Total Solution TheTrigos - The final push to goal, come onnnnnn!!

So I just had my meal, 2 eggs scrambled and some smoked.salmon, it was lush but I really.struggled to finish it! A few weeks ago that food with 2 slices of toast would have been a light lunch! Yikes my stomach has shrunk! I was worried eating might induce more eating, but I feel really honestly.satisfied. In fact so much so that I have just had to really force down my 3rd pack. I've been having psyllium husk in my shakes so will hopefully see an improvement in the loo action! They make the shakes a bit gritty, not bad, and slightly less sweet which is definitely a good thing. So thirsty now and so full of cold, a big glass of water and an early night me thinks :)
its amazing how the simplist meals taste amazing when you dont have anything for a while i would never order a salad when going out for a meal ever but when i had it the other night it was amazing ...... im finding hard to get the shakes down at the moment not in the day but in the morning i actually gagged the other morning i forced it down i was never a breakfast eater before so that doesnt help,, with adding a meal i dont know what it will be like........... ............. i have to say on the toilet department i havent struggled this time but i do take a senakot every night i dont go every day normaly every other but touch wood this has worked i started this from word go as i remember how bad it got last time i did cd it was painful :( i have just read this post and its all about gagging and toilet nice subject will leave it here i think lol xx
Haha what we talk about eh?!

With regards to the morning shake, could you swap it for a bar, or have it later? I used to have to have brekkie or I couldn't function, but now I'm not really hungry I find it really hard to stomach a shake too, so I've swapped and now have my bar at work instead of a shake first thing. At the weekend i'll leave it quite late to eat it too, it definitely helps. I just have a cuppa and some water when I get up.

Steak, brocolli and green beans for dinner tonight! Was driving hubby mad stood at the hob watching him like a hawk, 'dont you overcook my.steak, I've not eaten in weeks, I've been looking forward to this!!' Hehe he got it just right, knew I married him for a reason!
ha ha ha your poor husband bless him i bet he was so nervous cooking that steak for you i would be the same with my husband if he ever cooked his idea of cooking a meal is getting one of the takeaway leaflets off the shelf lol.......... to be fair i dont really let him in the kitchen for fear of the results maybe that would be the better diet getting him to cook every night dont think i would eat again lol .......................... i dont like the bars or soups so that one is out will see how the nest few days go hopefully it will pass the other option is buying some tesco bars i dont mind them but i dont think anything will work im just not a morning person for eating so i think i will struggle with anything at least i can down the shakes instead of chewing for ever on a bar lol xxx
LOL Em i landed on my feet with hubby, both his parents are pro chefs and the boy can cook!! We both love our food, he lost 7 stone about 8 years ago now and i has kept it off, so we're always struggling not to just indulge our love of food!!

I am SO hungry today! It's TOTM, and i am always ravenous when it hits. Will keep at the water, and looking forward to my AAM tonight, oven baked cod with stir fried leeks, courgettes and bok choi. NOM. :D

FINALLY started my xmas shopping yesterday - went to a local garden centre that has a fab xmas section, really lovely toys and books for children and a GREAT food section with lovely homemade bits. Bought each boy a new christmas stocking, and a few fillers. Couldn't really get too much as they were both there! Also bought a yummy salad dressing (i know it sounds boring lol!!) and treated the boys to afternoon tea in the cafe - i was very good and just filled up on a pot of tea, ignored all the amazing cakes!
Well done for resisting the cakes! I love garden centres when they have all their xmas stuff in, I could stay in there for hours!

Im yet to start my xmas shopping :eek:

Your AAMW sounds amazing! Im really looking forward to mine although still not sure If I'm having a meal every evening as Im having my 'meal off' the first night x
you are lucky having a hubby that can cook really lucky lol ................. as for xmas shopping not started yet me and mark are taking some days off the first week of december so hoping to knock it all out in one hit while the kids are still at school i love xmas just hate the weekend shopping so im hoping it wont be so crowded............i hope your still enjoying your aam nights i must admit they do all sound lovely i had a bit of food tonight well a chicken kebab but im not doing a full week just one night off then back to ts for a few weeksthen a meal again this works best for me till im at my goal then i will start to add meals again slowly.... hope your ok sounds like your doing great :) xxx
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Urgh what a sh*t few days - i could cry, i really could. Firstly my little boy (3 years old) got admitted to hospital. Nothing serious, he had balanitis which is an infection in the 'man bits', it was so swollen he couldn't wee and they were considering doing a circumcision becuase of restricted blood flow. Thakfully they managed to settle it with other methods. So he's been feeling very sorry for himself, as have i as i've had a stinking cold and my TOTM has been coming on for a week now, but still isn't on properly, so i've been feeling all pre menstrual and crap for a week now.

