yes Susie, we had a nice weekend with the odd shower.