Trying to make a difference

actually you are kind of a good diet buddy because it makes me feel better that I stick to it hahahahahaha

sorry about the brief reply earlier - was on my way out the door to try and get some goldfish treatment as I cleaned my fish out and one of them is not looking very healthy afterwards. Unfortunately the garden centre was already shut so couldn't get anything but popped back in my goddaughter's again on the way back (she lives near there) and the landlord came back while I was there.

Unfortunately I'm not sure my outrageous flirting was really noticed that much hahahahaha Did find out he was on a blind date last night though and was bored by the girl who giggled a lot at nothing and didn't have much of a brain - the fact he likes a woman with some intelligence bodes well though. After he left I was straight with my goddaughter and said to her look seriously there is something about him that makes my stomach double flip and I'm intrigued and wouldn't mind finding situations where I can get to know him better and see what feedback I get and she took it a lot more seriously so you never know. And if that doesn't work I'm going to get on to my best friend who also knows him and she'll sort something out lol

With that in mind I actually SS'd today without the plus :-o I'm damn hungry thought and sitting at my goddaughter's while she made fruit crumble that smelt sooooooooooooo good was not easy! i worked out that I need to lose the weight fast now though - if there is any chance of me getting anywhere with this guy I am highly likely to have to break the diet at some point as its too complicated to explain otherwise and getting one of them to set up a meal with us both there is the easiest way of manouvering things. Either that or him and my goddaughter were talking about going out on the town next Friday which she's suggested I might want to go along to and I'll be at least drinking orange juice so that won't be good. Hey if it gets me a date then stuff the diet hahahahahahahaha

Good job you are coming home tomorrow with no more brie though - you still have 6 weeks as well and you can lose a shed load in that time so you'll be fine - well done in only giving in the once too! :)
Wooohooo for managing to bump into the landlord ;) I hope you manage to see him some more and hopefully even on some sort of date ;)

Hope your fish will be ok :(

My head is DEFFO in the right place and odd as it sounds, I`m excited about starting at the end of the month :D I`ve got lots of social events in the next couple of weeks so it`s worked out well :D

Amanda, I`m not sure where you are as I don`t know that away LOL I seriously suck at geography! I`ve HEARD of Epsom but dunno where it is.

My little one goes to nursery on a Tuesday, Thursday & Friday if you fancied meeting up on any of the other days? Dunno where tho?

Miff, How far are you from us? Maybe we could all meet up in the pub and share a glass of water :cool:;)

Good luck to both of you for the coming week

I'm about an hour away from there - just outside Tunbridge Wells - so wouldn't be easy and weekdays I'm working unfortunately but if you both manage to sort something let me know and I'll see what I can do :)

Can't wait until you get to join us on the CD journey too - I was excited first time I did it too and couldn't wait to get started. This time less excited getting started but very excited once I got into it and saw the weight starting to come off though :)

I have moved things along further with the landlord - its amazing how much more confident I am in doing that then I was as a kid hahahaha My best friend knows him and is VERY supportive as thinks we'll actually get on very well. She is at a party this weekend that we think he is going to and she will undoubtedly end up talking to him - I have given her the go ahead to be totally blunt and pretty much tell him as long as she does it in a way that doesn't embarrass me and still enables me to go and visit my goddaughter without worrying about him being home too lol I basically came to the conclusion of stuff it I have nothing to lose - if he is there then by the weekend I will at least know if its worth pursuing and if he's not interested then more fool him and its most definitely his loss.

I'm now wondering what on earth I've done but at the same time I'm thinking I'm 38 and nowdays I appreciate myself enough to really not care whether someone else does or not. Should be interesting to see what happens and I'll let you know - law of sod will be that he now won't go hahahahahahaha

So I spent today with just the 3 shakes on SS again - I will admit to stepping on the scales as well for a mid-week weigh in and haven't shifted anything since Thursday so I'm hoping lots of it will come off towards the end of the week! I'm looking a lot better and feeling great though so if it doesn't shift this week I'm pretty sure it'll shift next week instead.
oh and by this morning the goldfish seems to be swimming normally again - I found info online that told me to feed them cooked peas shelled out of their pods and mashed up. I didn't think that one had eaten them - even though the others all thought it was Christmas - but I'm guessing he may have had some and it fixed the problem. At least I know what to do now if he does it again.

