Willpower.... where do I find that?!?!?

lil_legs said:
Have you taken your measurements? You've probably lost inches if your clothes are looser!! Better than a sts chick you'll probs have a good loss next week!! Xx

Oh ur right i know babe, its just the psychological thing of seeing it on scales isnt it! I will get the tape measure out in a but as have got measurements from last wk. funny that when i got back i just wanted to stick my head in the fridge an eat, more psychological stuff! Had my 2nd shake and sone cottage cheese, not quite the same but its fixed the urge to out food in my mouth!
Lisalu82 said:
Some people say that if your weight loss is not good have a couple of days on SS+ to get your metabolism going again.

I guess i could try that but im only just on wk3 today, should my metabolism really need another kick already?! I'll try anything though, will have a look at my booklet as dont think theres a massive difference between ss+ and step2 anyway. Ta for the advice :)
lil_legs said:
Good :) I know what you mean though, my weight is stuck and a part of me wants to eat what I want but I'm telling myself just 4 more days to be relatively good and I can enjoy my holidays.. It's bloody hard though!!

U can so do it, and i bloomin bet that after these 4 days if u stick at it ul get that little bit extra off before u go away :) and if not who cares, go away and enjoy and we'll all get on the dealing with the post hols weight bandwaggon. I always read about people who cant eat when they r upset or whatever but i am the opposite, booooo!
Haha me too, that's how I'm thinking I'm gonna try to be 100% but if I'm not, I'm not - as long as I don't binge (which I won't if I just let myself have a little something if I want it!) only 4 days.. Would LOVE to see 9 st 12! Think I'd faint lol x
lil_legs said:
Haha me too, that's how I'm thinking I'm gonna try to be 100% but if I'm not, I'm not - as long as I don't binge (which I won't if I just let myself have a little something if I want it!) only 4 days.. Would LOVE to see 9 st 12! Think I'd faint lol x

I knoooow! I get so bloody ridiculously excited thinking about getting to 10.7 (nxt mini target) but we have to have something to get excited about that isnt cake! I reckon ul shift at least another 1lb but as u say just dnt binge. Ive just eaten another atkins bar as the naughty food urge came back but its only 135cal and 11g carbs so it shouldnt do too much harm. Boot camp tomoz! Fo u reckon u can stay off the scales til u go? Xx
At least it wasnt a gain Caroline x you are doing so well. I have a bit of a challenge on my hands - I am fighting the urge to binge, on top of my friend dying I have had the most horrific discussion with my ex husband about the house that I own and he f**king lives in!!! I am so mad and upset I feel like getting as many take always as I could carry. I'm not going to thoug I am cooking poached chicken. Ggggrrr
lil_legs said:
Nope I've weighed every day for years, force of habbit. Might take the battery out and see how that goes x

I've caught the weighing bug too! I think i'd actually have to throw mine in the bin to stop, i'd just put the battery back in! Maybe i will try not to until u've gone....or maybe not lol! X
I'm gonna take the battery out and put it back in on Sunday I think (imagine if it says 10 st 7 or something after 3 days!!!) :eek: lol 3 little days and I'm work 8-6 the next 3 days so that's my first challenge, 100% ss+ and no weighing til Sunday, hopefully will see a little more loss and spur me on for my last 100% day Sunday - eeeeeeeee!!!

So sorry to hear you're having a tough time sue :( *hugs* well done for sticking at it though - dont let the food win. This is the one thing you can control in your life and you will win xxx
susie chisholm said:
At least it wasnt a gain Caroline x you are doing so well. I have a bit of a challenge on my hands - I am fighting the urge to binge, on top of my friend dying I have had the most horrific discussion with my ex husband about the house that I own and he f**king lives in!!! I am so mad and upset I feel like getting as many take always as I could carry. I'm not going to thoug I am cooking poached chicken. Ggggrrr

