V's Diary

Hi V x
To be honest this diet takes over my life lol.. So I accept that my social life is on hold for the time being.. just till I get things under control again.. :D So it s work.. gym... Tv.. Bed lol.. x
How much more weight do you want to lose? And how are things going for you outside the diet x

What work do you do? I'm on break from uni, but seem to be busy with uni stuff anyhow. Shouldn't complain, what with them footing the flights and accommodation and food in Switzerland!

I'm 188lbs, would like to be 185lbs by 31st August when I fly out, 183lbs by the time I start back on 26th September, and be down to 12 stones (168lbs) by Dec 10th or so (Xmas hols). I think I'll re-assess then. What about yourself? Where do you see yourself stopping?

Apart from the diet....complicated. Still in a relationship with someone very controlling, tried to get out, but difficult. Doesn't help that I spend a lot of time with someone I really like (but would never do anything with or even tell). Got my head in the sand hoping everything will just sort itself! Trying to focus on weight loss instead!

Oh, I feel I should admit, I've just eaten a whole container of nuts (eaten 1650 calories today!). Nightmare, but I have been for a walk and done 45mins in the gym, and the food I ate should not take me out of ketosis - so hoping I will just break even today, even with the slow in metabolism. Bit of a fail day (although doesn't feel like it, having spent the day walking in beautiful countryside with someone who's actually a nice person)
Hi V x
I sell IT equipment to companies which I enjoy but sales can be very stressful and I spend an awful lot of time on the phone..
Well I am 250 pounds :( wow so heavy but was 260 so I would ideally like to be 13 stone something by Dec I know that s a hard target but thinking the gym will help and then a small break at xmas and then back to get to 10 stone.. :D A big task ahead but with lovely people like you supporting me I will do it xx Have been overweight sooo long
Im single at the moment need to get myself sorted altho the weight hasnt always put the fella's off lol ;)
Am glad your spending time with someone you like.. x Maybe time will help with the complicated relationship and as you find yourself and get more confident you ll be able to move on (hope you didnt mind me saying) x
And keep going as your goals seem v achievable and look at what you ve achieved so far :D:D
Have a good day sweetheart and speak very soon x
I've had friends in sales - very stressful indeed! Although rewarding when it's going well. I can see why such a job doesn't make weight control that easy. 250lbs isn't that bad. Did you realise that another 3lbs loss from the 10 you already lost, and you'll have lost 5% of your body weight? :D You're doing great!

What you're saying about weight and fellas, I know what you mean. I get plenty of attention from guys whether my weight is up and down. I find women much more shallow! One problem I have though with being with someone who doesn't mind my weight, is that I find I tend to put on weight unchecked with them! More my fault than theirs.

I don't mind you saying what you said. I have tried to leave, but my other half drove up to where I live, and made me leave a social occasion with friends. It was rather embarassing, but I felt I had no choice. And now I keep getting gifts (which I don't want) and I feel like I'd be being ungrateful if I left. I'm not daft - I can see it's controlling behaviour. I'll get out, just trying to be strong enough not to be drawn back in! You are right though, the weight loss is making me more confident, and that will help!

Thanks for the words of encouragement. Your goals are also achievable, very challenging but definitely within reach - perfect goal setting really :)
Bless you V xx you say such kind words.. :D And another 3 pounds didnt realise that would be 5% thats my target for this week 3 pounds as I know it ll slow down..
I agree re the weight as I also tend to pile on the weight if that person doesnt mind my weight.. Not good for me..
I know what you mean re women, my youngest daughter came out a year ago and tells me the very same x
We will get there V xxxxx
Just checking in on you. Sounds like a stressful week. I went on a terrible date at the weekend. Didnt like him by the end of it but I felt pressured so 'did stuff'.. feeling stupid and young now! It's amazing what our feelings make us do when our internal dialogue is like WHHHYY?? :eek:

Good luck with the rest of the week =) Xx
Bless you V xx you say such kind words.. :D And another 3 pounds didnt realise that would be 5% thats my target for this week 3 pounds as I know it ll slow down..
I agree re the weight as I also tend to pile on the weight if that person doesnt mind my weight.. Not good for me..
I know what you mean re women, my youngest daughter came out a year ago and tells me the very same x
We will get there V xxxxx

I've got my fingers crossed that you make the target :)

I, on the other hand, have just had an enormous meal!!! Today I ate: burger (sweetpotato and falafel in a big burger bun with yoghurt dip), chips, breaded mushrooms with bbq sauce, packet of cheesy oatcakes, 10 mini chocolate eggs, and 2 Exante packs! I know it takes days to lose the carb weight again, so I'm wondering if I shouldn't weigh myself till Sat or Sun.

