ThatBubbs' Weight Loss Journey :)

yeah I could never lose that in a week - well, okay I did it once after a bout of illness - but it would totally depress me if I didn't achieve it and everyone else did. Goals like that are not conducive to good weight loss for me. Just steady, that's the plan! I set 3lb because I want to get 2, if that makes sense, I'd like to boost it a bit, but I don't think I'll lose a limb this week!

Kel - It's half price in morrisons right now, so about 1.50 for a 350g box ;)

Thanks Cai - as that supermarket says - every little helps! ;)
Oooh I'll have a look for the cereal when I'm next over there. I do like snacking on cereal at night :D
Got a message from my C that if I achieve the 3lb I suggested I'd aim for, I'll hit my 4.5stone. Much as I'd like that, I don't think I will - and lovely though her message was, I dunno if I liked knowing that! I was quite happily oblivious! Haven't been cracking the last day or so, but am up to Morrisons tonight after work to stock up on groceries - and of COURSE All Bran Choc Crunch will be included. I think I've definitely suffered for not having that, for sure. You never know, I might manage a decent loss on Monday if I'm spot on til then
Wasnt cracking ysterday either, ended up nibbling at work, then was hungry at the supermarket so had some rubbish on the way home. Twat. I genuinely don't think that message from my C helped! Anyway right


That's me drawing a line under IT, see? Can make this happen. My plan is lots of fruit, veg, using my hex + a few extra syns for choc all bran crunch.
Tonight will be a sausage stew / casserole thingy, as I bought a stew pack. Loads of superfree that way, skinny lizzie sausages so there's few syns in the meal itself. Work lunches will be the hardest, they're doing really nice stuff and with only half an hour lunch, I'm just grabbing what looks tasty / healthy - but you don't know do you? Am just going to try my best til Monday, enough faffing about
Oh I've faffed about as ever, just haven't got my head right into it in ages, don't know why! feel free to blame me, I know how awesome it is... i've eaten 2 boxes since Wednesday :eek:

Bugger knows what is going to happen tonight, but I just need to stop buying snacks and titting about, I don't need them so why do I keep doing it? Ugh. I'm lobing having lost the weight, but I'm not _done_, you know, I want to lose more, but I just forget that when I put 'one more' in my mouth. I'm going to take a few SAS logs off my Con I thnk, force myself to write everything down again
My 'little treat' turned into more last lnight, when the chicken for tea hadn't defrosted and I ate a big sharer bag of kettle chips. I worked the syns out, I think, almost had a sean connery so it was about 45 syns between that and a dairy milk.

I'm trying today though, I had a jacket pot with sausage casserole at work, but it was lots of veggies and not much sausage (have estimated 3 syns) and am filling my SAS log in. When I get home I'll have some choc oatly for my hexa, and then work out something for tea.
Two boxes since Wednesday?! How are you not pooping for England?! :p 1lb isn't so bad. I dread to think where I'm at at the moment, been so on and off plan with all the utter sh*t going on :rolleyes:

Go you with the hardcoring! Maybe a couple of pretty hardcore, very low syn days to start with will boost your motivation and then you can settle back in to normal syn days? :) x
I think I'm not pooping for england because I have not enough water. Halfway down my third now!

Yeah, well I've had a few syns today (worked to 10 or less) but I have the rest of the week set to 8 or less. Never been right good at low syn! I've decided not to buy snacky things til post valentines day though, so no crisps sweets etc - and at valentines day R will join in too (he'll have a little cash then)

You've got good reason not to be focussed love, I can't say the same!
Haha! :)

Alright ta, I've been below syns every day except Monday, increased my water intake and lo and behold - not so hungry!

I popped into Morrisons on the way back from town yesterday, spent about £15 and had 3 boxes of all bran, 2 boxes of r's cereal... now THAT looked odd!
Haha! What cereal does R have? Rachelle's John will only eat Krave :rolleyes:
Also, well did on the syns and water. I drink a LOT! always have some sort of drink on the go. Hardly ever just water though, but I'm pretty sure my liquid intake is pretty decent. I pee a lot as well *old lady bladder* :p
No lie, that’s what he’s eating right now! He LOVES White Choc Krave! He’ll have owt really, but he likes that best or apricot wheaties (lord knows why apricot)

I’ve joined you in the old lady bladder camp this week heh. Though I have to admit I struggle getting as much water in at the weekends, really need to work on that – especially since I WI on a Monday! Cheers duck x
Weird boys!

Things didn't get off to the best start here. Mon night wasn't so bad, but last night I had 3 pancakes with nutella on, and I had a kitkat chunky in the day too. I blame being tired.

I'm an atheist, but I'm using lent as an excuse to give up chocolate for a bit. Bars, sweets etc - my cereal and oatly can stay, otherwise I'll never get any fibre / calcium, but I think outright stopping for a bit should help, fingers x'd
A hideous week this time, started bad and ended just as bad, I couldnt stop shovelling crap into my mouth. Ugh. 2.5lbs on :( I don't want to be that person again, I don't want to go back to being that woman, I feel so much better as a person doing this so why can't I get my sh1t together? :/ I usually shrug it off when I gain a bit, but genuinely last night I felt ashamed and like I'd let myself and the group down.

No messing this week now. I have a meal out on Sunday where I have to eat a specific thing (groupon deal) but I'd been holding onto it since last year, and the deal ends on monday, so I have to get it in or I wasted the money. That leaves 20 meals and snacky times to not chuff it up. I said I'm aiming for 3 this week, to be honest I want to (somehow) get more than that off, I need to kickstart my losses again