*** TUESDAY -- hour by hour ***

Hope my car passes too, I'm lost without it. We live miles from town!

The woman who did LighterLife drank 4 litres of water in two hours, and died from water intoxication. Not pleasant, but very rare. Its been in the news recently about another woman who died of water intoxication during a water drinking contest.
I drink about 3-4 L a day - not panicking though.

I remember reading on the CD pink board one woman drank 10L of water making herself quite ill under the guise of "more you drink faster you shrink"
Evening All!

Hello all,

Sorry I haven't been able to check in all day - pesky work got in the way!!! Just back an hour or so ago, so have been unwinding by reading through all the posts.

Hope those who had a mixed day today find that tomorrow's better. And here's hoping for a 'ditto' for those who had a good day today (me included! Didn't even think about wavering - well apart from drooling over the toasted cheese smell at lunch time! lol)

Anyway, missed you all!

T x