Alessandra's diary

Break - 2 eggs, oatbran and smoked salmon
Lunch- chicken soup (one tiny thigh, drumstick and a bit of breast.
Dinner- 3 small drumstick and one small thigh. I got home late and starving so had to eat whatever I had ready in the fridge.
3 p jelly
Breakfast 2 eggs and 6 muffins
Lunch - a cup of coffee! (no time)
Dinner- meatballs made with 600grs extra lean mince and 3 tbsp fromage frais.

I cycled a lot today! Whoever says this diet leaves you with no energy is a fool!

Will my weight start with a 5 tomorrow?
Alessandra, my thyroid problem stems from my pituitary gland having to work about 7 times harder to produce the minimum level of thyroid so they have given me 50gms of thyroid to give my pituitary a break. Well that is how I understand it. Have my annual check up next week so will see how it is going. Have no symptoms atm, but did have hair loss and extreme tiredness. My weight has always yo-yo'd but only because I eat too much and the wrong things, every time I have dieted regardless of which one I have lost weight but always regain it at the 'end'! That is why I like the Dukan Plan, I love the idea of the four phases, tho I must admit I am terrified about introducing carbs again as they were really my downfall. I have been very over weight on and off since I was 18 and have lost the weight about six times in the interim years only to regain every single time. I am tired of diets - I want a lifestyle change for good. I can't keep battling, I just want a rest from the fight! Reading peoples diaries etc on this site I realise and I am sure you do that we are not alone in our fight with food.. Keep strong and ultimately do what you feel is right for you.
my official weight in today and im back to 60.4. very very hard to stay positive. i feel like crying...
Lordy poor u, probably fluctuating a bit cos you are so close to your goal. PLEASE stick at it, I would take out all the tolerated items from your diet, if you are adding any and stick religiously to the allowed foods and maybe add an extra PP day for luck! You have done so well - that small gain is nothing and will be gone before you know it. Don't give up. Look how far you have come. x
Thank you trudy, Will do that.
Stay away from those linseed and chocolate bars you made!!!
Don't worry about 300g gain - that's only the equivalent of 1 glass of water and our bodies love to fluctuate slightly - you've lost 3.1kg in 10 weeks which is 6.8 lbs, half a stone, whatever you call it it is very good and you should feel proud of yourself.
Wkstepmum, i dont think 1 teaspoon of linseed and 1teaspoon of low fat cocoa can be the reason for not loosing weight for a whole week, do you?
Alessandra, I don't know if you do so already, but how about weighing yourself less and measuring yourself?

If you're doing lots of exercise, you'll not only be losing fat but also gaining muscle. Muscle is more dense than fat, so the scales maybe aren't shifting because of that - you'll be looking trimmer even if the scales don't show a loss.

Also, 300gr is nothing in the grand scheme of things, - could be water retention/transit/too many tolerateds throughout the week/too much dairy. I noticed you'd had a lot of chicken drumsticks/thighs, which are the fattiest chicken we are allowed also some smoked salmon and a fair bit of jelly. Sweetners can stall, salty foods can cause water retention. Also, you had a day with no lunch, which is not ideal - if you don't eat enough you won't lose weight.

Give yourself a week of no sweetner/no tolerated items and see if it makes a difference. It will make life more boring for you, but maybe your body just doesn't like artificial sweetner. Worth a try?
Wkstepmum, i dont think 1 teaspoon of linseed and 1teaspoon of low fat cocoa can be the reason for not loosing weight for a whole week, do you?

Oh Alessandra, you said 'chocolate' I naturally assumed 'chocolate'.