And thanks for the kind words, we will indeed get there! Sometimes when things don't look so good, it's ok - there's always hope :)
Just checking in on you. Sounds like a stressful week. I went on a terrible date at the weekend. Didnt like him by the end of it but I felt pressured so 'did stuff'.. feeling stupid and young now! It's amazing what our feelings make us do when our internal dialogue is like WHHHYY?? :eek:

Good luck with the rest of the week =) Xx

Hi Quirky_Candy, yeah been really stressful. Never seem to just get a break. Been working away at the new house today - painting, buying yet more necessary stuff to fix things that I can't afford, eating crap! I completely understand what you're saying about doing stuff because of feeling pressured. That really struck a chord with me, as did the feeling of going against the internal dialogue! Maybe as we get older, we'll become stronger in that way!
Yeah I'd like the wisdom of old age to get to me now please, when I'm young enough to enjoy it :D Hope today is stress free Xx
Hi V x
Hope you have a good day today, dont beat yourself when you have a slip up as that is all it is :D
Weigh yourself Sun.. or whenever is right for you x
Hi V x
How are you doing?? Hope your ok xx:D
Yeah how are things hun? Hope you're keeping positive =) I've had a bit of a blip this week but looking forward to tomorrow- Day 29 tomorrow and I really feel like a fresh set of 28 will refresh my mood. Hope you've not been hit by the blues that's been sweeping through here! Xx
Well, well-and-truly fell off the wagon (and then rolled further down the ditch) coming off the diet/exercise! Then buried my head in the sand about it. Feel bad about it, but must move on and start again. Especially now as I'm starting to go for interviews with graduate employers. (Weight shouldn't make a difference but studies show that being overweight makes it harder to get employed).

I thought I'd make a list of diet tips for myself (and anyone else who happens to read this):

- Eat much slower and more deliberately.
- Make a paperclip chain, adding one every day you stick to plan
- Drink at least 2 litres of water a day to feel fuller
- Do not use lifts and escalators (opt for stairs instead)
- Get off the bus a stop early if there's time, and walk
- Leave the mobile far enough from the sofa that I have to get up and walk over to it to check it each time a text comes through

I'll add more as I think of them.

So back on the wagon and on I go now. Fingers crossed!

Shockingly, I'm back up at 96.8kg (213lbs, or 15stones 3lbs). I've re-started diet chef today. Really need to use up my packs before they go out of date! I've not stuck to it 100% but it's only day 1, and I'm not going over 1200cals a day so I'm not too worried. I've also walked 4 miles today (according to my very accurate pedometer) which is only about 1 mile under the 5 miles I prefer. Given my workload, I'll settle for 1200cals a day and 30miles a week.

Here goes...
Argh went right up to my max or thereabouts at 102kg, but am down at 100.5kg at the moment. Gutted.

Started JUDD (using up all the food in the house, which is masses, including DC packs and Exante packs) and although I only started yesterday I took both days as UpDays! Not the best start although I'm still marginally in deficit (bearing in mind I expend more calories than my BMR as even I don't sleep all day!). I'm glad I got my BMR tested properly in a sports lab last year (university experiment) as they found out when I do the same amount of exercise as someone else my weight and female too, I lose less calories from fat. And my BMR is lower than expected for my weight. And my body fat is as high as my scales say (I was devastated at being more than half made of fat, but I'm glad I at least know now).

Anyhow, as long as I am a little in deficit, my weight can't go up (damage limitation!), and the down days (aiming for 3 each week at 550 cals) mean I should lose at least 1lb per week. If nothing more (hoping for more as I'll exercise after exams), then that means I would be down to 77kg this time next year (12stone 2lbs).

This seems an ideal plan for me, as I can stop beating myself up if I eat too much (as the guilt just makes me continue eating!) and I won't need to feel miserable that I'll be on a diet the next day, because I know the day after I can eat what I want within reason.

I am pretty excited at this plan, because of the other health benefits too (it's thought to lead to more than a 30-40% delay in the onset of Alzheimer's, and also lower risk of some cancers, and a longer life-span).

