TEAM 4 restart - Moving Mountains

i HATE sewing.
my mum is a professional machinist.
i spent my whole life around dressmaking and alterations. she did a lot of piece work from home, making things from tiny barbie style doll dresses to horse coats to bridesmaids dresses.
i never got her passion for the needle :p
she had her own workroom upstairs which had so much tiny bits of cotton floating around it was an asthma sufferers nightmare. lol
im not even sure i still remember how to thread a machine :eek:
oh and elay, yes i was here at 4am, i very often am. i have always suffered from insomnia and the current spinal pain isnt helping there. think i went to bed at 5.15am and was up at 7.20am :sigh:
need to start drinking this water ive been staring at for the last hour. lol
Blimey that must be hard not being able to sleep and the spinal pain!! How do you cope....i'd be knackered!!

Am only really just getting into sewing...hated it with a passion at school, but now quite like the satisfaction of making something that turns out okay!

Am only just starting my water this morning... have only managed 500ml so far..

I should really get off my bum and do some house work whilst Eldest is a preschool and youngest is having a nap, but I can't seem to get up!! Oh well...
your the same as me then Elay. I just got a real basic brother machine last week. Is your new one the one that has the computreised embrodiery option. if so i'm very very green and not your friend again!!!! Most of my makes seen to work by accident. Same with my knitting etc. Have no idea how i do it but i just do. The local college has some really good basic courses so i can learn the jargon (what are FQ's?) and get it right on purpose. Very excited. OH wont let me move the baby in with his big brother so i can have a craft room. instead it spills out of cupboards all over the house LOL

Cheryl its a shame you didn't pick it up. it could help with the insomnia. give you something to relax your brain and body?
My grandma was a seams stress and she was very like your mom. when i was at her house i was always helping her with cutting, pinning etc and then would curl up in front of the old coal fire in all the off cuts and watch her sew for hours. it always amazed me how she could make the most amazing clothes from scraps of material and old clothes. i also got my love of charity shops of her. Saturday mornings we used to trot round them all and buy random things and spend saturday afternoons making things out of them. God i miss being a kid.
OMG i think i'm drowning in H2O O o o o
Oh i'd love to do a course, but I live in the middle of no where and would be hard with the kids! FQ's are Fat Quarters (name for squares of material for patchwork)

Yep it has the computerised Embroidery option and you can put designs onto USB and then transfer them to the machine... this is the one :

It's probably way way beyond what I need or am capable of doing, but it was a serious treat for me!!

That sounds wonderful, like something out of a werthers ad! Being a kid was so much easier...why do all kids want to grow up so quickly???
I know what you mean. My neice is only 2 months older than my son but seems 10 years older. She has no innocence!!
Why kel??
I've been constantly falling off the wagon for the last 2 weeks while I've had family visiting and having my DD's birthday. I didn't get weighed last week and I've stupidly managed to gain 7lbs in that time!:cry:
Sorry to let you all down, not very inspirational for a team leader I know.
I've had a chat with my CDC and because I have my birthday coming up and christmas and new year, I've decided rather than getting completely back on the wagon and letting myself down by coming off the diet for these occasions I'm going to do the minimum of 1000cal plan until after the new year.
I'm so sorry guys.:cry:
Kel dont apologise to us, we'e here to support you, not judge you!:hug99:
Your doing the right thing, dealing with it instead of having ostrich syndrome, and going up to 1000 is a good choice I loved 1000 (am missing it right now!)
Your a great team leader too xx
Kel, Hun..... don't worry about it, you are doing the right thing by talking it through with your CDC. Going up the plans is the best way to be able to stick to it!

Inspirational isn't about sticking to something 100%, inspirational is someone who can admit where they have gone wrong and how they are going to resolve it!!

If you need a chat just send us a text hun xx
kel i have to agree with vicki and em. dont worry about it. i was where you are a couple of weeks ago. we are gonna do ths togeather I promise you right now xoxox
u have absolutely no reason to feel ashamed hun.
u only fail when u give up and u havent given up, its not in ur nature :D
im seriously considering moving up to 1000 plan myself until the new year as im getting rather a large collection of spare shakes due to having 2 shakes then chicken and lettuce instead of final shake :eek:
btw , u r a great team leader and nobody would ever doubt that :)
I can't believe I'm working on a saturday again!!! Off to work I go!! Stinkinging headache this morning. Must make more effort with the H2O.
How's every one else? Kel are you out of your funk yet?
Well I've been on my cross trainer for 20 minutes for the last 2 days and I've been watching what I eat but we'll see how it goes when I get weighed in on Thursday.
You're all so lovely and thank you for being so understanding and helpful.:gen126:
I've lost my stride with everyones weigh ins this week can everyone let me know their losses again please.:eek:
i wont know my losses (or indeed my gain :eek:) until monday, so will let u know then.
im not hopeful though.
couldnt be any lower than i am right now.
struggling soooo much. never realised just how much of an emotional eater i really am but OMG i just cant get through a night without eating right now.
then i feel angry that i failed and .... well, im sensing a pattern emerging here:sigh:
I missed it tonight. We went to a fireworks display. Got to wait till the morning to watch it. I forgot to sky plus it. I've got extra kids tonight too. I truely have mug written on my forehead!!