Team 13 - Shape Shifters Official Thread

Morning All - I hope you all had a good weekend.

Julie/ Sarah - well done on your weight loss..

Amanda - how are you - did you get to see your new nephew. My friend came over with her 4 month old ---- He was soo cute - made me feel broody for about 30 secs... then my 3 terrors stormed in and that thought went straight out of my mind LOL.

I went shopping over the weekend to get some cheap tops and a few trousers as everything is now falling off me and I can get in to a size 12!"! which is amazing as the last time I was a size 12 I was 18.

But the really weird thing is that my shoes are also really loose. Now I can understand if you have wide feet and they get thinner - but whats with them getting shorter... I am no longer a size 5...but a size 4??

I hope that you are all well ... Have a good day
Good afternoon :)
I don't mind at all, Julie. Glad you liked the design :)
Had a lovely little cuddle with my nephew. Doesn't make me broody. I have my wonderful son that I never thought I'd have(due to endometriosis)so I'm grateful for what I've got(including a good night's sleep lol).
Feeling a bit off colour though. Sinusses are stuffed, got a headache, throat is sore and I've started to cough a bit. Dh is picking me up some cold capsules on his way home from work :) No time to be ill. It's half term next week-I'll be ill then lol
Hope you're all having a good day :)
Hi Amanda - poor you... there is soo much of it going around - My daughter was a little under the weather yesterday ...

Had a tough day at work.... I think that it is the weather!!!

I was meaning to ask: I did about 1000 steps on my lateral thigh thingy yesterday - so i did work up a sweat (gross I know) - But when i did a wee test later in the evening - I was out of ketosis.... I went a little mad!! as i know that drinking water during the day dilutes stuff - but I have always shown a little pink... BUT it had gone!!

Could it have been the exercise?? I only carried on because i felt ok?? should I slow down?

I am back in Ketosis this morning though?
Thank you. Had to submit without it yesterday.
Just remember to include week's start weight and loss next time :)
Hope you had a good weekend :)
I brought some new trousers(for work) 8 days ago and they are already too big and starting to fall down! Found three pairs of 14 smart trousers in my wardrobe and I can get into them all comfortably! :D
Wow Amanda thats great..
Morning All I hope that you are well. Well it is WI week 5 Today. I am not very confident of a big loss as it is TOTM and I have not done as much exercise as I would have liked. Hopefully I can get in to the 11's though.

Hope you all have a good day
Hi Julie,
How are you doing Today. I am bit grumpy this morning. TOTM and I am soo cold... I cant wait for the clocks to go back.... at least it will be light when I get up.

Hope all is well with you

Hi everyone :)
Good luck for your weigh in later :)
I have my fingers crossed for the 11's this week but we'll see :)
Just about to take ds to his swimming lesson. May get back on later :)
Hi Team Mates :)

Good luck with WI Pretika.

Have had a rubbish couple of days as it look like my husband may be made redundant.. 1st thing I did... eat!!! I am the most emotional eater going and this has thrown me, have got straight back on it today but I am starving this afternoon :(

Hope everyone is well..

Sarah x
I'm here briefly , I'm on nights this week so my body clock is all to pot. So here I am moaning about the cold and wanting to eat. whenever I'm on nights my weight losses go low - I'm sure part of it is that I weigh in not having been to bed so its like weighing at 11.00pm...mind you on that principal it should come off the following week.

I hope Amanda and Pretika that you are both in the 11 stone ..that sounds so low !
Sarah - your day can only get better !

with love x
Hi All just reporting in. I lost 2lbs this week. I am a little dissapointed as I was hoping for more - bt the loss did make sense. It is TOTM and I have not been swimming this week... So I supposeits ok.

Nevermind gear up for next week.. I am going to try and get to swimming at least 3 times this week ..But ia in the 11's..(Just)

I hope that you are all well
HI Sarah - sorry to hear your hearing a bad week. It can only get better!!!
I am officially "overweight" and not obese...
Morning All I hope that you are well.

I have put last week behind me and I really would like to hit the "stone a month" - for which I need to lose 5lbs by Next Tuesday -So.. I will be off to the pool as this week and trying to up the exercise... AND NO cheating.. I have a wedding this weekend - so it may be difficult - but I will try...

I hope that you are all well