Wii Fit +, Does it work?


Full Member
Hey Everyone.

I have had Wii Fit+ Since Xmas but never used it.
was told it's a fad that does nothing for weight loss!

My question is, Is this true?
And if not please share your stories with me and what games do you play on it to lose weight?

I really wanna give it a fair go but only if it can work.

Also whats Brisk Walking?
Yes I think it does work, I have been using it every night for about 30 mins and have lost 2 stone so far. I go on the stepping, jogging and boxing mainly. I also use the Active sports game and that is a bit more of a tougher work out and there is loads on there too.

Really anything that increases your activity level has to be a good thing. I know that where I work the physiotherapists use it for the rehabilitation of people who have had a stroke and are incapacitated in some way. It's a simple way of getting them moving again.
I love my Wii!! I do 45 minutes every day. I tend to do the aerobic exercises like hula step and jogging round the island. I like the balance games too they aim to improve your posture. Must admit dont do yoga or the muscle exercises, maybe I should. :D