Willpower.... where do I find that?!?!?

Lol where is that London?
MissieCB said:
Lol where is that London?

My spelling/grammar on here is crap, how u guys ever understand me is beyond me!
I meant 'amazing lodon club' its called Project Club, right nr oxford street. I was in mahiki on weds and honestly i felt vile amongst all the skinny stunners, i don't give a rats ass how much my tummy rumbles this wk, im not giving in!!!
Well I have just eaten dinner and pudding with my kids so totally off plan!!! CRAP!!

I am seriously getting stressed out about trying to lose another 1/2stone before I go on holiday but I only have 9days!!

I think it's starting to make me want to binge, which I haven't done before! Not sure what to do !!??
And I have just shoved 4 Jamie dodgers in my mouth! What the hell is going on in this head of mine???
Lisalu82 said:
And I have just shoved 4 Jamie dodgers in my mouth! What the hell is going on in this head of mine???

Do NOT get your knickers in a knot because that will not help or stop what has happened!

Let me tell you firstly that what you have eaten will not make a drastic difference to your weight ( i did that about 3 times in one week and still lost.

More inportantly I bet it was lovely to sit with the kids and eat what they ate and just feel normal?! Take today for what it was, a nice well deserved day off plan and tomorrow you just get back to it. And i mean be sensible not on ss!

If you deny yourself everything which you have done, this was bound to happen at aome point but just forget it and move on.

Can i be honest? And i say this because i like tou and i recognise in you things i have been through...i think you are letting this take over a bit and you have forgotten what its like to not be thinking about weight. Most importantly i dont think ir brain has caught up with the mirror and its just about a number on the scales right now. I bet you a billion pounds that at a size 8/10 you look amazing but you just cant see it yet.
I totally respect you want to see what you look like a bit lighter but dont obsess over it and dont starve yourself and then be miserable when stuff like this happens. Take it easy, you will do it but appreciate what you have ahieved so far.
I hope i havent offended you, just hate to see you upset yourself over something that isnt a biggy! Xx
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Thanks Caroline, you have made me cry!! But for the right reasons!
I think your right, my world has become about scales and calories etc. I need to remind myself that since I took the plunge into losing weight I have lost 11kg, 4kg on my own and 7kg on Cambridge. I go away in 9 days and don't want this hindering my holiday.

What do you think I should do Caroline? Pick up tomorrow on step 3 or try and maintain my weight (9st) until holiday??
Lisalu82 said:
Thanks Caroline, you have made me cry!! But for the right reasons!
I think your right, my world has become about scales and calories etc. I need to remind myself that since I took the plunge into losing weight I have lost 11kg, 4kg on my own and 7kg on Cambridge. I go away in 9 days and don't want this hindering my holiday.

What do you think I should do Caroline? Pick up tomorrow on step 3 or try and maintain my weight (9st) until holiday??

Ahhh god i feel awful now, please don't be upset and please don't feel annoyed with yourself either. This is so blimmin hard and trust me just because i can dish out advice and recognise things in others does not always mean i follow it ( as we have seen from my two weeks of mayhem!)
I think you need to forget anything lower than step3 for now and start trying to be 'normal' in terms of eating again. You need to get that bod of yours used to food before you go away anyway. Why not try step3 tomorrow, its still a piddling small amount of calories anyway and will easily undo what you ate today. Jump back on here at the end of tomorrow and see how you have done and are feeling. I think the best chance of success on this diet is picking a step and sticking to it, and if the end is in sight (like now for you) allow yourself a day or at least a meal off a week, i think thats what i will do.
Old habits die hard so we need to not get complacent but also not obsessed. Its easy to spout all that stuff about lfe is for living but you need to actually do it! Not sure how you get on with your cdc but perhaps think about telling her whats happened as she has a responsibility to you. Or don't if it will just make you feel worse and you feel you can get your head straight without telling her. You deserve to look and feel good but its no good of it leada to tears over jammy dodgers! I will msg you my nber if u like so you can text if u need advice or feel crap or anything if u like? Or you could start a diary on here? Must say i have thought about doing that becase with the amout of people on here there will be at least 1 person feeling the same.
You have done so well lisa, losing weight on the strictest doet going and juggling your kids (u slund like an ace mum!) I couldn't do it! Xxx
Thanks Caroline and don't feel bad about me crying its exactly what I needed!!

I will do step 3 tomorrow and stick to it even if I don't feel hungry. That's half my problem if I am not hungry I don't eat. But I will get my butt into gear and smash step 3 tomorrow.

You have been a star Caroline and if I could I would give you a bloody big hug right now! X x
Lisalu82 said:
Thanks Caroline and don't feel bad about me crying its exactly what I needed!!

I will do step 3 tomorrow and stick to it even if I don't feel hungry. That's half my problem if I am not hungry I don't eat. But I will get my butt into gear and smash step 3 tomorrow.

You have been a star Caroline and if I could I would give you a bloody big hug right now! X x

Good girl! You sound determined and positive, which is greati :) Sending you a virtual hug and i know you will do fine tomorrow but keep in touch.
Im off for an early night with my kindle and a mig of vegetable bouillion, tasty! N'night xx
Caroline_Louise said:
My spelling/grammar on here is crap, how u guys ever understand me is beyond me!
I meant 'amazing lodon club' its called Project Club, right nr oxford street. I was in mahiki on weds and honestly i felt vile amongst all the skinny stunners, i don't give a rats ass how much my tummy rumbles this wk, im not giving in!!!

Awww I wanna go mahiki not been there yet xxx what's it like x
MissieCB said:
Awww I wanna go mahiki not been there yet xxx what's it like x

Yeah its good but not really anything special. I just go on a weds as i drink and get in free coz i know the promoters lol! X
Caroline_Louise said:
Yeah its good but not really anything special. I just go on a weds as i drink and get in free coz i know the promoters lol! X

Cool x
lil_legs said:
Fatty is still scoffing! Got drunk last night and was in work for 10 hr shift by 8 - so havnt stopped eatin - that is all :)

Monday is a new day

Monday is a good to re-start. Im off plan today, nothing awful but i figure if its planned ta not as bad. Had 2 great days and still mon-fri to do some good :)

Help me :/
MissieCB said:
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=57595"/>

Help me :/


Sorry, but u do make me chuckle!! I am runnig AGAiN to avoid the smell of dinner after wating biscuits and choc earlier hehe.
Ps but i can see some grapes lol
I knew u would notice grapes loooool. X
MissieCB said:
I knew u would notice grapes loooool. X

Old eagle eyes me ;-) I've just run to combat todays treat. Everyone back on it tomorrow til friday, thats the challenge! Xx