Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Well the dramas continue - I finally got through to a sympathetic person in Hyde, the housing association. It turns out that the notice of transfer is still sitting in their solicitor's office and until that gets sent through and the records updated, they can't assess my situation - and wouldn't anyway until I fill out an alterations form....all of which is going to take ages. So even though I have the keys and it's my flat, I can't do anything to it.

So I've extended my notice to the landlord and have until the end of November - I hate wasting the money paying both rent and mortgage but could see it all getting way too stressful, especially with my holiday happening on the 14th.
Afternoon girls

Well it's official - I am STUPID!

I just got my solicitor to check the Hyde website and she says it states quite clearly that I don't need their consent to do most of the work - just need to inform them in writing that I am decorating and replacing bathrooms and kitchens! You'd think they would know their own rules well enough eh, and not put me through all this massive bl**dy panic! :mad: I got caught up in it all and was convinced I needed approval - when I don't!

I do need their Ok to bash the kitchen wall down and put in French doors - but that can be progressing as the other work happens - and they can take as long as they blooming well like - but at least the essentials can get done.

What a relief!!!!!
Hi suse x, what bloomin idiots at HA to make you go round the houses! Still at least it's all sorted now so Relax x.
Blimey, nothing straightforward in life, is there? Hope everything goes swimmingly from here onwards Susie.

How's the eating going in the middle of all this? And PMSL at Orby 'talking to the hand'! :D
What a palaver Susie! But at least the latest news lets you get on with it which is fab:D
There's nothing worse than having a plan for your dream and having to grind along trying to get permissions and waiting on people who dont care a hoot that they are holding you up. But LOL, in this case, sorry. Haaa. Glad you can now forge ahead, "Let the dust begin" :D
Afternoon all

Thanks for your kind posts, as always! :) Mick the carpenter/electrician has just picked up the keys, so the work commences woohoo! :) And he's given me an amazing mates rate of £120 a day! Double woohoo!

Sorry to disappoint on the food front but it has been a carby week, and pizza last night. Sorry guys, just can't get my head round it right now, but will be back on the wagon soon.

Question - does anyone have Wii Fit and do you use it?
Hi Susie, great news they can start right away and great rates too. Carbs are sometimes necessary you have a lot on now. I have a wii fit and balance board thingy. Haven't used it in ages but they're fun. Just plugs into your tv, although son did my set up there's probably something on youtube about it. You can also watch lovefilm, netflix and BBc iplayer on it! Great device. :)
Great news Hun, you'll be there on time hopefully xx.

Understandably you've got too much to worry about/sort out to be thinking of woe. Just get back when life is more settled x.

We have a wii but it's not used at all. I packed it away.
Hi Susie good news on the flat, how exciting!
We have a wii but I'm afraid it only seems to come out at Christmas or if we have visitors who have little ones! It was a novelty at first but just seems to collect dust, like the running machine in our back room!! A very expensive clothes horse!!
i got moans when i stand on it LMAO.....thankfully it don't say "oi lardy get off"
it's fun,i like the hula hoop game,i'm pants at it,but it's a good work off.
I play wii sports with the children fairly often Susie, don't know that I'd use it at all on my own though. Have you had a go on someone elses?
Thats an idea Claire I'll ask around.

Sorry I haven't caught up on diaries, can only type one handed at the moment. I sprained my wrist last year and its come back again, guess I'd been relying on it too much because of the elbow trouble. Even makes going to the loo an ordeal...but about to knock myself out with nurofen and hope its better by tomorrow. Feeling a bit sorry for myself, but don't worry it'll be fine.

Aw poor honey. Hope all your hurty bits are better after a good sleep. :bighug:
Sorry to hear your elbow & wrist so bad. Hoping that with unroofed you are having a lazy snuggle orby sunny Sunday xxxx
Morning all

In a lot of pain over the weekend and the doc confirmed a nasty sprain connected to the pinched nerve and prescribed rest, so I'm at work but typing with one hand :) Getting old is a bugga!

Hope you're all well. Will catch up on your news if work is quiet xx