Let's see how it goes...
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Well it's day 3 and I've eaten 80 cals for breakfast. I've made some food for the day (500 cals) which I'm planning to split by eating at 11:30am, 1pm, 3:45pm, 5:30pm. If I get peckish in the evening then I'll have a quarter of a Quorn burger to bring my total to 600. JUDD calculator said something like 2150 for Up Days and 450 for Down Days, but given my slow BMR 2150 seems too much. And 450 I just don't think I'm ready for. I think it should work out ok as I stick to under 2000 for Up Days and use that extra 150 on Down Days - it sorta balances :)

I'm also quite pleased that even with 2 Up Days, my scales have shifted down by half a pound. I know I shouldn't weigh daily, but I look forward to it - it keeps me motivated.
Using my diary to let my feelings out, as I'm struggling so much I just need to write, and write. Otherwise my sadness just goes round in my head. My ex told me at the weekend she'd found someone else, and kept talking about her (how great she is, how if it keeps going how it is, she can see them getting married in a couple of years, buying a house together, about going on travels together, showing me photos). I should be happy for her, 9 months on from our 2.5 yr relationship ending...especially as it was quite mutual. The problem is I loved her to bits, but she treated me badly (very much so) but nobody else like that (very good to friends). With her not willing to communicate her problems, there wasn't a way forward. What is absolutely gutting me inside (I feel like I can't breathe properly, like she's punctured by heart and lungs) is that she is being so lovely to this other woman. If she treated me like that, we wouldn't have needed to lose 2.5 years. I can't tell any of you (not that anyone will be reading this) how much we went through together. Despite problems, they were all caused by lack of communication, her drinking, our busy lives, her not willing to leave the house (i.e. being cooped up all day when I used to travel 14hr round trip to see her before I moved down to England for her). She's been there through me coming through a tough time at work, with coming out to my strict traditional parents, we've talked about and share so many dreams. It all seemed such a waste to let it go, but what can you do when someone won't talk. Being with me she stopped drinking, lost 5 stone, became outdoorsy (which is something I love - the outdoors). But she still treated me bad (I'd sit the wrong way on the sofas, and she'd get annoyed because that's not how you're meant to sit on cushions, etc). It was little stuff but constant. But also I used to buy her little presents to surprise her, thoughtful little stuff. I'd tell her I miss her but she'd say you're seeing me soon anyhow. It seemed she took me for granted, but if I ever tried to leave she begged me not to. And I stayed, I adored her still. I know I was better off out of that situation - but not if she was going to be like she is now. (She was 3 yrs out of a horrendous relationship when I met her, and always comparing me to her ex, worried I'd become like her). I can't believe after 2.5 yrs she wouldn't even talk to see if things were salvageable, or to at least give closure. I don't get how people just stop loving each other (I don't mean she's wrong to move on, or anyone else is, just that I don't get how to do it myself). Our life together, despite our problems, had periods of wonderfulness, and was very comfortable. And we matched on many many levels if only she had treated me better. She's older than me and always wanted to settle down, so I couldn't understand why she'd throw away a chance with someone she professed to love, who she matched with on so many moral levels, who wanted the same things in life - without even trying.

I dealt with it till I found out about her and someone else, as I realised then she treats her wonderfully (and of course I wouldn't want her to treat anyone else badly). It just seems if she'd been this way with me, we would have had a wonderful life like we dreamed of - house by the coast, log fire, cats and a dog, chickens, walks by the sea, travel, etc, etc, etc. I'm gutted. I feel like I met her at a low point (about to lose 1 job through it not being needed any more, and working hard to secure another, her at her heaviest and crankiest, her when she wouldnt get out of bed till afternoon, her when she'd drink 7 or 8 cans/bottles a night, when she was cranky so often). And now she's lost all the weight and stopped drinking and is active, she's dropped me thinking I'm worthless/not worth the effort.

I think that she finds my worthless for a few reasons e.g. she talks about a house together with the new woman but says she wants her to know she wouldn't expect her to feel like she should sell up her own house. With me she had a major fallout with me because she wanted me to sell up to fund a house together (this was early days and we weren't even talking about houses) as we could both go halfs on the mortgage but she wouldn't have much of a deposit to put in. I struggled with this, as the reason I had money/security in a house, is because I lived very frugally and was still living on beans at times (value beans at that) whilst she was spending £2000 a year on drinking at home. Why is she so nice to this new lady, and respecting her building up her life/property, but was horrible to me for the same reason. It makes me feel like I was not worth it.

