Unthoughtful people!

Dear celebrations chocolates,

Please could you stop jumping in my mouth? Thanks. Oh and could you also tell the treatsize crunchies, please? It's just that I don't really want you guys on my hips - no offence and all that...

Ta, Snakes x

PS: Come on my lovely miniminners, let's all kiss and make up shall we? I think you're all fab, and it's so easy to let things get out of hand via a computer - typed messages are so easy to imbue with all sorts of meaning that may or may not have been intended...and it's so easy to get carried away and write things you would never say to someone in person. As someone said, we're a team, right? xxx
dear other half,
why oh why do u continue to imply that your illness is always "something different" to mine and your daughters etc? just because ur a man it doesnt give u permission to put on the man flu symptons everytime u get a little sniffle! im getting on with it as is ur 4 year old daughter!
love you :) xxxx
Dear "adult son",

Yes, you are an adult. Legally, by nature of your birthdate. However, due to the nature of your disabilities and the fact that we let you get away with murder, you fulfil no adult functions in this house other than to eat, poop, and hammer the internet. This is, admittedly entirely our fault, as we learnt long ago that a dish washed by you is a dish that needs soaking and washing again, that asking you to do something requires a minimum of at least 30 prompts before you finally get round to doing anything about it and that it is infinitely quicker to just do it myself.

Thats fine. Well, its not, but its how it is. However, being as I am now worrying my teets off because you have decided to take yourself off to the hospital and are refusing to tell me why, citing the fact that you are an adult and have a right to privacy, perhaps the time has come for us all to review what being an adult actually requires.

Your fractious mother.
Dear "adult son",

Yes, you are an adult. Legally, by nature of your birthdate. However, due to the nature of your disabilities and the fact that we let you get away with murder, you fulfil no adult functions in this house other than to eat, poop, and hammer the internet. This is, admittedly entirely our fault, as we learnt long ago that a dish washed by you is a dish that needs soaking and washing again, that asking you to do something requires a minimum of at least 30 prompts before you finally get round to doing anything about it and that it is infinitely quicker to just do it myself.

Thats fine. Well, its not, but its how it is. However, being as I am now worrying my teets off because you have decided to take yourself off to the hospital and are refusing to tell me why, citing the fact that you are an adult and have a right to privacy, perhaps the time has come for us all to review what being an adult actually requires.

Your fractious mother.

Oh dear hun, hope all is OK xxx
Yes, it is DD thanks. I still have no idea what it was, but he rang to say he was on his way home, it was fine, whatever "it" was, and would go away in a couple of days. So most likely something he could have gone to the GP with, had he allowed me the decency of an opinion. Has since.come home, had some tea and disappeared upstairs to do what he does best.
Dear Marks & Sparks,

While I understand that many people have something called self-restraint, I have yet to develop this wondrous trait. Every time you show one of your food porn adverts my halo threatens to slip and choke me. Please address the frequency with which you show said adverts as a matter of urgency.

Yours truly :)
Dear Marks & Sparks,

While I understand that many people have something called self-restraint, I have yet to develop this wondrous trait. Every time you show one of your food porn adverts my halo threatens to slip and choke me. Please address the frequency with which you show said adverts as a matter of urgency.

Yours truly :)

I know, I swear its verging on being illegal!
Dear low life scum bag who stole my brothers van today.
My brother is a hard working man devoted to his family, a husband and father of 2. You didnt just steal his means of transport you stole his livelyhood, his business, you have taken special tools for his trade that costs thousands of pounds and can not be easily replaced you wouldnt have a clue how hard he worked to get them in the first place, he is a man who gets off his arse and works from 5 am and often not getting home till 10pm, he is decent and honest unlike you... who do you think you are, seeing what you want and just taking it without a second thought, i believe in karma and i hope you get what you deserve by what ever means.
Right now i am soooo angry

And breath

mcv said:
Dear low life scum bag who stole my brothers van today.
My brother is a hard working man devoted to his family, a husband and father of 2. You didnt just steal his means of transport you stole his livelyhood, his business, you have taken special tools for his trade that costs thousands of pounds and can not be easily replaced you wouldnt have a clue how hard he worked to get them in the first place, he is a man who gets off his arse and works from 5 am and often not getting home till 10pm, he is decent and honest unlike you... who do you think you are, seeing what you want and just taking it without a second thought, i believe in karma and i hope you get what you deserve by what ever means.
Right now i am soooo angry

And breath


Argh mcv.

Serious risk I may get on my soapbox here......

Hope your brother is ok, hopefully he was insured (I know it doesn't replace it all, but should go some way).

I too believe in karma, and fingers crossed these arseholes get a bloody huge dollop!! xx
So need this thread today
Dear nurse who looked after my daughter last night,
I don't know if you were reading someone else's file, or if you are just too stupid to work out that 4 hours after 8pm is midnight. Thanks to you not reading her notes and sticking to her 4 hourly feed times you fed her an hour early and readjusted all of her feed times. The fact that I dragged all the way to the hospital on 3 buses to feed her only to be told she had been fed an hour earlier was really frustrating and upsetting. The fact that you also moved her from the side room into the nursery meant that all I was able to manage was a very brief visit because my other two boys were not feeling like cooperating tonight and it's hard to make them behave well enough not to bother the other babies in the room. The fact that I have been looking forward to spending some time with my daughter all day or that everything was timed to work out with her feeds is irrelevant compared to the fact that your mistake could have been so serious. Thank god it wasn't drugs you messed up on. I guess you really should be greatful that she has managed bottles all day and has ripped out her tube again, because if your incompetance had meant her getting more tube feeds, or delayed her even more in coming home I would have quite happily kicked your arse. From now on please do your job and actually check the notes before you feed the babies you have been entrusted to care for!

