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  1. Boogaloo

    Just starting out

    Yeah the Yanks do a lot of their food measuring in "cups" I took Jims advice and just substituted a cup for a good old British tea mug size
  2. Boogaloo

    Just starting out

    Well done on the no fags Mrs. I did consider it for new year but shifting this damn weight is a priority and I know I cannot do both (I've tried in the past and I just turn into the b**ch from Hell) and you know what the SMC is like. I need my smoke breaks. If you get a chance have a nosey...
  3. Boogaloo

    Just starting out

    Glad you took my advice and joined here Lottie. ;) I've not been on here for a while but you will find they are a good bunch who will cheer you on when you are losing and cheer you up when you're not! Good luck Mrs!
  4. Boogaloo


    Just to add, he caramel bars are in Wilkinsons for 37p at the moment which seems very reasonable considering the price in other shops.
  5. Boogaloo

    cheese sauce

    I make a mean stilton and mushroom sauce even if I say so myself. Take a teaspoon of butter and melt in a non stick pan. Add baby button mushrooms (I prefer them whole and generally I use the tinned variety) and fry off until browned. Add the required amount of cream and crumble in some...
  6. Boogaloo

    Boogaloo's Stall Identification Thread.

    I do think it is going to be a case of going right back to basics and starting from scratch. No sugar free stuff, no cheese, no bars. Wish me luck. :)
  7. Boogaloo

    Boogaloo's Stall Identification Thread.

    I'd already cut out citric acid, only drink water or very occasionally perfectly clear, strawberry and kiwi as that doesnt have any. With the bars, I stay in Ketosis but the weight loss seems to stall, I've also cut right down on cheese. I very occasionally have a couple of slices of Haloumi...
  8. Boogaloo

    Boogaloo's Stall Identification Thread.

    Sorry Ive not got back to you guys sooner. Ive had a few days away. I very very rarely drink alcohol to be honest Anna and I've been making sure I do drink at least 3 litres of water a day. I have almost convinced myself that it must be the bars that are to blame to be honest.
  9. Boogaloo

    Boogaloo's Stall Identification Thread.

    Thanks for your help guys, it always helps to have someone else critique your diet. I am shocking at getting our of bed in the morning in time to prepare food and find the bars an easy fix, although I think I may have become too reliant upon them. Even though I am not their biggest fan as they...
  10. Boogaloo

    Boogaloo's Stall Identification Thread.

    I disagree to be honest claire. I find it an incredibly impressive look. Especially considering she is 100% natural (tested to the point of blood, urine and polygraph tests). The point I was trying to make was she is 7 stone in that photo and fits in an age 11 trousers. To achieve that...
  11. Boogaloo

    Boogaloo's Stall Identification Thread.

    I dont buy into the doing a bit of cardio means I wont lose weight. The TV show "the biggest loser" is living proof of this. They do anything up to 4 hours a day (yes a day) of exercise, including weights and none of those use the excuse of gaining muscle and they have great losses week on...
  12. Boogaloo

    Boogaloo's Stall Identification Thread.

    OK I'm getting a bit fed up now, as I appear to be losing and gaining the same 2lb for the last few weeks. I intend to post here exact details of what I've eaten, had to drink and what exercise I have done. If anyone spots anything that could be causing my stall, please feel free to comment...
  13. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Compulsary sports ended up being a boxercise session. I then went swimming for 20 mins and then stayed for the Aqua Aerobics. I was shattered by the time I got home and had a brilliant nights sleep.
  14. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    I've decided to seriously limit the atkins bar, as I was having one every day for brekkie. So yesterday was: B: 2 Debbie and Andrew herb Sausages with cabbage, mushrooms and bacon lardons. S: egg mayo. L: Low carb tortilla wrap with cajun chicken, lettuce, red pepper and mayo. D: 2...
  15. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    See below definition LM, its an Armed Forces term. A group or individuals are pushed to their limits or to see how far they go before they jack. Not always nice to watch and a real bummer if you are the beastee. One reason for Beasting is to make sure that the person or group will be able...
  16. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Yesterday was treadmill work. I really beasted myself. Not really ideal for fat loss, but makes me feel better, as though I've done something. I really struggle to keep my heart rate in the "fat burning" zone. Today was a struggle. I had to work through lunch so asked the boss if I could...
  17. Boogaloo

    Product reviews

    Just thought I'd drop a quitck review of some megastore items I recently bought: FRESH BAKED BREAD - Sliced Despatch Mon | Low Carb Megastore Bread. Not too bad as toast very much like Nimble when toasted in so far as there is not much substance to it. But good for that bread fix, if you...
  18. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Its bizzare, I bloody hate going to the gym, but love it once I am there and miss it when I don't do. I've felt like such a slob this weekend as I've done nothing. To be fair I was having a bit of a moap. I'd got down to 10st 1 a weekend and was determined to lose 4lb in the following 2...
  19. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Hooya, I suspect you may be doing your deadlifts fine. The discomfort may just be due to the fact that in everyday life we do not usually put much strain on the muscles in our lower back. Therefore you will most certainly feel it as soon as you do deadlifts. Muscle ache after weights is known as...
  20. Boogaloo

    chocolate question

    I've only had the bread as toast and is it OK I guess. Its kind of like Nimble bread, very light and very small. Not at all filling, but it will provide that "bread fix" if you need it. I've also just ordered some tortilla type wraps (3g each) which should be arriving tomorrow. I will report...
  21. Boogaloo

    chocolate question

    I'm quite fortunate that when I crave something, it tends to be a low carb something, usually egg mayo. (I do eat too many eggs so have to make sure I take my pysillum husks and plenty of water too). As for the megastore, it all depends on what you are missing the most and whether you can get...
  22. Boogaloo

    chocolate question

    check out the low carb megastore. They have tonnes of different chocolates and sweets, but as others have mentioned they can have a laxative effect and may cause weight loss stalls.
  23. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Well had my compulsary 1 hour of fitness today at work. They had organised a spinning class for us........ which was nice.
  24. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Use a fine grain exfoliant to wash your hands or just file them away with an emery board and moisturise well afterwards.
  25. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    B: Daybreak bar L: 2 Chicken thighs and some brocolli S: Egg mayo D: Half a shoulder of lamb and brocolli and I made some gravy using the meat juices, a Knorr lamb stock cube (1.4g per cube) and some thickener from the low carb megastore. It was so nice to have gravy again. I've not had it...
  26. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Mon: Lunchtime Circuits for an hour. Tues: 20 minutes treadmill 15 minutes spinning 45 minutes swimming Weds: So far I have done 35 mins swimming and aim to go either go to the gym or dust off my weights bench in the spare room and get pumping some iron...
  27. Boogaloo

    Not losing at all, 5lbs in 4 weeks, ADVICE please?

    Hi voodoo, Might also be worth checking the carb content in your protein shake as some of those can be quite high. You are just like me when I had a stall, I felt I was doing everything by the book, however as others have mentioned it is about working out what is instigating the stalls...
  28. Boogaloo

    All about water

    If a person is dehydrated their body compensates by retaining excess water as a protective measure. This can be responsible for some excess weight. Also a dehydrated person's metabolism is significantly lower than a normally hydrated person. The higher your metabolism, the quicker you use up...
  29. Boogaloo

    Why I'm I soooo tired

    As much as you really may not feel like it, a bit of gentle exercise may help. Go for a walk, hell have a bit of a jog even if its just for 10 minutes. Get those endorphins flowing. Well done on the 13 lb, that is great going missy and its also a lot in 10 days. Maybe your body doesnt know...
  30. Boogaloo


    Fibresure capsules or pysillum husks from Holland and Barratt. I got a bottle of 200 capsules and took 2 with each meal. Helps combat constipation as well as assisting with getting the required amount of fibre. Brocolli is also a good source.
  31. Boogaloo


    Sorry if I came across as pedantic, I just dont folk trying it if they have had a 1 or 2 week stall, when all that is required is a bit of tweaking of their current diet. Be aware, especially those who are new to Atkins (or even those returning) that it will take a few weeks to work out what...
  32. Boogaloo


    Made, Shouldn't that be it is dangerous for those who are not metabolically resistant, as the fat fast is designed for people who struggle to get into ketosis and are therefore metabolically resistant.
  33. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Well I've not been very good on the old exercise front recently, so I was quite please when I was told yesterday that a 1 hour compulsary exercise session was being introduced at work. However, after an hour of bodypump yesterday I am beginning to regret it. I am in bloody agony. Everything...
  34. Boogaloo

    Body fat %

    Hooya, Sorry to be the voice of doom and gloom here but you should be aware that us ladies need a certain level of bodyfat to maintain a healthy menstrual cycle. It is not unheard of for females with a bodyfat % of sub 18% to have their cycles stop. It is the bodies own way of letting you...
  35. Boogaloo

    Weekly weigh-in thread

    Woo hoo another 2lb this week which is really pleasing, especially as I had copious amounts of vodka on Saturday night. I'm so pleased. 10st 2lb now.
  36. Boogaloo

    Hellraiser's feelgood thread

    Hellraiser, you sum the atkins diet up in one little post! Wonderful. I think your method is why the Atkins works so well for me. I can forsake all the carby type food because I know I can have lamb chops (with all the fat) or a portion of plain pork ribs, for my dinner and not have to deal...
  37. Boogaloo

    Exercise & Atkins

    Ok, how about a quick warm up using the cross trainer and then some weights. Done in a position you feel comfortable with?
  38. Boogaloo

    Cheap Low Carb Snacks

    Great minds think alike. I bought a tub of Bournville powder last night together with some granulated splendor. So all I need now is the motivation to make it.
  39. Boogaloo

    Exercise & Atkins

    You could try a cross trainer or a recumbant bike. Neither are too strenuous and shouldn't be too uncomfortable on your back.
  40. Boogaloo

    I dunno if this is allowed like but ...

    I saw someone on here recommend stock cubes called "just Boullion". I make that up and add a bit of fresh cream. It has less carbs than bisto, but I can't remember the exact count at the moment.
  41. Boogaloo

    Cheap Low Carb Snacks

    will let you know how I get on then, but sourcing low carb cocoa, that isnt extortionatly priced is becoming a stumbling block.
  42. Boogaloo

    Cheap Low Carb Snacks

    The boots offer has finished now unfortunately. If I need a snack I tend to go for the following: 2 eggs with 15ml Mayo Chopped up and stored in a little tuppaware tub. Pork scratchings. I buy a big 70g bag and split into two portions and keep one (again in a little tub) to work with me...
  43. Boogaloo

    made's diary

    Eeek Lager??? Not good. Can you swap it for a couple of Vodkas with a diet mixer instead? Unless you can get some Michelob Ultra which I believe is only 2.6g per bottle.
  44. Boogaloo

    Exercise & Atkins

    Try not to think of diet and exercise as two separate entities Laura. If you try and include exercise into your diet "plan" I'm fairly sure you will get to your goal in a much more timely manner. I exercise because I know I should. I really dont enjoy it. Well thats a bit of a white lie...
  45. Boogaloo

    Exercise & Atkins

    See my problem is I know and understand the science of exercise and nutrition. My problem is finding the motivation to put what I know into practice. I'm also a member of another forum which includes a number of female members who compete in bodybuilding competition. I find their discipline...
  46. Boogaloo

    Can we have....

    Thanks Laura, I suspect I may have used a tad too much last night then. Ooops! I probably used about a tablespoon full to marinade some pork ribs. Ah well nevermind. TBH, I dont think I went over my 20g, but to blow 6 of them on a seasoning seems a bit pointless. I'd rather have had a big...
  47. Boogaloo

    Can we have....

    I was wondering if anyone knows the carb content of Schwartz Chinese 5 Spice.
  48. Boogaloo

    Exercise & Atkins

    I agree a bit of gentle cardio to get the muscles warm before hand is ideal. However a full on cardio session will deplete some energy which could be better used to ensure you are lifting correctly. Also a quick note to women, lifting heavy weights will not make you look like Arnie. Unless you...
  49. Boogaloo

    Exercise & Atkins

    Just a quick note Claire. It is better to do cardio activities after weights rather than before. It means your weight reps will be more effective as you will have more strength. I usually do a quick warm up 5-10 mins. Followed by 30 minutes of weights (any more than 40 mins and you could be...
  50. Boogaloo

    Exercise & Atkins

    I really doubt if your weightloss would be stalled. However I do know that exercise will affect how you excrete ketones, so therefore you may test negative with a ketostick. Do not despair, you are still in ketosis (so long as you have eaten right) its just that you will have excreted the...
  51. Boogaloo

    My Little Bavarian Trip

    This is why I dont get too hung up over what my scales say. If I was trying to slim quickly then maybe I would beat myself up over it, but as it stands I'm obese if using BMI yet I still manage to pass my fitness test every 6 months and I can still get into my size 12 jeans. I want to lose...
  52. Boogaloo

    My Little Bavarian Trip

    Well whadda ya know! After my mammoth blow out last weekend (which incidentally I forgot to mention included a bag of Cadbury Caramel choccies) I got straight back on the wagon and on Wednesday, I just thought I'd check on ketosis with the sticks. Well since starting Atkins a good few weeks...
  53. Boogaloo

    My Little Bavarian Trip

    Cheers Claire love, I must admit to being very suprised at the standard of food provided. I was really expecting 2 triangle sandwiches with a see-through slice of boiled ham. A blue ribbon chocolate bar, a bruised apple and a bag of cheap bensons crisps. But no it was really good. I'm not...
  54. Boogaloo

    My Little Bavarian Trip

    Hey you guys! Just thought I'd let you know about my recent Bavarian trip and my eating whilst I was there. I was quite concerned as all meals were to be provided (including a packed lunch)and for anyone that has eaten in an Armed Forces mess/cookhouse you will understand why I was...
  55. Boogaloo

    Having to justify your diet choice.

    It will be a load of old nonsense Penny, I guarentee it. I'm sure we would have heard about it in the press if someone would have suffered complete organ failure because of a low carb diet. If there has been any serious health problems, penny to a pound its because they have not been doing it...
  56. Boogaloo

    Weekly weigh-in thread

    Claire my dear that is a splendid idea. Maybe I'll ask them to make me some hard boiled eggs up. Had better take some pysillum husks too as I dont want to end up "eggbound".
  57. Boogaloo

    Atkins with one eye on the calories!

    Just been thinking, ice blocks might not be a good idea when flying as customs might class them as being liquid and therefore they must each be 100ml or less. You might do better with those re-useable icecubes. You know the little plastic things filled with liquid.
  58. Boogaloo

    What Are You Drinking Today.

    I too have found that I can now glug water for England. In my earlier posts I stated that I was really struggling with not only getting it down the hatch, but also wearing the carpet out making frequent trips to the loo :(. However this seems to have slowly but surely rectifed itself and now I...
  59. Boogaloo

    Having to justify your diet choice.

    Just as a quick follow on from comments made on another thread, I'm sick to death of having to justify my choice of diet, all because people dont fully understand it. One of my collegues who is a nurse spotted one of the bars on my desk, so I explained that I was doing the Atkins. Cue a...
  60. Boogaloo

    Weekly weigh-in thread

    Well Ive changed my WI day to a Saturday morning, instead of Monday and I'm back to 10st 4lb so thats 2lb back off. Am nervous about next week. I'm off on an Adventure Training week to Bavaria with work and all meals and packed lunches will be provided. So you know what that means...... A...
  61. Boogaloo

    anyone know how you cook pork ribs in the oven?

    Ribs.... Hmmm My speciality. I put mine on a rack in a tray, so they dont sit in their own juices. I put them on really low light and cook them long and slow. Mine electric so 150 deg.
  62. Boogaloo

    Atkins with one eye on the calories!

    Pork scratchings require no refrigeration. Also what I tend to do is get a small cooler bag (about lunch box size) and pack it with the blue freezer blocks. This will keep your eggs, cheese, meat etc suitably chilled for a good few hours.
  63. Boogaloo

    Don't think i can hack it :(

    Hmm, yes your symptoms do seem a bit extreme for atkins flu. There may be some other underlying cause that has co-incided with the start of your diet. As Hellraiser has asked, can you give us some indication of your daily diet. Cracking weight loss mind, but if you are feeling lousy thats...
  64. Boogaloo

    1st weighin

    As for the cramp, you might need to increase salt intake ever so slightly also make sure you are getting plenty of fluids down the hatch. The Atkins diet consists of what I call "clean" food. Meat, veg, eggs etc. and not processed foods such as low fat microwave meals which are crammed with...
  65. Boogaloo

    1st weighin

    Well done Jot. I'm really pleased for you (and a tad jealous if I'm being completely honest). Take that feeling you have right now and keep it up for next week! Congrats! :)
  66. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    B: Day Break Bar and a decaf with soya. L: 2 x Beef grillsteaks & cup of broccoli S: 50g Mr Porky Pork Scratchings Egg mayo with 2 boiled eggs & 15ml mayo. D: Going to have 2 chicken thighs a small rack of ribs and some mushrooms done in garlic lurpack. Will likely have jelly...
  67. Boogaloo

    The tyranny of the scales

    I hate the damn things I really do. I don't know why I do it to myself. I can fluctuate 4lb in a day, so maybe the scales are not the best way forward for me. I'm with Bren and am going to stick with the tape measure.
  68. Boogaloo

    Atkins shakes

    To be fair Jim, you are a prime example of what the strict version of Atkins can achieve. It just seems that so many of us are struggling with weight loss and for those of us on 2nd time round have not seen the results of our 1st experience of Atkins. Maybe, just maybe, it is because of...
  69. Boogaloo

    Atkins shakes

    Good Lad Hellraiser, I definately think that all this having bars and shakes whilst on induction is to do with Atkins Marketing Dept and not because they will still allow you to lose as much weight. I reckon old Doc Robert A. Would be turning in his grave. I have the book from the early...
  70. Boogaloo


    Guys try not to get too hung up on the ketostix and what colour they are. I have lost weight (and put some back on but that's a different thread) and lost inches and have never yet been in the pink even a tiny bit. But I have still lost. They are an indicator thats all.
  71. Boogaloo

    Where can i get atkins bars and shakes in the UK?

    Dont forget the Boots offer at the moment. Buy one get one half price. Still bloody expensive, but if you are using them as a treat rather than a daily thing its not too bad.
  72. Boogaloo

    Day One over

    ha ha ha ha! Its far too early for jokes Hellraiser. :D
  73. Boogaloo

    New To ATKINS!

    It all depends on the brand I suspect. Ive just had a nosey on the Asda Website and that details the nutritional info for home delivery items: Colemans: 0.4g per 2ml Colemans Squeezy Mustard 0.8g per 5ml Mustard Powder 0.3g per tsp. Heinz Squeezy 1.4g per 10ml Maille Dijon 0.6g per 10ml Asda...
  74. Boogaloo

    Eating Out

    Sometime, and this is going to make me sound like a right theiving gypsie, but, if I go to a restaurant or cafe that provides portions of mayo (like little sachets) I will grab more than I need. Then next time I go out for a meal I will take a couple with me. This came in quite handy the...
  75. Boogaloo

    Eating Out

    I would say the more strict you can be at the beginning the better, but do not do it at the detriment of your mental health. :cry: Dieting should not make you miserable and if a meal out is what it takes to keep you sane then go for it! Just take everything you have learnt so far from the...
  76. Boogaloo

    What supplements/vitamins do you take?

    Hmm. Me too honey and it's so easy to throw the towel in when things don't go your way, but sticking at something is what will see you through.
  77. Boogaloo

    What supplements/vitamins do you take?

    I was just curious as to whether you guys take any extras, such as vitamins or supplements and if so, what type. At present, on a daily basis I'm taking: 2 x Psyillum husk capsules (3 times a day) 1 x L-Glutamine tablet 1 x Multi vitamin 1 x EFA Omega 3, 6, 9 capsule So anyone else taking...
  78. Boogaloo

    morning all - good sleep

    I also sleep tonnes better when I'm low carbing. Prior to starting AD I would need to have an hour nap when I got home from work and then would not be able to get to sleep later and would be up until 1 or 2am. However, now with meal preperation and better energy levels and sleeping really...
  79. Boogaloo

    A few questions about atkins

    Almost every supeermarket sells them. Tesco do my favorite brand which are Mr Porkys! :)
  80. Boogaloo

    A few questions about atkins

    IIRC the book states that induction should last 2 weeks, however I'm fairly sure that some stay on induction for much longer, as induction is usually the period which you can figure out what does and doesn't work for you. Some people are fine with diet drinks, others however do not lose, due to...
  81. Boogaloo

    Atkins and Alcohol

    I went out this weekend and having not drank alcohol for weeks and weeks I was a bit worried about getting blotto, so I was very careful and made sure that for every vodka and coke I ordered I also got a pint of water. I got a wee bit drunk but didnt have a hint of a hangover the next day...
  82. Boogaloo


    Jot, My advise would be to sit down and plan your week of meals and have a ready supply of Atkins legal snacks. If you are anything like me, it makes life so much easier and makes straying "off diet" less likely. I like to bulk cook, usually half a dozen hard boiled eggs and a pack of...
  83. Boogaloo

    Day 2 core Blimey

    Lovely juicy lamb and it has to have the best tasting fat. Especially when it has gone all crispy. Hmmmm. Am off shopping tonight and I think lamb chops might just be on the menu for dinner. It's just a shame its so damn expensive in comparison to other meat!
  84. Boogaloo