To add to the misery (sorry, this is going to be a very self indulgent moan type of a post) my parents in law who live in spain, which quite frankly isn't far enough away, have announced that they are coming back to stay in england for 4 months over winter, and are arriving on thursday. Nothing like a bit of notice. They are expecting to be put up by us and my sister in law, and have announced that my parents will not be seeing the boys at christmas as we have to spend it with them, so apparently all our plans have to change so that we spend every minute with them, and none with my family. They also hate the fact that i work and that the boys are in nursery and are expecting me to take time off and the boys out of care so that they can see them. So basically we have to turn our lives upside down. His mum has never liked me (she actually turned up half an hour late to our wedding and kept me waiting outside, as some kind of protest i think) and what's worse is hubby, who is normally very supportive and knows how much his mum winds me up, is totally taking her side this time.

Oh, and my AAM week has turned into off the diet week, and i have gained 2lbs.

OMG you poor thing! Your in-laws sound like a nightmare. They can't expect to come back from Spain and dictate to you like that! Surely your parents have as much right to see their family over the Christmas period. If they are being so pedantic spend Christmas day with the outlaws and Boxing day with your family.
No wonder you have gone off the diet with so much to contend with.

Oh! and your hubby needs to grow a pair and stick up to them, you're his family now!!!

Thinking of you xxx
oh steph that was a bad weekend hope the little one is feeling better bless.............. as for mother in laws well i know just what you mean im lucky though as my other half has not spoken to his mum in 5 years she was not at our wedding last year either, makes life alot easier when you dont have to deal with them i can tell you ............................ dont worry about the gain babe it will come off in no time a little blip but after your weekend im not supprised if that had been me i probably would of gained 10lb lol you will back on track before you know it chin up :) xxxx
Thanks everyone, feeling a little more positive this morning about my diet, still really peed about the in laws! Am really relieved to be back on TS for the next 4 weeks, i didn't enjoy having the responsibility of food again, worrying about gaining and feeling guilty about everything i put in my mouth. I also felt more hungry when i was eating than i do when i'm in ketosis, so i'm just going to hope these next few days go quickly and i get back into the swing of things fairly quickly. Really thirsty this morning so already had quite a lot of water, just going to sit and have a cup of tea with a bar, then a choc shake later and a banana one after that.

Hubby is also on a bit of a diet at the moment, so is just eating two bowls of cereal a day and lunch at work, so i'll head out and do the food shop this afternoon with the boys. I woudln't normally do the food shop (with the two boys it's not that fun!) but as it's only them that are really eating this week, and i have meals put away in the freezer for most days, it should be nice and quick and easy.

Hope everyone has a good day :)
Bless you! You sound really determined and back on track so well done! That 2lb will fall off! x x x
you will be fine you have done the hard days before i know they are crap but you can do it :) ..................i agree with the food thing thats why im not doing the aam week im having one meal every 2 weeks i have it enjoy it then forget about again for 2 weeks im worried about when i have to eat again cause thats the hardest part having food strange as it seems im like the pringles advert once once you start you cant stop lol xxxx
Well i had a sneaky look at the scales this morning and the 2lbs is gone - although i know it's just water weight i've got until tuesday to get a bit of a loss to hopefully get me back on track.

Found yesterday suprisingly easy - i thought i'd be hungry and really lethargic but i wasn't. Managed the food shop (just!) with two grumpy bum kids, cooked them tea, got them into bed for 6.30, cleaned the kitchen then did a mount everest of ironing! Sat down at 8.30 and was still twitchy so i had a nice cup of tea (decaf) to try and settle me down! Hopefully my body now knows what it's in for so will just settle back into the diet easily after my week off.