Somewhat ironic that the goldfish actually ate more food than I did yesterday though hahahahhaa
ok - worked out last night that me and my friend had managed to totally confuse each other and there is no party this weekend and its in 3 weeks time hahahahahahahaha

Looking on the bright side it gives me another 3 weeks to lose some more weight and get myself looking absolutely fantastic by the time he starts to take notice :) and in the meantime I've told my goddaughter to keep singing my praises about how wonderful I am until then lol

Decided to SS+ again today - I'm actually fine on 3 shakes a day but I read something yesterday that by having too little it can actually slow down weight loss. At 5'8 I think I'm meant to have a 4th shake to stop that happening and as I haven't really wanted another one at the end of each day I've decided I'll go back to SS+ instead as it just works better.

Oh and I'm actually wearing my jeans today rather than just being happy about the fact I can - wahoooooooooooooooooooooo
Hi, i am back! and just worked out that i can write in pink! how exciting is the landlord thing! its hotting up!!!!!!! i think i am more excited than you! you dont need to loose weight for him though!!!!! i am sure you look gorge anyway! keep me posted on your progress! glad the fish are ok! never heard bout the pea thing before? works though!

now whats this about a mid week weigh in! put those bad boy scales away!!!! you are doing fab, dont need the scales to tell you that!! just keep doing what your doing! and well done for wearing your jeans!
posted too soon! pressed the wrong button! havemy daughter helping me!!!! anyway i have six weeks so today its CD all the way!!! not sure now if i should do ss or ss+? did loose well on ss + ? but no cheating !!! i know i said this before but 6 weeks!!!! i am very scared! oh i weighed this morning and excatly the same so very pleased i didnt put on!!!!! was not as bad as i thought. so today is the holiday count down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope you have a good day, no weighing.xx:rolleyes:
not 6 weeks - just one day today. Then another day tomorrow. Then a day after that etc etc Don't know about you but if I think 6 weeks I panic and have to grab food - if I think of just getting through today I can cope lol

Jeans are great - except I just sat down and remembered why pre-ripped jeans are a pain in the backside when one of the tears on the thigh just ripped a whole load further. Luckily they were cheap in the Next sale because I can't see myself wearing them too often! Although might get a cute/cool patch to put underneath it and get my sewing friend to fix it for me.

The landlord is hotting up nicely as long as we ignore the fact that he's totally oblivious to all of this hahahahahahahahhahaa

Oh and not losing weight for him - losing it for me. I know that come the summer with shorter skirts and summer tops where my fairly ample chest becomes apparent mean that he sure as hell ain't gonna be noticing my stomach - all very classy obviously but at the same time he is, in fact, male and experience tells me my weight won't be a problem lol

Good luck with today - I'd go SS+ at least to start with so that you don't feel deprived. Unless of course your brain is in the right place for SS and you are there mentally in which case go for it :)
oh and I'm allowed a mid-week weigh in - you ate brie! lol
ha ha , ok i will allow the mid week weigh in!:) the brie did taste good! Gonna do the ss+ i think its better and weight loss still seems to be the same, i will move to ss couple of weeks before holiday if i need a boost! Been angelic so far today, which is bloody good for me! Haha:8855:, determination determination determination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x
wahoooooo - keep it up

I'm struggling to get the fluid in lately for some reason - I'm so not hungry as well and I'm guessing that's why. Struggling to finish my shakes and then the last thing I want is another glass of water to fill me up even more. Me thinks my stomach may have had considerable shrinkage.

I'm flipping freezing too - didn't get that last time so don't know if its the CD or if its just because its flipping freezing! I lose weight and no-one can see because of the 5 jumpers I have to wear lol
hahaha! the cold thing could be your thyroid? i was freezing untill it was under control, i was wearing 20 layers all last summer! people thought i was just weird! anyway just had my turkey salad, yum. I am finding the water thing a bit hard, i find it boring and dont like the cd water flavouring. i know there is some flavoured water you cam buy that is ok as it has malic acid instead of citric acid. heres to another good day.x
I just finished my pork stir fry too

I am usually cold with my thyroid but my temp is actually up quite a bit with meds. I'll find out what's going on with that when I have my next blood test in about 8 weeks - it could be that 2 tablets pushes me too far but that 1 1/2 doesn't push me far enough which would be just my luck hahahahahaha

I can't stand the water flavourings in water but they are great as sherbet to lick off my finger when I'm getting sweet cravings. Only problem is they do strange things to my tongue where they kind of take the top layer off which can get painful but its totally addictive and I can't stop eating it! I swear they put drugs in the drinks stuff.

