Total Solution Exante 2.0

Hi Shoobs, we have a lot of the Uk High Street shops here, m & S, BHS, la Senza,Dor Perkins, EVANS!!!!!!!!!! H & M, New Look pretty much everything, but all much more expensive, the conversion rate should be about 6 to one on the pound, but it's more like 8 or 10, so some of the cheap shops are not cheap!! I really miss Heatons and Penneys, always managed to find the odd nice bit or two in there. We got a Matalan recently but the clothes have gone to crap in there of late in my opinion!!

Feeling a bit more positive today, I suppose it's the half way stage and I have managed to lose 2 stone now with my various efforts, I really just wish the scales would move!! Still this has happened before, I bet if I told my mum she's say, remember this happened before and then you woke up on Sunday and half a stone was gone.. and I'd say yes mumsy I remember!!

Totally overwhelmed with Uni work as well and some freelance stuff that I do, I think I'm stressed out tbh. I have 2 tutorials (online) today as well as a first draft of a report to do for this evening and a man shouting at me for me to do his database, best get on I suppose!!
Awwww hugs sent pretty lady :hug99: hang on in there, you've already done fantastic hun, you so can stick at it. Trust in yourself. Now go log out and get on with some work!! :nono: xx
I just ready coke zero ice lollies.... GENIUS!! I'd never thought of that :)

Sorry to hear you're having a tough time. It's no fun being hungry. You know it'll all be worth it in 18 days time ;) xxxxx
Dear scales and diet gods, can I please see some sort of movement tomorrow, even a little one, I've not moved since what last Thursday or something, so please really c'mon!!
Hey LW Started to reply to u earlier when ph rang and got distracted then needed to feed kids add turf to fire!! So apologies Shops sound super but a pure bummer re prices- dats do not fair!! I luv goin up to Castlebar shoppin- luv luv Heatons Dunnes and Penneys and d charity shops! Do u remember Guineys??? Funniest shop ever Crammed with lots of out of date clothes!! Hee hee Gud luck tomoro Hope we r all happy with our scales
Hi hun, hope things were better today.....I was starving today too had to sit through lunch and watch other people eat and pretend I was'nt hungry...had a bar daytime, was ravenous when I got in but had to sort the kids out first. Children were asking all the many random questions children do while my head was splitting. :eek:

As DL says its not forever...My little soldier.

Re scales....bit personal but have "been going"?
Yes Psyllium husks daily did d trick Thank Gudness! Just had a hot CHoc shake Seemed like a naughty treat but stopped me from tasting children's supper!! Ha ha!! How did d presentation go or was dat today??
Yes DL Wow new look is massive in Castlebar Much nicer than d one in Galway Friend and I went to d Next New Years Day sale at 7 in d morn Usually starts at 6 Took an hr to drive der What a buzz!! Thoroughly enjoyed it Picked up some fab clothes 4 my kids!!!
Yes Psyllium husks daily did d trick Thank Gudness! Just had a hot CHoc shake Seemed like a naughty treat but stopped me from tasting children's supper!! Ha ha!! How did d presentation go or was dat today??

It went brilliantly thanks hope you had a good day hun x
It went good we gotta good contract, girls at work commented loads on my wieght when I turned up this morning....what a difference a stone makes..Iv wrtiten in mine and your diary
Morning campers, I have decided not to move my weigh in day, for 2 reasons, firstly the scales are moving in a tortoise like fashion and I have realised that tomorrow, not in fact today is Thursday, so I'll keep my wi for Sunday and just take what I get on the Thursday morning of the final week as my final Exante weigh in.

I have not lost a single ounce now in nearly a week, very strange goings on, but sticking to another 100% TS day, the scales have to give in eventually!! Only 2 weeks and 1 day to go until the Exante challenge is over, it's really gone quite quickly, which is a blessing.

Hubs said he would like to continue with the challenge after the anniversary, so far I'm leaning towards doing Slim and Save for a few weeks, there is going to be a bounce after the brunch which will need to be dealt with, just not sure if I want to do VLCD again, do wish I had started on S & S now though, it sounds a bit more practical. Maybe I'll order the samples and see
Mornin LW don't blame u No harm in switching over when Uve used d products up See it as the final stage to shift d last bit Variety is d spice of life!! Gud luck WI on Sun Down 7lbs 1/4 oz dis morn Yeah!!!
Mornin LW don't blame u No harm in switching over when Uve used d products up See it as the final stage to shift d last bit Variety is d spice of life!! Gud luck WI on Sun Down 7lbs 1/4 oz dis morn Yeah!!!

Fabulous news, well done you, it's a great boost isn't it!!
Morning hun hope you have good day xxxxxxx

Re scales have you been going?