    Day 2 core Blimey

    I eat plenty of chicken, but only really enjoy thighs. I think chicken breast is boring and bland. I also eat lots and lots of plain pork ribs, usually greasy and totally delish! But my most favorite meat is lamb. I bought a small shoulder of lamb and waffled the lot on its own one night...
  85. Boogaloo

    Weekly weigh-in thread

    Pardon my french ladies but, B****cks! 2lb on. Must have been the copious amounts of vodka and diet coke. Im convinced that in 2 bars they served me full fat coke, but after waiting at the bar for 20 mins to get served the first time it wasn't worth the hassle, especially as I wasn't 100%...
  86. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    Welcome home Jim, Hope you had a wonderful time. So back to induction then. Hope things didn't go too badly for you.
  87. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    Bit of a manic day so far for me. Been running round like the proverbial blue ar$ed fly, so eating has not really been a priority. Had a day break bar this morning and then some pork ribs for lunch. Ive just arrived at my parents house in Manchester with my pre packed cooler bag, complete...
  88. Boogaloo

    Claire's diary of food and thoughts

    I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but L-Glutamine is supposed to be good for cravings especially those of the sweet variety. They are relatively inexpensive too.
  89. Boogaloo

    I missed Atkins!

    Hooya, Please bear in mind that according to your BMI you are smack bang in the middle of the "Normal" catagory and the weight you are aiming for will take you to the lower end of normal. Therefore I suspect any losses, regardless of diet will be slow and steady as your body will fight to...
  90. Boogaloo

    What Are You Drinking Today.

    Bren have you considered soya milk with your coffee? If so Alpro Light is the only brand so far that I've found doesnt curdle with coffee and its only 0.3g carbs per 100ml.
  91. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Well all the way up to 6m 22s will in theory take you to those wonderful words "Start of Level 7". The info can be found on wikipedia: Multi-stage fitness test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  92. Boogaloo

    Did something bad!

    Boots have the daybreak cereal bars on offer at the moment, buy one box get one half price. Have you considered taking L-glutamine? They are supposed to help with cravings.
  93. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Claire, I train for the bleep test using the treadmill. I found a table that breaks it down into kph as follows: Level 1 - 8.0kph until 1 min 03 secs. Level 2 - 8.5kph until 2m 11s Level 3 - 9.0kph until 3m 15s Level 4 - 9.5kph until 4m 15s Level 5 - 10.0kph until 5m 20s Level 6 - 10.5kph...
  94. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    B: Egg mayo (2 eggs & 15ml Mayo) Snack: Small bag of scratchings L: 2 Thighs and Broccoli D: 5 pork ribs, 2 lamb grillsteaks, mushrooms and 2 slices of grilled halloumi cheese (hope I dont regret the cheese come weigh in day). It now just after 9 and whilst Im not necessarily hungry I...
  95. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Yeah, the mess about factor is a bit of a nightmare but as you said, the pay is good, especially given the current financial climate. Hubby is also serving and we are co-located which is nice whilst it lasts, but I know that sooner or later it will be back to the block through the week and...
  96. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Im an Environmental Health Tech. Its probably one of the smallest trades with just 41 of us at the moment. If you have ever watched the programme life of grime or grime busters with the local council EH Officers, well thats kind of what I do on Station. Going round inspecting all the section...
  97. Boogaloo

    New to this forum but not to Atkins

    To be honest I was beginning to get a bit despondant until I joined this forum as I seemed to be getting nowhere. However after reading through some of the threads and using suggestions made by other about what was stalling them (ie: Cheese, caffine and citric acid) I cut them out and voila...
  98. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Oh meant to add, I've just been for my run whilst I was waiting for my tea to cook. So thats 2 sessions I've done today. Makes me feel better about having an Atkins Indulgence bar before bed last night :rolleyes: So thats 524 Kcals done today. And OMG did I enjoy my tea so much more as I...
  99. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Basically Penny, you run between two points located 20 metres apart keeping in time with bleeps on a pre-recorded cd. You gradually increase in speed and you stop when you reach the required level for your age/gender. There is approximately 10 shuttles per level and I have to reach level 6.8...
  100. Boogaloo

    What Are You Drinking Today.

