The last of the Mohicans

I ate 2 curry packs for lunch and i was really afraid i'd be hungry with one pack left. Wasn't hungry after that, just had a bar and I will stop there for today! I am proud I could reign it in :woohoo: It wasn't looking so hot earlier on
Yeah well done, I've just had curry definately one of the better meals! X
Well done! Eating packs hasn't been a problem for me today, getting my water in has. Only 2.5 litres so far :(
I have my 3ltrs in now. I think I will ease off now otherwise I will be up through the night.
I bulked up my curry with grated cauliflower and it really filled me up. Felt like a proper meal tonight.
Been checking out the Exante website coz I can't get it here. But it has a good range - maybe when I finally return to the UK I can keep it in mind. I really want to try the curry pack!!!
it's a life changer! at least for me it is... it's what keeps me sane, keeps me going - I mean to actually be looking forward to it :rolleyes: after 2 months still boggles my mind!
Curry's not quite my favourite, but it does make me happy :)
I religiously just have sweet and sour for my dinner but I have ordered some curry to try as most people seem to like it, so that will be tonight's dinner.
I wasn't that keen on the curry at first but I really like it now! Strange how tastes change so quickly x
Actually my favourite is the sweet and sour - has been right from the start. I keep waiting for me to "not like" it as I've gone off a few things since being on this diet (black bean pot for one), but thankfully not yet. Not gone off the curry either :)
Actually my favourite is the sweet and sour - has been right from the start. I keep waiting for me to "not like" it as I've gone off a few things since being on this diet (black bean pot for one), but thankfully not yet. Not gone off the curry either :)

It's my favourite too. I actually find it really moreish
Hey you guys, just checking in! I'd forgotten about the food and eating hours here in Madrid!
So different from what we eat in the south of France! Soo many eggs, ham and fried things. The contrast between Madrid and Athens is quite interesting. I mean they eat a lot of fruits here, but they eat way less veggies and they eat so late! Def not a Mediterranean diet!

We walked around all day yesterday and today I'm renting bikes for the kids and I - it should be fun! Husband gets in tonight so that should help with the youngest as he doesn't cover as much ground, so museums are interesting with him, but he was really good all in all!

Sunday we're meeting up with friends from uni I haven't seen in years - that should be fun!

You guys have a fantastic day :cool:
Hope you have a great weekend. It sounds action packed
Day well spent today as the hotel loaned us bikes. we road them all day long... And I hadn't had so much fun in a very long time. :D Will not offset by ANY means the food we've been eating but it was good to be out and about enjoying the sun
Enjoy the sunshine..........that's certainly not happening here! :rolleyes:

I've just ramped the heating up full blast, and it's pouring with rain :gen125:
Back home - will not weigh until next fortnight as I have my wedge anniversary next weekend.. My son is sick as well, (may be the fatty food, may be a combination of that with his allergies) all I know is I came home with the choice of getting back into ketosis starting tomorrow or waiting it out until next monday. decided I'm hitting it back tomorrow - no need to give myself any more excuses than i've already used this week
More eggs and the likes at our friends' - their cook did a typical Madrilene meal (more eggs, more ham, more salty stuff) geez! my liver is telling me to cool it! tonight water is on the menu nothing else