Why I have to lose weight?

Everybody in the world at one point wants to look good, its gives people a sense of self belief and makes them feel good about themselves. So the question every one is always asking is HOW???

Are you asking HOW to lose weight? As you will get lots of help with answering that one on this site!


I have never eaten the bananas that grow near us because they always look to small, but I thought that was just the time of year. Maybe they don't get any bigger and so Spain is not the best climate for them..... I don't know.

I would have thought you could get raspberries. As they grow so well in the UK you should be able to do really well with them.
I'll have to do some investigations on google about them. Some things quite like the English weather, I brought some bluebell bulbs and other stuff from England and they all died.

It seems to be mostly citrus fruits, peaches, figs, almonds and olives that grow here. They don't seem to need much looking after either, an occasional watering when it's very dry and that's it.

Sorry to hear the bluebells didn't take to the Spanish heat...... I would have thought raspberries would be similar to strawberries so hopefully if you can get some they will grow well.

What other plants are you thinking of planting? and how is the fig tree doing?
Fig tree looks like it's just starting to bud so fingers crossed. I only started to put plants in this time last year so we'll find out which have taken. Most seem to be ok.

It was strange about the bluebells coz I put crocus and hyacynth bulbs in too and they are ok, they've just started to sprout. I bought them here though.

I've put most of the plants in round the front now and apart from the fig they're not edible. There's oleanders, hibiscus, bird of paradise, honeysuckle, dame de la noche, beauganvillia (don't know how to spell that) and palms. I did have jasmine wound round the pillars on the terrace but they died - only just noticed that the bottom of the stems are broken off, probably my cat! No wonder they're dead.

The plan is to put a couple of fruit trees and other edibles round the back, but that space has a few ton of sand and a cement mixer there at the moment. I think maybe mandarine, peach and cherry. The fruit trees grow very well and need very little attention (my type of gardening). I don't think I could manage stuff like veggies - too much like hard work and they're all quite cheap in season.

was thinking about some reasons i want to lose weight and the only really for me is to get out hillwalking again:) when i hillwalk everyweek i am fit as a fiddle and stay that way but if i went out now i would probably literally die!! so my goal is to lose weight so i can get back out with the club again:)
Hi Breadbin

That is a great goal as not only are you aiming to lose weight, get fit but also enjoy the countryside.

I wish I did more walking but with young kids often my hubby and I end up very seperated as one child will walk slower than the other and it is not much of a family affair when when we are about 100 meters apart with each of us watching one of the kids.


Birds of paradise are one of my favourite flowers of all time, they are so beautiful. I am very jealous that you are able to grow them, but your garden will look lovely! By the way the plant you don't know how to spell, nor do I, but I know which one you mean so maybe you have spelt it correctly.

Whose job will it be to clear the back? is that next on your list?
Hi breadbin,

That's a great incentive to lose weight and when you have lost enough to start again it should speed your losses up. What diet are you doing?

Hi suzy,

Nope, that's not my job. It can't be done until all the building work is finished and that's a long time off yet. I don't mind about it, coz I don't sit round there. I'm being kept well busy fixing things at the moment, I'm getting very good with the toolbox.

I love the bird of paradise too, another flower has just come out today and I thought it had finished.

I am glad to hear you do not have to clear the back.

As you use your tool box more and more you will soon find you can turn your hand to anything and when hubby gets back he will feel like a spare part if anything goes wrong.
There is not any reason to lose weight but every one wants to look beautiful and attractive that's why it is needful for them to reduce their weight, every one thinks from self mind so whatever is their opinion they do accordingly.
Hi Novabright

I see you are a newbire to this site so I would just like to and welcome you and say hi.

You will find they are a great bunch on here and everyone is really helpful.

I am losing weight to be heathier and also for my kids so that I have more energy but they are just some of the reasons.

What diet are you doing and how is it going so far? I am on Go Lower and it is working really well for me.
I am losing weight because:
I want to be smaller than my fiancee
I want to have professional pictures done of me in my graduation gown and like them - to see the amount of work it took to get me there not just to see how fat i look.
I want to be able to shop in 'normal' shops instead of purely in Evans.
I want to not have to worry about stupid things like 'will i fit in the chairs if i go to a football game' etc.
To have more energy and be able to live my life the way i want to.
Hi Kimberley,

Welcom as I see you are another Newbie.

My goal is my 40th in September, how long are you giving yourself to reach goal. Also as Tarotwomen asks, as we all want do on this forum, are you doing any particular diet?

I am doing Go Lower and for me it is fantastic.

Tracey I do believe possession means it is yours..... As he is away you have the tools. Have you had a tidy of the box as well so that you can find the right tools at a glance instead of searching through and taking ages.
I've not needed to tidy anything. He has one normal toolbox, screwdrivers, pliers, clamps etc; one plumbing toolbox, all stuff for pipework; and a box of bigger stuff, electric tools and spare parts etc, all very organised into trays - I don't think I could organise it any better. Believe it or not I can ring him and he'll tell me what to use and which tray and in which toolbox - and he's right! This from someone who can't find the carkeys even when I tell him where they are.

It's had good use again this week, I've mended a split wooden door outside and realigned the hinges on the terrace door coz it wouldn't lock. I daren't tell anyone here coz they'd be trying to get me to fix stuff for them. I've enough doing my own.

You are turning into such a handy women. Good for you. I am impressed with how orgainsed his tools are.

I sympathise with you about the car keys, why can't they see what they are looking at!
It's nice when you fiddle with something for ages and eventually fix it. It comes as a bit of a shock when I do get something to work again, I always half expect it to end up worse.

I think they just say they can't find them because they want you to get them. It's weird now being on my own because for years I could never find a pen, scissors, keys, whenever you put something away it seemed to move by itself. No-one ever put anything away but me, but now when I put something away it stays there till I want it again. I think of all the hours I spent looking for things coz no-one could be bothered to put things away after they'd used them.

I love that feeling of satisfaction at something going right.

I remember putting my four poster bed together and only getting my dad to help with the very last bit and I was soo proud of myself. I also had matching bedside tables, a full length mirror and a dressing table and after nearly 12 years it is all still in use!

We did take the posts of the bed when we moved as my son now sleeps in it.

As hubby is quite handy I don't get to do much around the house now, except clean!

I try to put away as much as I can but I can still never find a pen when I want one! When I lived on my own, like you, things stayed where I put them. I was also a bit of a neat freak then so everything had its place.
Hey Kimberley - I'm losing weight for my graduation too, do you graduate this summer?

I'm jealous of you handy people - everytime I try to fix anything it does end up worse, and every piece of furnature I've built pretty much always has a part on backwards or something! Haha
I make up for it being over-organised - everything has it's little home. The only things I always lose are tweezers ??? No idea where they go