Wardrobe shopping


Gold Member
We all have them. Things lurking in the spare room, on top of the wardrobe, in a box somewhere. And what are they full of?? Things that don't fit. We've either had them, loved them and outgrew them, or bought them a size too small because we will shrink into them.

Either way, we are going to wear them!! This thread is a little 'hello' for those clothes that make it out!!

20 lost : 47 to goal

Say hello to my lovely boots! Wardrobe life circa 8months!!! Couldn't bend my fat ankle enough to squeeze them in, and today I can!!

20 lost : 47 to goal
Now I know I replied to this thread yesterday because I said "Hello boots" they are fab xx Don't know what happened to my post ???
Hello boots! Love this thread, its true. We do have them! I keep trying on mine to see if they r any better yet... X
i've got a practically new pair of river island shoes(worn once),cost 57 quid,snake skin feel size 5
my feet must have shrunk coz they don't fit. :D :cry:
As we lose weight and dress sizes we can also lose shoe sizes. I swing from a 5/6 to a 7/8 with my weight!!!!

20 lost : 47 to goal
As we lose weight and dress sizes we can also lose shoe sizes. I swing from a 5/6 to a 7/8 with my weight!!!!

20 lost : 47 to goal
Yep I have lost a shoe size in the last few mths x