I have a meal off every two(ish) weeks too Em, my next one planned is when hubby is away in a couple of weeks, i'm going to sit with my choice of chick flick and enjoy a nice bit of junk! Then straight back on it the next day! I'm off to the cinema on the 18th (i'm sure you said you were going on the 19th?) to see the new Twilight, but will just take a bar and a bottle of coke zero - i only have to look at the price of cinema food to put me off eating it, it's daylight robbery! Those cinema staff should wear masks!
Well i had a sneaky look at the scales this morning and the 2lbs is gone - although i know it's just water weight i've got until tuesday to get a bit of a loss to hopefully get me back on track.

Well done!!! Im sure you will lose more :)

I have a meal off every two(ish) weeks too Em, my next one planned is when hubby is away in a couple of weeks, i'm going to sit with my choice of chick flick and enjoy a nice bit of junk!

This is also my plan to keep me going through this diet. May not be conventional or agreed with but if thats what gets us through it then so be it! As I recently found out this week, I cannot eat half as much as before so it wont be a case of binging at all, just little treats :)
snap thats what im watching twilight i cant wait i agree about the price of the cinema food as well its enough to put me off but as im a having a meal before i will be bloated anyway so i shouldnt have to worry about that too much my hubby will probably munch his way through 20 quids worth though the boy can eat and the only time he gained weight was when he was out of work for 8 months he lost it within 3 weeks of being back dont they just make you sick how quickly and easily they lose weight lol ............... well glad your doing ok busy it seems like me but thats a good thing sometimes xxxx
Hubby is currently on a diet, bless him he's not one of those blokes who loses easily! He lost 7 stone about 8 years ago and mostly kept it off but gained a bit the past few years as since the beginning of 2008 i've either been pregnant or breastfeeding, which has meant a lot mroe food in the house for him to keep up with me! He's being really strict with himself though which is good, he works at a place where there are a lot of trips to the cafe for fry ups and the garage for chocolate bars, so i hope his resolve is as good as he says it is ;)

Made a LUSH cottage pie for dinner last night for the boys, my 1 year old woofed it, my 3 year old complained about it as he doesn't really like meat texture, until he got threatened with no pudding, then ate it up :D Hubby had a tiny plate and i had a few tastes, just for seasoning purposes ;) Had another sneaky peek at the scales this morning, heading in the right direction which is all good!

I need to go shopping!! All my clothes are now too big, i'm living in one pair of work trousers and a few tops. Finding the time, let alone time without toddlers is proving difficult, plus i hate spending money on myself! I ALWAYS feel so guilty afterwards. Might take an evening trip to m&s for a few cheap bits.

Feeling a bit hungry today, day 3 of restart, and a bit headachey. Will have my bar in a bit, already had a cup of green tea with pomegranite, which tastes nothing like pomegranite and a lot like yuck, and a cup of nice normal tea, and will start working through my bottle of water in a minute. Looking forward to my treat in a couple of weeks so much, but will not cheat until then (i hope!) as i want it to be enjoyed and guilt free!
You're doing fantastically well!! That last 17lb will melt away in no time :)
im day 4 of restart today and im abit meehhhh too.. feel very ratty have no patience and am headachey too. guna have my second shake in a minute hopefully cheer me up lol. roll on the 21st its my birthday meal/anties irthday meal were going to the toby cavery for a yummy roast dinner i did think about going to harvester but i thought roast ( potatoes meat veg veg and more veg ) would be alot healthier then ( chips bbq ribs corn on cob more bbq sauce onion rings and unlimited salad coverd in red devil sauce) which i no wud be way more fattening. xxxx
oh i know that feeling why do we feel guilty about spending money on ourselves i work my arse off all week but when i need something its it can wait for a little longer my work shoes developed a massive hole in them last week so i went out on Sunday to get some more and saw the most lovely pair of boots i picked them up tried them on then said to mark you can get me these for xmas babe, didnt even think of just getting them for myself now, luckily he just took them with my work shoes up to the counter and paid for them told me not to be silly and get them now not wait for xmas bless him if he wasnt there i would never of bought them, yet i wouldnt think twice about picking the kids up something while im out why do we do it lol xxx