And now she's come out, and this lady is part of her professional environment. I had to hide if she saw any of her pupils because she'd told everyone she was dating an Indian (everyone assumed man). That wasn't fun in town. It was in case people put 2 and 2 together and realised she was gay and it was an Indian woman not man. Not this new woman is doing stuff together with her.

And the whole weight thing - she said this new woman wouldn't have fancied her when she was fat, and sexual chemistry is important. I feel like I saw her for what was inside, for everything I knew she was capable of, for who she was really - I would have been there through anything. It upsets me now that she is fit and healthy and not drinking, she's more of a catch but is with people who wouldn't have been with her if she was how she was when she met me. I feel like I've put in the hard yards, and someone else has stolen my future and I'm not reaping the benefits.

Yes, I'm jealous. And heartbroken. This other woman even met her father within 8 weeks. I was left alone 2 Christmases in a row while she went to visit her family who she is out to. :(

I want her back, but treating me like she treats everyone else. She knows she treated me badly and did apologise for it, and says it was about her. But she's not that person any more, and I feel like now she's better, I'm missing out :( after all we went through. It also seems unfair she came out 5 stone lighter, I helped her with money issues (advice/switching products, etc), got rid of her drinking issues (not alcoholic, just drank too much) - whilst I came out a stone heavier (now more since we broke up - stress), struggling at uni (as she used to keep saying she can't believe I don't know this or that - which was upsetting as I know a lot, just about different things), and with lower confidence from it all.

It sounds weird but being gay, and being culturally vegetarian, and wanting a settled life, and her also being vegetarian, wanting a settled life, and wanting the life by the seaside and a dog - these are all things that were good and paper, and meant a lot to both of us. It made it worth working on to see how it could be. So I don't get why she never worked on it from her side (she did sometimes, and that's when we had very good months together, but that lasted 6 months tops). If I was straight I think I wouldn't worry quite as much, as there's so many fish in the sea, and you can meet your other half by chance anywhere - a supermarket, a coffee shop, bus stop, work. It's not to easy when gay. And the vegetarian thing is important to me (in the house, although outside the house, whatever goes). Going on holiday though I love to try lots of veggie places, and we shared that. I'm not going to find someone else that we're so compatible with on paper, it would just be making do, and I couldn't do that to someone else. Plus if someone with me 2.5 yrs, who I'd helped through so much, doesn't bother with me enough to even talk to me to see if we can salvage things or to give me closure, why should I trust someone else. I don't think I'm loveable in the long term. Even though I'm a good human being, who's done a lot for charity, who is caring, kind to strangers, loving and affectionate, honest and loyal, etc, etc. The kind of things I want in someone else. Plus it feels like a lot of gay women don't seem to be attracted to other cultures (although that said I seem to be more attracted to white women having been brought up here) or they want me BECAUSE I'm Indian-looking which I don't particularly like. She loved and embraced my culture but didn't want me only because of it.

On the plus side all this heartache and feeling of loss, going back onto Exante when I've now no appetite, has been easier.
I very much doubt I'll meet someone for the longterm. And with my family all moving back to India next year, it's just me alone in the UK. Moving to a new part of the country in August too. Terrified how I'll manage if I don't meet at least new friends (although I'm very friendly and don't usually struggle to make friends).

I'd rather have no life than be alone forever (no family, no significant other). Instead I just hope that one day she'll come back. I feel like one of those heartbreaking cases of an elderly person that nobody visits. Writing here prob won't help as I doubt anyone visits this diary either :/

In the meantime I'm trying to focus on completing my final year of uni (as a mature student) and get prepared for my new job down south (the part of the country she wanted to move back to). Also on improving myself (weight and therefore health, and confidence in how I look).

I'm so worried, what if my life is just Christmases sitting at home on my own like for the last 2 years. I'm not Christian, but I still struggle with it as I know it's such a family time. Nobody deserves to have absolutely nobody (family, relationship). Part of me wonders if I should just have an arranged marriage so at least I have companionship for life (and kids, which I did want, but I don't know - would depend on situation).
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Hi V, am new to this posting thing and Exante diet. In fact I am starting the diet today. I have been reading your diary and I feel for you. I hope you are OK and things are looking better since. I understand what you are going/ went through. I experienced something similar 10 years ago. It was hard, painful and I just wanted all to end. However I met someone and now happily married. You will meet someone who deserves you. Good luck with your diet and relationships xxx