Jeez you poor girl, that is a sh*t load of stuff to deal with, enough to make anyone want to eat. Nothing i can say to make u feel better about ur friend or ur ex for that matter, except that ur feeling crap enough already without guilt for bingeing added to the quotation so u are doing the right thing by not giving in. If u really get the urge then out anther cd product or some protein in ur gob. I had half a tub of cottage cheese and it has bugger all in it so its not a big deal. Its prob not the right thing to say but imagine ur when he sees u all skinny minny and happy. Best f-you ever! X
Caroline u had a loss that's the main thing! Least it's not sts babe x I would have killed for a 1lb loss last week x

How are u slowly bringing carbs back in lil legs think I'm gonna have to do that.

Feeling particularly fat tonight after trying on bikinis! Thought I wpuld look a lot better.
lil_legs said:
I'm gonna take the battery out and put it back in on Sunday I think (imagine if it says 10 st 7 or something after 3 days!!!) :eek: lol 3 little days and I'm work 8-6 the next 3 days so that's my first challenge, 100% ss+ and no weighing til Sunday, hopefully will see a little more loss and spur me on for my last 100% day Sunday - eeeeeeeee!!!

So sorry to hear you're having a tough time sue :( *hugs* well done for sticking at it though - dont let the food win. This is the one thing you can control in your life and you will win xxx

Tell u what, i will ss+ with u tomoz and friday. Only 2 days i know but got my dads bday celebrations reat of wkend so gona haave to have all my protein so i dont booze and eat every carb in the world! Also i wont weight til wkend either, gona have to get ny brother to conviscate scales though! Unless we r bad it is impossible for weight to go up, fact. Worst case scenario is sts. Scary thought though! Xx
Im gonna have carbs in one meal maybe every other day (ignore today i had monster munch and chips haha) - jacket with my chicken salad or something... i just dont want to weigh monday and have a carb fest or give my body a mega shock when i eat carbs on hols!!

i havent been in ketosis for ages so that doesnt bother me!

Ive taken the battery out now but itll be going in sunday - need to weigh my case then anyway!! :p
Im gonna have carbs in one meal maybe every other day (ignore today i had monster munch and chips haha) - jacket with my chicken salad or something... i just dont want to weigh monday and have a carb fest or give my body a mega shock when i eat carbs on hols!!

i havent been in ketosis for ages so that doesnt bother me!

Ive taken the battery out now but itll be going in sunday - need to weigh my case then anyway!! :p

Weigh ur case eh, a likely tale ;-)
Sounds like a gd plan re ur diet, u might not lose the weigh u want to before u go but i think it'll stop u putting on loads whilst ur away. i my adopt the same, see how i am next week. Thank fook i still have a meal left tonight, need it after a depressing end to my day lol x
Caroline_Louise said:
Really, did u stick to everything too? Just gutted but its silly how much we react to a number on scales really as ive been told i lk thinner and some clothes r too big. Im consoling myself with a yummy toffee shake. On a lighter note, mr brothers face when he saw me licking shake off the hand blender (carefully) was priceless. He def thinks ive lost the plot lol! X

Lol I lick the jug that I blend the shake it!!!!
In conclusion ...we are all mildy mental!
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oh im crackers and cd only heightens that!

but normal is boring!

Oh without a doubt I agree. Which is good as I don't have much say in my mentalness really!
I know i should stop torturing myself about my weigh in but I've decided today I'm allowed to dwell and tomorrow its forgotten so...do you think it might have been down to the coke zeros? or that on 2 days i had more protein than i should? or bloomin balsamic vinegar which i can never get a real conclusion about or just s*ds law. and if i had had one slip up does that mean i would have put on weight!? seems mad when for weeks before i started cd i just stayed the same whilst eating pretty much as i wanted. AGGGGGH i curse the unfairness of it all!
Although as my dad sensibly said in total its over 8lbs lost and i would have been hapopy with 4lbs each week.
I'm done now. sorry! :ashamed0005: