Unthoughtful people!

Just found this thread and LOVE it :)

Dear colleagues in meeting today

If you really need to interrupt and talk over me please could you ensure what you have to say is worth listening to!!!



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lsf666 said:
Just found this thread and LOVE it :)

Dear colleagues in meeting today

If you really need to interrupt and talk over me please could you ensure what you have to say is worth listening to!!!



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I wish I could say similar to our callers
In work! I feel like saying 'damnit let me finish you rang me for flaming help and I can help of you just be quiet for one blo*dy minute!' lol x

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Dear Manager and Colleague,

I was taught by a female colleague (who also happens to be a friend of mine from school, and who I know and trust) how to do a certain thing a certain way the other day. Now, I am the kind of learner that needs to do things myself in order to learn them properly, not just be told how. I appreciated you telling me to go ahead and give it a go, but when you basically told me a couple of things and left me to it, it left me a tad confused as it was different to the way it had been done before. When I came to express this to you, there was absolutely no need for you both to gang up and basically treat me like a stupid GIRL who can't use technology properly and S-L-O-W Y-O-U-R S-P-E-E-C-H down for me. That was just rude and uncalled for. I am perfectly capable of using technology, but if I get taught to do something in two different ways (both days apart from each other) it can get a little bit confusing.

Also, I have a degree. Just wanted to throw that in there.


Your slightly pissed off, but intelligent and capable colleague
ellierose988 said:
Dear Manager and Colleague,

I was taught by a female colleague (who also happens to be a friend of mine from school, and who I know and trust) how to do a certain thing a certain way the other day. Now, I am the kind of learner that needs to do things myself in order to learn them properly, not just be told how. I appreciated you telling me to go ahead and give it a go, but when you basically told me a couple of things and left me to it, it left me a tad confused as it was different to the way it had been done before. When I came to express this to you, there was absolutely no need for you both to gang up and basically treat me like a stupid GIRL who can't use technology properly and S-L-O-W Y-O-U-R S-P-E-E-C-H down for me. That was just rude and uncalled for. I am perfectly capable of using technology, but if I get taught to do something in two different ways (both days apart from each other) it can get a little bit confusing.

Also, I have a degree. Just wanted to throw that in there.


Your slightly pissed off, but intelligent and capable colleague

Big hugs ellierose, that is so rude x

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Dear self,

Pull yourself together! Yes we've lost 2.5 stone but still have a long way to go so stop peeing around and get back on plan properly. I was happy with the 1lb losses but a gain is not accepable - it's time to draw a line, go back to basics and get back to losing ways.

Thank you
Me x

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Dear Mr KL

Your are my husband, and I love you dearly, but you are doing my head in. It is NOT the end of the world that your Ipod failed to charge overnight. There is no reason to be grumpy with me as a result. I am a bit fed up with having to walk on egg shells with you all the time because you seem to overreact at the tiniest thing. You may not realise it - but I know you are suffering from depression, and I am worried about you. I know you won't do anything about it because you are singuarly the most stubborn person in the world, and that I just have to let you figure it out yourself.
And whilst we are on the subjhect of things you are doing that annoy me. Get a grip. I have always earnt more money than you - this is not a new thing. Stop being a bloody caveman. I am not cancelling the holiday to Mexico because you can't afford your share. I have already paid out £500 which I won't get back, and call me stupid, but I'd really like to go on holiday at some point in the next millenium. So choose - either get over yourself and allow me to help you pay your share, or I will take my mother.

Your loving, extremely worried about you, wife, KL
Dear people in my 'real' life,

Stop stressing me out :( I am trying to organise the looming D-day as best I can, so throwing curved balls at me (why June? why not April? You do know that X won't turn up, infact, hardly any of your lot will - thanks dad. We (meaning me!) can just make the cake, then we can book a £200+ singer - thanks OH) isn't very fair. We've got AGES to go yet, and I have been pretty much left to book/organise everything (which is ok, I am a control freak after all!), so please don't become the "I told you so" brigade already. And I am trying my hardest to keep costs down, but there are certain things I will not compromise on, and cheapest doesn't always mean best, and if I can afford it, I will damn well book/buy it!

And mum, would it really be such a big deal to come to the wedding fayre with me next Sunday, at the venue I've booked? I understand it would eat into your carboot sale shopping time (even though its 11am-4pm), but its a bit of a kick in the balls if I'm honest. The same kick in the balls that I get when I call you for a chat, and the phone conversation is either hurried or non-existent due to you being 'really busy' with work, no matter the time of day. We're all feeling a little shoved out, but that's a different rant! The thing is, I think I am turning into you!

And OH. If I seem a little stressed, the best plan isn't to add to it. That's just mean, and yeah, it causes me to not really want to talk to you a lot. And stop being silly, of course I still love you, I just didn't *like* you that much last night :D

Yours, a confused, slightly stressed, me x
Kingleds- my OH is exactly the same. He gets annoyed that i'm the bread winner and throws a paddy if we go on a nice night out and i'm paying. But if he wants to buy a new playstation- wow, he gets over me paying for it really quickly!

I'll come to Mexico with you, I can pay my share :D x
Kingleds- my OH is exactly the same. He gets annoyed that i'm the bread winner and throws a paddy if we go on a nice night out and i'm paying. But if he wants to buy a new playstation- wow, he gets over me paying for it really quickly!

I'll come to Mexico with you, I can pay my share :D x

I wouldn't mind if it hadn't always been the case for the last 12 bloody years. Now he suddenly gets all funny about it!! Actually, what make me more mad is that he's whinging about not being able ot afford to o things, then refusing to let me pay for stuff, but he won't DO anything to change his financial situation. I have even offered to support him whilst he goes to college or something so he can increase his chances of getting a better job, but he just refuses because 'he's not having a woman pay his way' Grrrrrrr. My husband appears to have been replaced by a complete moron recently.
Dear work colleagues.

Pick up the bloody phones!!!

Yes the receptionist is at another office today for a meeting but thy means we are all meant to bandy together and help with answering main line calls. So far I just seem to be the replacement.

Dear supervisor.

Answer the bloody phone!!
You can see I am extremely busy and that the phone is ringing again but clearly having a cup of tea and a nana whilst gazing out the window is far more important than dealing with customers.

Dear computer,

Don't crash again this morning please! 2 hours of number crunching lost for year end and I'm at the end of my tether!

Dear Minimin-ers,

Dont think bad of me for posting here whilst saying I'm busy yet clearly had time to say this. I snuck off to the toilet for 2 minutes so I didnt shout this from the roof!

Minks ;)
Dear Mum,

I know you're trying to help, but saying "you're never going to fit into that" and "you need to lose weight" nearly everyday since I was about 9 doesn't help, it makes me want to rebel against you. This is why I have never desired to lose weight, cos I wanted to show you that I didn't care what I looked like and it was only you that wanted me to feel bad about it. Now I'm nearly 23 and I am not losing weight because of you, I am doing this for myself, for the first time in my life I actually want to lose weight. But when you say "you're on slimming world, you can't have that" or "think advance what you want for your lunch" it doesn't help. I can have what I want if I make allowance for it, I do think in advance, just because you forgot i was having prawns for lunch doesn't mean I did. You don't have to make my lunch up for me as if I was still a kid, I can do it myself, just cos you beat me to the cooker doesn't mean i "forgot to do it"
Kingleds and Jez - I'm with you girlies!! We just tick along quietly until I get resentful that we don't go on holiday enough (I love travelling) or I hate all our furniture or something and then all hell kicks off, usually revolving around me 'selling my soul' and being surgically attached to my blackberry and blah blah blah. Eugh. But that doesn't really come up when he gets great birthday pressies....

Mexico? 3 of us? Let's do it! I'm packing right now! ;) x
goingtobeskinnysoon said:
Kingleds and Jez - I'm with you girlies!! We just tick along quietly until I get resentful that we don't go on holiday enough (I love travelling) or I hate all our furniture or something and then all hell kicks off, usually revolving around me 'selling my soul' and being surgically attached to my blackberry and blah blah blah. Eugh. But that doesn't really come up when he gets great birthday pressies....

Mexico? 3 of us? Let's do it! I'm packing right now! ;) x

OMG - this is my life EXACTLY! including the surgical attachment to the blackberry comments & the great bday pressies!
I get "on the laptop again then?".

Yes, remember when you asked me if I could sometimes work from home so we are at least in a room together? Well that's what i'm doing!! Would you like me to connect with my clients telepathically??
I get "on the laptop again then?".

Yes, remember when you asked me if I could sometimes work from home so we are at least in a room together? Well that's what i'm doing!! Would you like me to connect with my clients telepathically??

Well, I sued to work from home when not on client sites, but now I don't because apparently my husband can't 'switch off' when I'm there working. Which is a valid point I think - but then I get moaned at if I leave early in the morning or get home a bit late at night. Can't have it both ways boys.

Anyway, I am not going to get myself in a tizz about it anymore. He knew what he was getting when he married me. I've made compromises for him, including leaving a job I loved so that I could spend more time with him. He can just lump it frankly. I didn't spend all that time getting a decent education or working my way up in my profession to let a insecure man ruin for me.

And I am getting a cleaner as well & I don't care what he says about 'only rich people having cleaners' , I don't have the time to do it, and he can't be arsed to do it (presumably cos he thinks its my job). I am fed up with living in a hovel as a result.

Rant most definitely over. Going to my happy place now...............
I have a cleaner, she only comes in once a week though. I do the standard stuff, she comes in and does those necessary evils like cleaning the skirting board. It really helps, plus I think 3 hours costs me £25 so i'm all for it!