8 stone or more to lose!!!!!!

About to prepare my Step 2 meal. I feel like eating a (vegetarian, of course :p ) horse!!! I blame the weather: I am so scared of thunder, it's crazy. If only I ha d dog to protect me!!! :D

Aww bless you Bookworm - I love the thunder we had some earlier on it was beastly! Where in the country are you? I am in Coventry. Oooh and what you having for dinner? I am just having a Vegi soup at the mo its my fave soup being spacing out today as kind of knew Saturday night would be difficult! this way I should sleep!
I am in the SW, near Wales. I hate thunder with a passion. It's OK during the day but at night it's like Freddie Krueger is coming for me!!! :eek:

I was supposed to have 2 boiled eggs and lettuce but instead I had 3 boiled eggs and no lettuce :eek:

I have to admit the tomato soup is not half bad. I might order some actually for the evening as I find that a warm "meal" fills me up more than something cold.
I am in the SW, near Wales. I hate thunder with a passion. It's OK during the day but at night it's like Freddie Krueger is coming for me!!! :eek:

I was supposed to have 2 boiled eggs and lettuce but instead I had 3 boiled eggs and no lettuce :eek:

I have to admit the tomato soup is not half bad. I might order some actually for the evening as I find that a warm "meal" fills me up more than something cold.

Yeah the soups are good for keeping you feeling a little more full! I cant stomach the shakes warm at all! I tried the Spicy Tomato soup and I hated it - Chick and Mush and Vegi are good!

I dont know how I will cope on stage 2 as I am very very funny with eggs - scrambled, or fried - I like runny yolk so boiled I need toast with! lol long way to go til then though!
That's great exercise. I have a wii fit board too and I love the ski jump thing (I don't really know how it's called). For people like us who are not used to exercise, it does burn calories, plus it's fun :D

The 30-day Shred is an exercise DVD by Jillian Michaels, the trainer from Biggest Loser (US version). It is intense to say the least. It's made up of 3 level. You do each level for 10 days, or more if you want. It's a 20 minute work out: 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio and 1 minute abs, rinse and repeat 3 times :) I absolutely love it and you can get it quite cheap off amazon. I am on level 2 now and there are exercises I can't do so I adapt them and boy do I still feel sore. But it means it's working!!! :D

You could be under BMI 40 next week for all you know! And the more you lose the more energy you have and it feels great :D

Wow that sounds good, might have a lookm into that. hubby just got a kinect for his bday this week and oh my goodness sweat doesnt come close haha. Ive seen theres a biggest loser ultimate fitness game for it that i may invest in.

Glad to see its starting to pay off, remember muscle weighs more than fat and is essential for toning you up :)
oh my gooness is there really a christmas challenge so soon? We've not even had our summer yet that's very scary.

Lovely to see even more new faces and wishing you all the very best on your journey to feeling fabulous :)
Glad to see its starting to pay off, remember muscle weighs more than fat and is essential for toning you up :)

That's what I keep repeating myself but my bum and lower waist won't bulge. My upper body, however, has become very lean. Farewell chubby shoulders and thick neck! They actually look quite slender (if you ignore the rest of the body, of course!) :D
Book-Worm said:
That's what I keep repeating myself but my bum and lower waist won't bulge. My upper body, however, has become very lean. Farewell chubby shoulders and thick neck! They actually look quite slender (if you ignore the rest of the body, of course!) :D

That's like mine too I think I can almost see my collar bones thought I had ate them :)
Awww book worm that's devastating news about your furry friend! I can't even begin to imagine how you're feeling right now! My little friend is going for an operation on Thursday and I'm a mess just trying to cope with that! Hope you're ok <--- stupid thing to say i know as of course you're not *hugs*
Thanks so much girls, you're so nice. Sadly, I have had my fair share of animals passing away in my arms and I have to remember that this is all part of the cycle of life. But it does not make it easier :(

Shazz, what pet do you have? I will keep my fingers crossed for him/her and send good vibes. :vibes:
Book-Worm said:
shazz, what pet do you have? I will keep my fingers crossed for him/her and send good vibes. :vibes:

I've got a king Charles cavalier he's brown and white called woody! he's having his floating knee cap fixed! I just know he's going to be so mardy not been able to go to see his friends on walkies!

Im not suprised you had alot of anger to vent! This migjt seem like a silly question but what is the 30 day shred a go everyone seems to be raving about it! Is it any good/ work?
Awww, I LOVE King Charles! Poor little soul. I always worry when they go under the knife (same for human relatives by the way). I am always very wary of general anesthetics.

The 30-day Shred is BRILLIANT. It is a 30 day work out, 30 minutes per day from start to finish. It is intense but you can adapt the exercises. It has 3 levels that you do for 10 days in a row.

You only need a mat and some light hand weights... and some determination because it HURTS but in a good way.

I was very unfit before starting it. I couldn't do 3 jumping jacks in row! But now, my endurance has improved so much. And my upper body and core muscles are much more tones. It has not done much for my legs and bum but then again, I have so much fat there that it may not show for a while!

It's designed by Jillian Michaels, so you know it's gonna be tough. And it works on the principle of muscle confusion, so you don't do the same activity for too long. It's fairly cheap on amazon. Or if you want to look before buying (it may be too easy for you), it's on youtube.

Hope that helps :)
Aww bookworm i'm soo sorry for your furby friend :( What animal was it? I can remember balling like a baby when my house rabbits died just over a yr ago.

Hope all goes well for the op too Shazzy.

Well i've knackered myself out this evening, hubby's got this kinect like i said earlier and we've got the star wars game and oh my goodness it's energetic, i stopped after an hr but hubby's still jumping round the room like a lunatic lol
Oh la la when it said jillian I didn't dare imagine it'd be the biggest loser jillian... Ouch! I can only imagine what she has you doing on that DVD lol! Definitely going to YouTube it :D
Well guys im on day 3....

I bought a little blender as suggested and that made a BIG BIG difference when i was having my shake - no lumps thank god!

Im doing Step 3 so I am getting some food, but im really struggling with thirst. I used to drink maybe 12/15 cans of diet coke a day....Water just doesnt quench my thirst - ive tried to find Sugar Free Squash and can only find no added sugar. Ive bought a can of Coke Zero today because i really need it!

This is my first day on the diet whilst at work so im thinking today may be a struggle