Total Solution Exante 2.0

Morning exante island.......there aint gonna be noting left of you at the rate your going..........pretty lady you'l be the invisible lady soon :jelous:

I flippin wish!! I really think when my challenge is up I might have another bash at it and see if I can get to the 12's
Go for it or as Nike says "Just Do It" ..............if anyone can its YOU. Any doubts and just look back and think far you've come already x. Good girl for buckling down yesterday your so focused I really need to get back into assignment/revision mode.
Oh please, focused!! it was more necessity than anything, I'm still a bit behind but it's under control now, gonna have my first shake today and it's nearly 11am here!!
I have just written in my diary, mix n match with you LT one's as they seem to fill you more. Having a day out today so will be off the forum. Cant decide wether to take my shaker or have all bars today so as to not attract any attention. People can be a little judgemental of VLCDs and cant be bothered with debates today.
I have just written in my diary, mix n match with you LT one's as they seem to fill you more. Having a day out today so will be off the forum. Cant decide wether to take my shaker or have all bars today so as to not attract any attention. People can be a little judgemental of VLCDs and cant be bothered with debates today.
Morning LW and Busybusy (I still haven't figured out how to multi-quote in my replies!) LW, Glad you're still on the ball with this diet malarkey! It's 20 to 11 here and I haven't had my 1st shake yet, but have vacuumed everywhere (pats self on head ;)) I can feel my ribs through my fat suit today :D Now there's a motivator for me to keep going! haha!
Busybusy, i'm not sure more than one bar is recommended but I get you about other peoples views on vlcd's it can be demoralising! I hope you have a good day xx

Love to you both xx
Thanks DL, had another good day today, hunger is definitely under control here on the Island, had 1/2 a mushy soup for dinner s I wasn't overly hungry, i am sure I will appreciate it later on.

Hope all is well with the stallion
Glad all is well with you. Stallion is great and I haven't fallen off him yet. Just made the mistake of popping on the scales while he was out to pasture (as you saw) All is well now though :) xx
Hi :) your losses are brill! Exante island.... I love it haha xxxx
Morning!! Cleaning day here on Exante Island, so too much work to keep me busy.

Yesterday was another 100% day, what day am I on now? Erm 12 is it? Yes 12!

It's getting easier as the days go by, despite having a massive row with hubs I still didn't fall off the wagon, he really is a tool at times, enough said you all know where I'm coming from. I have realised failure really isn't an option as if I don't fit this dress I'll have nothing else to wear, so not much choice really!!

Have a great day losers!!
I had a row too!......MEN eh.? Well done for not falling off x. Have a lovely day.
Well done Lanarkwitch! 12 days in a row is fantastic! U sure sound busy cleaning. Was so hungry in bed last nite dat I was fierce tempted to have a bar Thankfully I just managed to talk myself out of it Startin Day 3 today! Headin to dentist 4 a checkup b4 meetin a friend for a coffee Have bar in handbag and Coke Zero plus a porridge incase I'm delayed. Only had time 4 a coffee yet Dont find d day as long if I wait til eleven for my first product Here's to another TS day U r inspirational! Fair play!!!
Time flys by doesn't it? A row with hubs? There definitely must of been something in the air. I can't stand confrontation and I had it twice yesterday. Onwards and upwards :) here's to a day of 100% TS. No blips and no arguments (if we can help it lol) men are just ARGHHHHHH!!! xxx
Well done Lanarkwitch! 12 days in a row is fantastic! U sure sound busy cleaning. Was so hungry in bed last nite dat I was fierce tempted to have a bar Thankfully I just managed to talk myself out of it Startin Day 3 today! Headin to dentist 4 a checkup b4 meetin a friend for a coffee Have bar in handbag and Coke Zero plus a porridge incase I'm delayed. Only had time 4 a coffee yet Dont find d day as long if I wait til eleven for my first product Here's to another TS day U r inspirational! Fair play!!!

Not inspiration Shoobs, just desperate!!

Hope you get on at the dentist alright, it's not my favourite thing to do. Are you Irish?

Just having my first shake now and it's gone 12.30 here, just didn't notice how late it had got there!!

I always take a peppermint tea to bed and sometimes I save half a bar so it's a nibble for sleepies, find then I'm not so hungry in the mornings.

Have a brill day xx
Time flys by doesn't it? A row with hubs? There definitely must of been something in the air. I can't stand confrontation and I had it twice yesterday. Onwards and upwards :) here's to a day of 100% TS. No blips and no arguments (if we can help it lol) men are just ARGHHHHHH!!! xxx

It's totally flying Sarah, Thursday is the beginning of the weekend here in Abu Dhabi so I'll have a big petted lip on tonight because theres no vodkas! Still it will all be worth it in a few weeks time, then I can go out and get hammered!!

Shall try my best not to antagonise anyone today..fingers crossed xxxx
You too 006, yes men...only good for one thing...changing light bulbs!

lol too right! I walked off and went outside to put the washing out, I totally try and avoid raised voices infront of the kids. Plus they get more annoyed when you dont retaliate in anyway (sneaky me ;)).

Have written something for you in my diary.
Oh wow Lanarkwitch! My gudness Dats a big change from Mayo! I'm from Galway!! Cool opportunities out der and I bet d weather is fab! Have 2 kids. H8 d weather here- wud move to LA or Australia if my hubby wasn't a home bird Ya never know Mayb someday!! Hee hee!
Have an easy 100% fab weekend pretty one :hug99: xx