    This water malarkey is getting easier and I'm not peeing quite as often as I was. 3 litres down so far and will possibly have another litre as I'm tempted to go to the gym later and in this weather I dont fancy ending up dehydrated.
  101. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Well I did step again at lunch. However I've got my Armed Forces fitness test coming up which consists of reaching 6.8 on the bleep test and if I remember correctly 30 sit ups and I think 11 press ups. Ive got the sit ups and press ups nailed but the running is a different story. Therefore...
  102. Boogaloo

    New to this forum but not to Atkins

    Welcome honey, I'm a similar story to you having had great results before, but just didn't commit to it long term. Then toyed with a few other diets which made me thoroughly miserable. I love the Atkins as I can eat all the foods I really love, so don't really feel too deprived. I've not been...
  103. Boogaloo

    Weekly weigh-in thread

    Yeah it is great when you finally figure out what causes you to stall. I was getting to breaking point as I have been dieting for 7 weeks now, but only doing Atkins for the last 3 of those. I lost 8lb the first week and nothing since. That was until this week! Yay!! I definately think...
  104. Boogaloo

    What Are You Drinking Today.

    1 decaf first thing this morning with cream. 3 litres of water during work. 250 ml of flavoured water. Just filled my litre bottle up again am going for 4 litres total today. Wish me luck, it will be a record for me! lol.
  105. Boogaloo

    What exercise have we done today.

    Hey Guys, Hark at me starting my own thread! I've not even been here 5 minutes! lol. Well basically in the same manner as the what we are eating/drinking threads, I thought I'd add one where we can detail what exercise we have actually done. It might be better to do this after the event...
  106. Boogaloo


    Well first time I Atkins I got into ketosis quite easily. This time I used some old sticks I had and no change not even slightly pink. So I went out and bought a new pack and they are the same, no change whatsoever and yet I've still lost 4lb.
  107. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    Yesterday was: B: 3 Rashers of bacon with 2 eggs & 15 ml Mayo Snack: Pork Scratchings L: 2 Chicken thighs and garlic mushrooms Snack: Jelly & Cream D: Portion of plain ribs & broccoli 3 litres of water throughout the day with a couple of decafs & cream.
  108. Boogaloo

    Weekly weigh-in thread

    Woooooo Hoooooo! Just had my first loss since starting the Atkins. I was 10st 8lb last monday and am now 10st 4lb. That is cutting out flavoured drinks and just having 3 litre of water a week oh and not having cheese. Im soooo Happy! 4lb every week would get me to 9st in no time, fingers...
  109. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    B: 3 Rashers of Bacon L: Was having a bit of a mad couple of hours so just had a jelly with cream. D: 2 chicken thighs, a few ribs and garlic butter fried mushrooms. Just grabbed another jelly. No the best of days TBH!
  110. Boogaloo

    When diets go wrong

    I'm so fed up with programmes like this and magazines that give the Atkins a bad reputation. Im eating more veg and salad now than I ever did on other diets because I am substituting potatoes with green veggies. People just automatically assume we have 3 fry ups a days with copious amounts...
  111. Boogaloo

    What Are You Drinking Today.

    Thinking about it until ive established the cheese or citic acid problem for me. I will probably just have 1 small glass with dinner, rather than chug it like plain old water. It will feel more like a treat then. :D
  112. Boogaloo

    What Are You Drinking Today.

    Well after searching like a mad woman, I managed to find a flavoured water that doesnt have citric acid: Perfectly Clear Still - Strawberry and Kiwi: Ingredients: Spring water, Malic Acid, Aspartame (OK not so great) and flavourings. Carbohydrates: Nil I've been out shopping so am 1 litre...
  113. Boogaloo

    What Are You Drinking Today.

    1 decaf with cream. 1 litre of water. 250ml of flavoured water. so far so good. Just got another 2 litres of plain old water to go.
  114. Boogaloo

    Unusual Milestones

    Ha ha, it must be a woman thing Jim. As for mine, well, when I look at myself in the mirror and I look at my bum, kind of side on, my left bum cheek had a dent in it where the top of my leg meets my bum. It goes when I'm slimmer, so at the moment getting rid of that is my milestone.
  115. Boogaloo

    I want to cry

    Yeah, I guess we live and learn eh Jim? I'm eating better than I have in a long time and doing the Atkins makes sure I don't get down about the things I cant eat. I can foresake chips, chocolate, etc, so long as I know I can have a portion of ribs or lamb chops or something along those lines...
  116. Boogaloo

    Nutritional info question.

    Well it curdled like mad and looked bloody awful but tasted ok.
  117. Boogaloo

    I want to cry

    I am convinced that 2nd or even third time round on Atkins is always more diffficult than the first time and losses always appear slower. Its as though our bodies go "Oooh hang on a minute, I remember this malarky" and tries to hold on to the fat a bit tighter! Thats my scientific theory...
  118. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    Good old Wilkinsons. All it is, is a corrugated plastic rack for the bacon and a device that looks like a normal egg poacher. It is ideal though because I dont like to have breakfast too soon after waking. I prefer to get in work and then have something. So now I can get in work, straight to...
  119. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    Well last of the big spenders here treated herself to a microwave bacon rack and egg poacher, which got their first use this morning. 3 minutes to do 2 rashers of bacon and 2 eggs. Fab! Snack was a 1/4 pint of sugarfree jelly and teaspoon of cream Lunch was a large chicken thigh coated in a...
  120. Boogaloo

    Nutritional info question.

    Well I've had my first brew with soya milk and it isnt too bad. Its also a damn sight cheaper than cream, so I think it will be my new option. Its not as though I drink loads of coffee these days anyway. I just cannot go without my first brew of the day.
  121. Boogaloo

    Vegetarian and wanting to give Atkins a go!

    Here, here to banishing the scales. Bren grap a tape measure and let that be your indicator. Have a weekly measure up rather than a weigh in. I mentioned in one thread that for the last couple of weeks I haven't lost any weight but I have lost 2" from my waist and 2" from my bum. God knows...
  122. Boogaloo

    Nutritional info question.

    I had 2 Ross lamb grills for dinner and when checked the nutritional info it said they had 3.2g of carbs per grill uncooked but only 1.2g once cooked, can anyone explain this? Also is unsweetened soya milk a good alternative to cream in my coffee? Nutritional info states that it is 0.1g per...
  123. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    B: Indulgence Bar. (tut tut) L: 2 tiny chicken thighs & Broccoli D: 2 Lamb grills, 1 cup of cabbage, 1 cup of mushrooms (fried in a tiny bit of lurpack garlic butter. Snack: Small pot of sugar free jelly, 1 teaspoon of cream. Beverages: 2 decafs black and the dreaded 3 litres of water...
  124. Boogaloo

    thinking of doing atkins

    We all have those moments Laura. I blame my age when I do it. ;)
  125. Boogaloo

    thinking of doing atkins

    'Tis the other way round laura 2.2lb in a kilo. :)
  126. Boogaloo

    Boots Atkins Offer

    Hmmm. I think its Malitol that has that effect with me. Not pleasant at all. The kit kats, I'd forgotten about those. Yum. I guess their sales dropped when Atkins went out of "vogue" and they stopped producing them.
  127. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    Once an hour I can deal with but I'm starting to wear the carpet out traipsing up and downstairs! lol. Anyway todays food: B: 2 Soft boiled eggs L: 2 small chicken thighs and 1 cup of broccoli Snacks: Atkins indulgence bar & bag of scratchings. D: Plain rack of pork ribs Snack: Will...
  128. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    Does your body eventually get used to the amount of water consumed or am I destined to spend most of my life running to the loo? It really is a nightmare so far.
  129. Boogaloo

    Boots Atkins Offer

    Boots currently have a buy one get one half price on Atkins single bars. Id almost forgotten what chocolate tasted like so I treated myself on Saturday to 2 decadance bars and 2 indulgence bar. When I say treated I mean I bought them, I've not eaten them all in one go, although they were hard to...
  130. Boogaloo

    What are we eating today?

    OK, Im going to post in retrospect. So here is yesterday: B: 2 soft boiled eggs. L: 2 Chicken Thighs and handfull of lettuce, tiny bit of onion and 1 red pepper "ring" Atkins choc decadance bar. D: Had been working all morning in the chucking down rain so hubby treated me to dinner out...
  131. Boogaloo

    can anyone recommend me a good exercise dvd?

    If you can get hold of a copy, Jillian Michaels 30 day shread is awesome. I managed to get mine on a recent trip to the US. She is the female trainer from the American version of the biggest loser and I love her straight froward no nonsense approach.
  132. Boogaloo

    Boogaloo back on it.

    Hi guys, fantastic forum you have here. Just thought I'd drop you a line. Im new to the forum but not new to Atkins. I have done it twice before but due to a number of factors found it very difficult to stay on. Well this time round I intend to stick with it and make it a WOL and not a...