The journey to fat freedom continues... 7 weeks fast track

You can do it! Drink more water... Go on. You will feel miles better. If I could I would sleep through the first few days. I'm even struggling today. But honestly you only have a few more days and you are on easy street!!! Don't give up.
I had this lush pair of Baxter skinny jeans from topshop the first time I lost weight. They were a size 10 and perfect. Bloody scrummy. They were my marker to maintain. When they got snug I broke out the packs. I was being sponsored to be a CWPC at the time so my original CWPC used to give me shakes for cost. So it was rude not to! I soon got fed up of that idea when she went batshit crazy when I got up the duff. Strange.

Jeans are a great motivator ( she says with a size 16 pair hanging off her butt)
Ohhh I have sweet dreams of fitting back into my size 12 Donna Karan jeans (bought all the way back from the US of A) :sigh: I will get into then again :D
Oh yes! You will be there in no time at all!
The journey to fat freedom continues...

oh my days! iv just had my second shake, forgot abut it! mo wonder i was feeling like giving up.
had shake and black coffee with 2 sweetners.. feel like aaahhh...

i avoid wearing jeans as ihave the biggest hips ever! but iam working on dress sizes. those with size 12 jeans.. i envy u all!!!

i weighed myslf today.. whixh now i know i shouldnt have done. but i weigh 13st 10!! i weighed less than that when i started!
going to go on the treadmil for a bit to make myslf feel better
Step away from those scales.

Watch Laurence from dual dynamics tell you how to lose 59lb in 12 weeks. His method is tried and tested. Numerous slimmers of the year nominees. Honestly when you lose the faith he will remind you what to do. The biggest thing is no matter how much tea and coffee you drink drink 8 50cl bottles of water a day for the first week. It doesn't matter if you are refilling the same bottle from the tap If you are heavier than when you started it's water related. Flush. Flush. Flush.

Now.. Food related rant. Did I mention my husband is a feeder? Well he just walked in with an apology in a box... What was it? 12 frickin krispy kreme donughts. Ridonkulous. While I appreciate the gesture. Umm hello I'm on a liquid only diet here numbskull. Argggh men.
The journey to fat freedom continues...

o no!! my husband does the same. ive nibbled on a peanut today and then thought.. no no no!!!

iv been having 6 bottles because my consultant said dont drink more than 3 litres..

15 mins running on treadmill. feel great!!
to be honest the company recommends 2.2 litres plus the water in your shakes so anything over that is a bonus.

Running on a treadmill - fearless!
Hi girlies I lost 6lbs :D well happy xx

I'm the lightest I've been in years!! It's addictive seeing the scales go down :)
Wow Hayley! That's so good! I know what you mean. It's so motivating seeing the numbers go down. How much do you want to lose again?
The journey to fat freedom continues...

great results hayley! are u on ss? keep going!! youve really motivated me too! my weigh in monday.. i might have a secret mini party with my shake if loses are as good as yours!

i cant see people's signatures or profile coz iam using my phone.. what do people weigh and losing if you dont mind me asking.
having the app on the phone really helps as i log on when i need to keep focused

Well Ive been up since 6am and had a peppermint tea but nothing else yet. Told myself I would wait until 8am for my shake. Didnt sleep too well last night, but feeling kind of buzzy. Must be the keto fairy. I am not getting hung up on testing for ketones this time, since last time I would become obsessed with it, then I would find ways to tweek the diet and still stay in Ketosis (yes there are plenty of ways) this time, for the first 6 weeks at least I want to stay at least 100% Give myself the best shot of getting slimmer for my trip away. If I still go that is...

New starter : I am the heaviest I have ever been at the moment, 14st 11. I am 5ft 5 so have a BMI of 34, which is kind of irrelevant anyway since BMI is a very medical way of looking at things. I am hoping to get rid of those 11lbs this week. But we will see. I can't believe I weigh that much, but there it is. Hard facts are difficult to swallow.