I'm thinking I might make myself a mix-a-mousse for pudding - I now have my medical form signed by the doctor so its a relief knowing that there won't be a problem getting hold of some more.

I've decided that the election is helping me not to eat now. I'm so bored with watching it on tv its making me find other things to do which keep me occupied so I'm not eating. Yay for having such rubbish politicians! hahaahhahaa
day 2,of holiday count down here i come! may even throw in a few sit ups today? after my thumping headache goes! will try to get a medical form done soon!got 2 weeks of shakes left!!!!! have a good day.x
its really bizarre - I woke up this morning and I feel lighter. I swear I have shrunk overnight! I hope I'm right and that it shows up on the scales tomorrow lol

I'm finding it a lot easier now though - my head as totally given up on thinking about food now and no massive cravings to eat. It could be that I may regret saying that at any point obviously but I'm enjoying it while it lasts :)

I'm going to go through my wardrobe this weekend too - I still have stuff that I don't wear either when I'm bigger or when I'm smaller because they aren't flattering when I'm big and they are too big when I'm small - I don't know why I've kept them to be honest. So they are going to be bagged up and put to one side and then in a few months when I've maintained I will be ebaying them.

Well done for sticking to it yesterday - the headache will go soon enough and you are well on your way to getting to ketosis and you know it will get easier then. Stick with it and you'll be SO glad you did when you can wear that bikini with pride and feel how you want to feel in it.
I must have jinxed myself saying how easy it is - I've craved haribos like crazy today!!!

Then I looked in my freezer and was really excited at the idea of having quorn meatballs for dinner - not sure if they are strictly allowed but I figured they won't be that different to mince - and it was only when I opened the packet and smelt them that I spotted the "blended with garlic" bit on the front. Garlic makes me sick as a dog so my excitement went out the window pretty quick :( I had some quorn bacon bits stir fried with a couple of spoons of veg instead but then ended up adding some salad cream to make me feel/it taste better - oops! I'm hoping it doesn't have too big an effect.

Weigh in tomorrow morning so we'll see I guess. Expecting 2lbs but would love 3.5 which would put me at my 1 stone off. Trying not to get my hopes up though.

How has everyone else's day gone?
i am sure it wont hurt! i love garlic, would be lost if i couldnt have it. Day 2 went ok, still got a headache, decided to do ss from tomorrow! think i will be better taking food away completely? wont need to think about it ! we shall see how it goes anyway! stay away from the haribos, and good luck for weigh in .x
Just a flyby as I`m cooking (!)

Hope you`re both doing ok today :D

STEP AWAY FROM THE HARIBOS!! I <3 these as they`re gluten free :D

Do either of you have Facebook?

If so, Mine is here -

Must go before dinner burns - Having Swordfish for the first time!

have just friend requested you :)

Well I won't be going to my weigh in this morning - I woke up and for some reason my left eyelid is double the size of my right one and really painful so I'm going to try and get an appointment with my doctor instead.

Did weigh myself this morning and down another 2lbs. I'm trying not to be disappointed that its only 2 - my brain is telling me that its now only 7.5lbs above where I stopped last time and it had slowed down by then and its only 14lbs above where I want to get to so as I get closer it will get harder. But the other side of my brain is going "yeah but I wanted 3"! lol

I have tightened my jeans belt by another notch though so I'm thinking that I've probably lost inches.

Hmmmm swordfish - I might have to get some fish out of the freezer for dinner tonight.

Oh and I stayed away from the haribos - it wasn't easy though when the shop down the road had them on offer at 57p!!!!!
oh no poor you! hope it feels better soon! 2lb is fab, also you said you weigh less on her scales! well done for staying away from haribos! I am gonna start ss today! omg! so worried about this holiday, if i dont loose a shed load of weight in 6 weeks i wont want to go!!! cant even imagine myself in a bikini! if its not bad enough that all the girls are tiny with fake boobs, the men and the girls will make coments about me i know! thinking its funny! also got to get in my dress!!!! it doesnt nearly do up !! i am dreading it! i can tell my partner is worried to, not that i am a fat cow , but that it will fuine the holiday! i will stop moaning now and get on with it! get that eye fixed and have a good day.
sacred silence i will request you as a friend now.x