¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Morning guys...

Well more snow overnight but the kind that I like... a lovely white dusting to make everything look pretty but doesn't stop anyone do anything!

Jacob's off from school today as he was awake most of the night coughing & has only just woken up, I asked him if he wanted to go in & he said no which is SO not like him & I figure he's not going to miss much today.

So 2 sofa's, 2 kids, 2 duvets, 2 lots of coughing & how to traing yr dragon for the 222nd time!

That sounds lovely, well apart from the coughing and poorly bit. I could just do with sitting under a duvet watching a good film now.

LOL have you seen the Boots ad? Two obviously unwell women out shopping for their OHs? Very droll.

I love that advert. So true, ya see it every day, women shopping with bright red noses, ladened with bags, No man with 'man flu' can ever leave the house. ha ha!

Yes please WW... will it take long to get here?

Oh btw did I mention I'm in the 13's! :D

Wowzer well done you!!!
Lol Jim! Does colleen do ashtanga or hatha yoga?
Can she eat what she wants or does she have to keep an eye on things? I'm guessing she believes in the low carbing way of life seeing what its done for you. x

She knows it works for me Linz, but she is a fruit bat.
Next to the cold and flu remedies in Sainsburys they had a little bottle called Man-Flu! It was some sort of shot, probably like the red bull ones you can get. It did make me laugh.
"Lower immunocompetence" - new phrase for it :). Thx for posting, Jim.

Ladies, if you can bear it, scroll down to the comments made by David - and then go and kick something...
I love that Boots advert too.... very well done!

Are you all geared up for Christmas AG?

I was yesterday whilst sat on the sofa watching good old films but today at work the xmas spirit is hiding. Will be ok though, only 2.5 shifts to go. Thursday is my last shift til 4th Jan. Woooo-hoooo!!!

Ha ha! I see Jim, sorry for mocking I had no idea it was so serious. lol! (Article and research clearly completed by men!)

"Lower immunocompetence" - new phrase for it :). Thx for posting, Jim.

Ladies, if you can bear it, scroll down to the comments made by David - and then go and kick something...

Don't worry ladyfelsham, 'David' is obviously upset as he is clearly a miserable old virgin, obv never had any luck cos of his bad B.O. :D

Awww Linz, how wonderful to read that you're 13 something :D

Awww Linz, how wonderful to read that you're 13 something :D


Well I was just in them yesterday... this morning I wasn't quite!! :D

Afternoon Linz - hope you are feeling better today xx

Afternoon everybody else too :D

Hey Bren... am cleaning-ish today, have managed the kids rooms which is monumental!! Now have to brave the conservatory (we turn the heating off in the winter but need it for everyone to dine in on Christmas & Boxing day) so will layer up & do that when I get my butt off here again!!

Thank you Secret Santa my gift arrived this morning. xxx
morning :) we need to find something to watch tonight love x