It's funny - this morning I have been thinking about my bad binging behavior over the last year. That said Its taken a year to bang on 3 stone. To expect it to go in 6 weeks is insane isnt it! I will have to just do what I can do and suffer the consequences of my in-laws tut tutting. My plan is, that if I go away I am staying on plan as much as possible which means packing meal packs. Hahah. I know people will probably say "what????" but I feel that if I get 6 weeks under my belt I really dont want to suffer the first week again. I can probably eat bits and bobs, but follow a ketogenic plan. Lots of olives and lamb chops :) But I figure that in Turkey I will swim, I will walk, I will drink copious amounts of water and sweat like duck in a Chinese kitchen. So this means I could lose a lot of weight while there, rather than gain.

Hmmm, anyway It;s shake O'clock. Mint chocolate with hot water, I am coming to get you ;)
The journey to fat freedom continues...

you abe ur shakes quote early. i have my 1st one at 11ish.. do i have a couple mugs of black coffee to keep me going in the morning..

i know im going to get a telling off... i stepped on to the scales this morning. i weighed 13st 3!!!! already feel like partying!!! i have a meal to attend on friday and i cant get out of it.. wil have to be careful of what i should eat

That's ace! Always happens like that you feel a bit "stuck" and woosh! 7lbs flys off. I'm waiting for my woosh...

In terms of "eating" can you plan something now? Have you got the book? If I were you I would try as much as possible to keep to SS plus. You can have a small chicken breast and two tablespoons of green veg. Plus your products for the day. Something like that?
The journey to fat freedom continues...

what do you mean the book?
i was asking my consultant if i could have details for all the steps but sh didnt really give me much. she gave me a sheet for ss plus... i would like to know more as iam going start ramadhan early next week
It's hard. I was going to fast too, but My husband and I agree for health reasons ( I have a cyst on my ovary and need to get my weight down to see if it helps otherwise it's surgery and I may lose it) that this time it's most important to stick to the plan. Fasting is so hard on SS. Honestly. It's because of the water. My husband will and I will try my best. Even a week is better than nothing.

I can't believe you consultant didn't give you the book. It tells you all about the steps. When are you seeing them next? Ask for it, because they are remiss for taking your money and not giving you proper advice. I think 1000 a day will be good for Ramadan. I will dig my book out and let you know what you can have. If like us you break fast with something like water, olives and lentil soup, then you will be ok as all of those things are allowed on the 1000 plan.
The journey to fat freedom continues...

what is this book called?? i will be demanding it at my weigh in on monday!!! i only left with my shakes and the sheet. she said she hs some information on ramdhan and cambridge diet and would email it over but didnt receive it. i made it clear when i did the diet last tear my consultant was crap so i gave in! hint hint!! dont think she got it!

ive mt fasted for the last 2 years due to being pregnant, giving birth etc.. health is most important! my consultant was telling to stick to the 3 shakes im ramadhan and have no food as she knows many people who do this. going without water and food for 15 hours wil make me ill if i have 2.5 lit water and 3 shakes in a space of 3/4 hours!!
Omg olives!!! I'm drooling I absolutely love them I want some now!! Haha
Would they be bad to pick on if u was on an ss+ day do u think?

I can't believe you didn't get the book either! You should get it when u join it explains all the plans, give you recipe ideas and what your allowed on each plan! Def ask for it as your entitled to it xx

Ooh just heard Peter Andre is filming something in a street near mine think I need to dress up and take a stroll round there ;) swoon! X
New starter said:
what is this book called?? i will be demanding it at my weigh in on monday!!! i only left with my shakes and the sheet. she said she hs some information on ramdhan and cambridge diet and would email it over but didnt receive it. i made it clear when i did the diet last tear my consultant was crap so i gave in! hint hint!! dont think she got it!

ive mt fasted for the last 2 years due to being pregnant, giving birth etc.. health is most important! my consultant was telling to stick to the 3 shakes im ramadhan and have no food as she knows many people who do this. going without water and food for 15 hours wil make me ill if i have 2.5 lit water and 3 shakes in a space of 3/4 hours!!

Exactly. That's why in my opinion SS is not an option for the whole of Ramadan. It wouldn't be so bad if you could at least drink fluids, but that defies the object.

The book I have is called the steps program. It may be that she charges you for it since I think they have to buy them ( probably why she doesn't have any) But get it anyway. You need it.

Typical the boiler engineer is here for 5 hours and I'm desperate for the toilet.