Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Morning all

Raced into work this morning at 8am to send out a release - was supposed to do it last night from home but couldn't get on the web mail portal - stupid thing...oh well, it's done now.

Wobbled on food yesterday a bit but not too bad and it was nice to have the cals to do it. Back on track today!

B - cereal, yog, tea
L - broccoli and spinach soup, with rice cakes - it was a bake experiment I tried with quark that went badly wrong, so blended it up and hey presto soup for lunch :)
D - leftover chilli pesto pasta and courgette tomato lasagne

Have a lovely day, all xxx
Ooh another chilli pesto fan ! X
Mmmm yes it would be yummy over veg too, might try that this week.

My broccoli accident soup is yummy too, I added a pea and mint cup of soup because it was too thick - and the result is very nice :)
Hi, just read the last few weeks of your diary, wow but you have had some hard knocks, I hope all that is behind you now. I was reading an article about cc and using your TDEE as a method of calculating how many calories to use. You input your goal/minigoal weight and calculate the tdee for that weight, you then use this as the max calories you should use. It might be useful for the days when you know you are going to be over the daily limit you have set yourself.
Sent from my HTC One mini using mobile app
Thanks Sammy - wow my TDEE is 2469 a day! And they calculate my BDE is a lot higher, about 2000 a day.

Oh well, good to know for those days I go over, as you say :)

Just booked and paid for my fare back to NZ in August, I've got a whole month off and I can't wait to see everyone one. it will be pretty solemn as well, with two memorial services, but I'm sure there will be lots of laughs and vino in there too :)
Great your all booked up Susie. it will be difficult but great to see your friends and family, how long has it been? Organic surge having a big sale. X
Last time I was home was 9 years ago hun, to nurse my mum through terminal cancer - so, not great memories - but it will be great to see my family, what's left of it.

Noticed the Surge sale, I got an email this morning, but as my Liz Earle delivery came today I don't think I can justify any more purchases for a while! :D
Morning all

Stuffed myself with chilli pesto pasta last night but surprisingly the scales still show another 2lbs off. Official WI isn't until Friday but I do like CC for this, the scales don't jump around as much as on low carb.

Grabbed loads of leftovers for food today, so B/L is yogurt, fruit, some leftover broccoli soup, courgette lasagne and cuppa soups. Might make courgetti for dinner.

Lovely day here - shame to be inside! :)
Thanks hun - shouldn't count my chickens I guess :)

Just made up my green smoothies for the rest of the week, and yummy summer salad soup for tomorrow, feeling very virtuous :D
Ooh well done on the loss susie :)

are you finding you have more energy on cc over lc? Your menus sound nice and certainly like to shake that leafy stick... I took your advice and does basil count? Hehehe ;)
LOL Lauren I don't see why not - basil has all sorts of health benefits :D

I have noticed that I'm sleeping better on the whole. Also decided to eat by 6pm each night and that is helping too, the scales seem to be moving in the right direction again this morning. I also like buying veg and using it - instead of buying it and chucking out runny brown lumps out of the fridge each week!

Much the same menu today - leaving out the bran for breakfast to see if it makes a difference, by 4pm I'm like a wind turbine and I'm pretty sure bran is the culprit :)

Don't know if you heard on the news but SE London has incredibly bad air pollution today - the air absolutely stinks, and it's grey and hazy out there - horrible for asthma sufferers.
Yes I'd seen it on the news but I just assumed like with all news it was a load of tosh! You can be my London correspondent ok? ;)

dear are me you wind turbine did the same to me and I never get wind...terrible and very unsociable.

i totally hear you on the runny brown lumps, mine (were) carrots :) all binned because both of us are eating low carb so I let them rot without realising and quickly ditched them before he could see...He watches what I bin so I have to sneak it underneath all sorts of horrible garbage whilst restocking the fridge with more joke but you know what I mean ;)
LOL for me it's celery - that can get very ugly if left too long :D Now I just bung all the stuff that needs using up in the soup maker or slow cooker!
I'm envious of people who like celery...I just can not get away with the stuff so it would definitely go gloopy in my fridge ;)
I cant eat celery unless its cooked into a meat or veg dish. I know its good for me, but yeeeuk!!! As for cucumber, mostly I hate it, it seems to taste metallic, yet sometimes it goes with other things perfectly. I am lucky that I have a husband that eats all salad ingredients, so its always there if I need it and rarely goes squishy.

BUT on the subject of squish. I do reduce things to squish sometimes and I think a squishy carrot has to be the worst, though if anyone mentions squishy potatoes, I will have to agree they are also VILE.
LOL on the squishy veg debate, I learn so much here :D

Been 100% on food today but have a wine in front of me after a horrible day at work, really horrible. Long story but they are bringing in a PR agency and I'm not too sure what's going to happen in the future. But thankfully the job situation out in the real world seems to be improving, so I'll be the mistress of my own destiny thanks very much and will start putting feelers out there. Got asked to apply for a Head of Media role and it's a nice sounding job but it's an hour's commute each way and I've been spoiled with a 10 min each way commute lol.
Ooo good luck with the job role :) I have to agree that squishy potatoes are the worst haha