Dear thieving pig,
That bucket of Halloween treats I put out was for trick or treaters that called while I was visiting my daughter, not for a very greedy adult to help themself to in the 5 minutes it took while I was collecting my toddler in his pushchair. Usually I wouldn't say this, but I hope you choke on them or at the very least they make you sick.
Lukasmummy said:
So need this thread today
Dear nurse who looked after my daughter last night,
I don't know if you were reading someone else's file, or if you are just too stupid to work out that 4 hours after 8pm is midnight. Thanks to you not reading her notes and sticking to her 4 hourly feed times you fed her an hour early and readjusted all of her feed times. The fact that I dragged all the way to the hospital on 3 buses to feed her only to be told she had been fed an hour earlier was really frustrating and upsetting. The fact that you also moved her from the side room into the nursery meant that all I was able to manage was a very brief visit because my other two boys were not feeling like cooperating tonight and it's hard to make them behave well enough not to bother the other babies in the room. The fact that I have been looking forward to spending some time with my daughter all day or that everything was timed to work out with her feeds is irrelevant compared to the fact that your mistake could have been so serious. Thank god it wasn't drugs you messed up on. I guess you really should be greatful that she has managed bottles all day and has ripped out her tube again, because if your incompetance had meant her getting more tube feeds, or delayed her even more in coming home I would have quite happily kicked your arse. From now on please do your job and actually check the notes before you feed the babies you have been entrusted to care for!

Dear thieving pig,
That bucket of Halloween treats I put out was for trick or treaters that called while I was visiting my daughter, not for a very greedy adult to help themself to in the 5 minutes it took while I was collecting my toddler in his pushchair. Usually I wouldn't say this, but I hope you choke on them or at the very least they make you sick.

It doesn't sound like you've had a very good day, hope you're ok x
So need this thread today
Dear nurse who looked after my daughter last night,
I don't know if you were reading someone else's file, or if you are just too stupid to work out that 4 hours after 8pm is midnight. Thanks to you not reading her notes and sticking to her 4 hourly feed times you fed her an hour early and readjusted all of her feed times. The fact that I dragged all the way to the hospital on 3 buses to feed her only to be told she had been fed an hour earlier was really frustrating and upsetting. The fact that you also moved her from the side room into the nursery meant that all I was able to manage was a very brief visit because my other two boys were not feeling like cooperating tonight and it's hard to make them behave well enough not to bother the other babies in the room. The fact that I have been looking forward to spending some time with my daughter all day or that everything was timed to work out with her feeds is irrelevant compared to the fact that your mistake could have been so serious. Thank god it wasn't drugs you messed up on. I guess you really should be greatful that she has managed bottles all day and has ripped out her tube again, because if your incompetance had meant her getting more tube feeds, or delayed her even more in coming home I would have quite happily kicked your arse. From now on please do your job and actually check the notes before you feed the babies you have been entrusted to care for!

Oh hunny! You need to write that in a letter to the hospital!
I once had to complain because I was told I would get test results the next day, when in fact they meant after the weekend, it was a devastating weekend for me.
The nurse I spoke to encouraged me to make the complaint and as a result several changes were made to procedure, as well as a written apology for the distress caused. It DOES work.

And big (((hugs))) and prayers your daughter will soon be home x
Dear certain Miniminers,

Please get down off your high horse and allow other members to make posts without criticising them, or trying to shoot them down! Yes you may have followed the plan longer, you may have lost more weight, etc etc, but we are all entitled to our opinion and all have a right to post what we like!!

Grrrr :mad: rant over.
Princess_Stevie said:
Dear certain Miniminers,

Please get down off your high horse and allow other members to make posts without criticising them, or trying to shoot them down! Yes you may have followed the plan longer, you may have lost more weight, etc etc, but we are all entitled to our opinion and all have a right to post what we like!!

Grrrr :mad: rant over.

What on earth has happened Stevie?
Let me vent this what happened last Thursday to my wife, Copied this off the post I wrote on Mcdonalds wall on facebook (I try avoid McDonalds where I can anyway but this is even more reason to now)

Just incase your thinking of visiting the nice McDonlads featured on the recent add (Huddersfield town centre branch).

I warn you to be careful my 8 month pregnant wife was threatened by gentleman who has brain damage who drinks in there, When I say threatened I mean he picked a chair up and tried to throw it her, Luckily the manager and a customer stopped him, But the after care by the manager was rubbish, The response from Mcdonalds head office rubbish, No word from the franchise owner yet.
Apparently nowt can be done about the bloke who threatened her as he aint mentally well (we were told by a PCSO), But why allow him to drink in there when he dangerous!
The manager then did not lift a finger to help my pregnant wife move tables and a customer had to.

Awful treatment which has now put my wife off Mcdonalds

This is something that is not shown in the add!