The New and Improved Pickers thread!

Hi all and well done to you all on your journey so far!
I am a restarter! Twisted restarted! Ha! 3rd time lucky?!
The other 2 times was in the summer and I had far too much on to do it fully but for the next 3 months I am in total hibernation!!
The last 2 times I did OK at the start, prob lost a stone each time but put it on in between and have put in all on and more now!!
Anyway!!! My first day was yesterday and I had a great day, I was pretty tired to went to my bed about 10pm, I was still lying awake at 12.30am! so I got up and read my book until 2am! The tried to get back to sleep well I was starving! Stomach wouldn’t stop grumbling and was stopping me sleep so I had to get up again. Tried drinking 2 pints of water and that didn’t work so I had to have something. Not cos I wanted it, not cos I wanted to taste it I was not emotional at all but just wanted the hunger to stop!!! So all I had A slice of bread!! I couldn’t have had another shake as had had 3 and really couldn’t stomach it and there was nothing else in the fridge! I didn’t enjoy the bread but the stomach stopped rumbling and I the managed to get to sleep!!

Has anyone else had this problem and does anyone have any suggestions if this happens again tonight?

Thanks in advance!

Oh by the way I agree with you all about the mentioning food thing its part of life!! And we are human and it is the hardest thing to give up! we have only had it every day of our lives! Its one thing not eating it but to not think and talk about it is another!

Love Marisa x

The first day's always the worst in the tummy rumbling respect. The chances are you're quite tired after not sleeping last night, so you may not have any probs at all tonight. :zz: :zz: :zz:

Having said that, if it happens again... I agree with the lean protein thing if you get really desperate - a bit of chicken, for example.

Or how about having a muffin (made with a packet shake of course :))? I can highly recommend toffee and walnut and vanilla shakes made as muffins.

Just a thought... :D
hey folks! thanks for that! i hope i can get through the first few days with no more picking!! yes shattered today so fingers crossed no grumbles keep me up tonight!
good luck all
love the thread :)
How are my fellow naughty pickers doing...I had a bit of a mare Tuesday and Wednesday...but at weigh in today I had lost 1lbs...which means any weight I put on over Chrimbo is gone!

So today is another day......
well done DR. I've has a nightmare couple of days, start off with all good intentions and lasts ok until I get home from work then I just go to pieces and pick !!!!! will try again and be "good" tomorrow, If I coould just get through 1 week without picking I'm sure I would be ok. wish me luck for tomorrow.
How you doing Trisha?

I am ok again now, no picking.....and to be honest Tuesday and Wednesday didn't fall into the 'picking' category more like the 'full on eat as much rubbish and carbs as you can' catergory :eek: and I know it was down to tiredness and emotional eating....which I have to address.

so I am now in the battle to get back into Ketosis:rolleyes: but I know I will do it!
hey lovely ladies!
how is everyone?
sorry ive been abit awol recently am going through it abit as most of you know and have felt maybe its wrong of me to be on the forum with what im doing, still im hoping to have a good word with myself over the weekend and return full force on monday!!

hope everyone is doing well! im still here reading but feel abit bad about posting so just so you know im keeping an eye on you all!!

mwah thanks for the message DR xxxxxxxxxxx
Hello im back and for the last 2 days have not picked once im so chuffed i never thought i would be able to do it ::D:DD:D:D:Dxxx
Is your CDC aware of your problems? If not have you thought about discussing it as it may help you in the long term

Irene xx
well done rainbow!.
DR I did a little better but still picked a bit. Like you I know its emotional eating (picking) I don't pick at work becauase there's nothing there to pick at, but I'm so fed up with work at the moment when I get home I just head for the kitchen an pick! one of my colleagues is so fed up with the situation at work she's just handed her notice in and hasn't got another job, but she dosen't care and says she feels so much better, I can't afford to do that so I'm on the look out for a new job and I'm going to concentrate on that, like updating my cv when I get in from work, and mybe look for courses I could do to add to it etc. I'm not going to let the work situation spoil my weight loss.
restart today- no work to get me down !
well im back on offical day one today!! FUL FORCE!!! so far so good NO picks!!! am so pleased!!! although i forgot about the day 1 HEADACHE omg i could kill someone!!!!
good luck everyone with the no picking im on day 5 :D
I didnt pick at all, and now I have just eaten my husbands left over rice, no spag bol or sauce just rice. I know its because i cant stand waste, scraping it in the bin would seem awful. Its a mental thing, I keep trying to remember what Paul McKenna said, something like, the minutes the chicken is killed its a waste so why make your problems worse by stuffing yourself, leaving it on the plate wont do it any harm ITS DEAD. Why cant Ifocus on this????
well im half way through day 2 restart and i havent picked ONCE!!! im so pleased!!!!! although the water is going down about as well as a velcro slide!!! ive only had one half cup of black tea and thats it!!! i really cant bring myself to drink it!!! still needs must i WILL push on!!
At my weigh in I lost 4lb, which i was disappointed with, my CDC said if I hadnt eaten the rice I would have lost double as it will be holding in the it really that bad?
Thanks Trisha and well done for not picking!!! I just cooked 2 pork chops but when I sat down to eat them extreme slimmers was on, so they are in the fridge now. Hubby can have them tomorrow!!!
Oooooooooo a thread full of naughty fellow pickers, I'm glad to hear I'm not on my own. :D

I'm afraid to say that I'm not ashamed of my picking. For me, its a means to an end. If a couple of little slices of Turkey Ham stops me going on a binge, then I see no harm in it.

Tonight, I haven't had my third shake. I will have it but not in the mood yet. I had a couple of slices of wafer thin turkey ham and that stopped me having a sandwich.

Last night, whilst making soup, I pinched a couple of bits of ham, cos I wanted to taste it. That stopped me having a bowl of the soup that I really wanted.

I don't know the psychology behind why I do this, but it does keep me on track. I only do it once a day and only a teensy wee bit of protein that is probably less than fifty calories.

I think I'm less stressed about the diet and certainly not getting stressed about my nightly "picks" so I'm managing to stay on it.
I agree, I talked to my CDC as I have a strange habit, he has never heard of in which I will suck food, to get the taste, but I dont eat it. I started doing this on LL and found it really helped, plus i was always in Ketosis. He reckoned I would be OK as long as it was nothing starchy. It is usually sucking a piece of chicken or cheese, salami etc something really strong flavoured
ok sucking food is a new one on me;) but hey if it works for you! and you are losing weight!

I have to agree that if I feel the 'need' for something that I am able to either steer myself towards some protein or I have another shake/bar which is controlled calories and carbs.

I bought myself a skipping rope today:D black eyes here I come:8855: