Trying to exercise with a dodgey foot - suggestions please!!


Full Member
Anybody have any suggestions for exercises if you can't really use your feet? I've sprained a tendon near my ankle and it's agony but i'm 2lb off my stone award and really want to get it on Wednesday. Sods law I ate a takeaway the night before I did my foot in and now don't want to gain. I usually do aqua aerobics 3 times a week and then zumba but can't do any of that this week. I've tried the wii fit karate, boxing, baseball, floor pilates but nothing is really making me feel as though i'm burning fat!! xx

I really don't want a sprained tendon to be a reason to slow down my weight loss before christmas!! I have tried way too hard for that

firstly have you seen doc about the injury? using a resistance band which a physio will advise you on will help with recovery. alternatively look at this Achilles Tendon Physical Therapy Exercises : More Ankle Exercise for the Achilles Tendon - YouTube

Ive used kinesio tape on other injuries and its terrific- it wont heal you but relieves pain and often allows you to carry on exercising see here Tape Your Achilles Tendon at

Meanwhile a kettlebell or dumbell can be used for upper body exercises such as presses above head - shoulder press, military press or floor based presses like floor bench press, arnies, lateral raises etc..,
i've done my tendon in and i've got to say it was because i did not stretch properly before a run! so when it is healed make sure you stretch it properly by doing dynamic stretching and static cool down stretching.

the way i stretch my tendon before a run is to go on to my toes and rock down again, then rock up and down, up and down, up and down. this stops my injuries.

i would also say that if you exercise on your damaged tendon you'll more likely to be out of action for longer. you must let it heal. why not go onto swimming if you can. work on your muscle groups but if you do this type of exercise significantly for a prolonged period of time you are more likely to develop muscle and your weight loss will be hampered a little due to building muscle and loosing fat (lb for lb they weight the same but muscle takes up less room therefore you will look smaller though) if that is any help.
I have to agree with the pp, be careful about trying to exercise around an injury as even a little compensation may cause problems with other areas (back, hamstrings etc.)

Weight training your upper body on machines is an interesting idea...
I've had to miss zumba y'day, considered aqua aerobics today but with all the jumping involved decided that isn't a good idea! I have done a couple of upper body work outs it's just so frustrating I want to go and burn the fat!! lol! xx
what about trying to massage it on a power plate. doing exercises on a power plate?