Sorry, it is not a cereal bar as we know it. It is oats+linseeds+skimmed milk+chocolate . A friend gave me the recipe.
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I know, sorry! I just thought it was a well known recipe. Apparently ( i couldnt find it) dr dukan says you can make a porridge with the oats, smilk, lf cocoa and linseed to help with transit and chocolate craving.
I have been very depressed about this whole diet for the past few days. I don't understand what is going on. I so want to get rid of this excess weight but it seems nothing works. So far I have been very faithful to the plan (with a tiny cheat on oct 27) but it is getting harder and harder to stick to the plan. When you diet and don't see results it just make everything so pointless. When I see a piece of bread or cake or fruit and I have to fight really hard to resist, I just feel so angry with myself! It was so easy before when I was loosing but now it has become a daily struggle. it feels I am loosing my determination instead of weight.

I just feel so frustrated with everything. As I said before I am a perfectionist and it seems I just can't get this diet right. I feel i cant win! If I don't exercise then I am not loosing because I have to exercise more. If I exercise then I am not loosing because muscles are heavy. If I eat tolerate and/or dairy I slow my weight loss, if I don't then the diet gets so boring that I dont know how long I can keep on on doing it. When I try so hard and see no results on the scales I just feel like a failure, like I haven't done things properly.

On the other hand, I feel trapped! If even this extreme diet is not working, what do I try next? Where do I go? Yes, I lost 6pounds so far but haven't lost anything in 3 weeks! If I quit this diet, what do I do next? I cannot put the weight again, just can't! How can someone follow this diet and NOT loose? We already cut carbs, sugar and alcohol out, what else can we omit? Am I going to have to become anorexic to loose weight? I just want to loose another 3 kilos. That is not much!

In the past 2 weeks I've been seeing a hypnotherapist to try to get to the bottom of the problem. I am hoping she will find out why the less I weight the prettier I feel. I had 2 sessions but don't feel any difference yet. Obviously I have a terrible relationship with food and that has to stop!

I have a turbulent time ahead.A huge part of my problem with food comes fromthe relationship with my mother and She is on the way here as I type to stay with me for 3 weeks. I have no idea how that will affect my diet.
Also, I am about to have a bowel surgery on the 29. I know the doctor will prescribe laxatives for at least a week and equally I dont know how that will affect the diet.

I DON'T WANT TO QUIT! I want to get to 57/58kgs and finish all four stages of the diet! But I NEED to see the scales going down!

Sorry about the long post. I hope it all made sense. I have no one to talk to about this. My husband doesn't understand why I want to loose weight. My friends dont seem to believe when I say I stick to the diet and my mother thinks I've always been chubby so I'll die chubby.

Thank you for reading. I really needed to get this all out!
I applaud your frankness and your honesty, both with yourself and with us.

I really hope your hypnotherapist can assist you because you know that I don't feel a diet (any diet) can. Have you considered cognitive behavioural therapy?

Take care of yourself
I just want to loose another 3 kilos. That is not much!

You're right, it isn't much, it probably won't make a massive difference to how you look so why does it make such a difference to how you feel? You're beating yourself up and it is SO unhealthy emotionally/mentally. I'm not sure a diet is what you need, you certainly don't NEED to lose that 3kilos, you're already thin. I hope you can get the help you need from the therapist. Take care
Wkstepmum, the 3 kgs i already lost made a HUGE difference! I bought clothes ( first time in years!) and I feel good! Another 3 kgs will only be "the cherry on top" (is there such expression in English?!)

But yes, my problem is psychological and I am fully aware that if I don't treat that, I will spend the rest of my life fighting food.

However, while I treat myself psychologically, I can't forget the physical part. Therefore, I will keep on with the diet for as long as I can (or until I reach 58kgs, whatever comes first!).

Meantime I'm still trying to follow this diet as well as I can. Today I weight 59.8kgs. Havent weighted that in 10 years!!!

Thank you you two!
Gosh your post really struck a cord. Alessandra you have so much going on in your head that no wonder you are finding it a battle. Stick with the hypo - it may help. Also mentally prepare for your surgery and focus on recovering from that rather than the diet which will take care of itself if you let it. Much best wishes - take care. x
Well done! You've broken through the 60k barrier.:)

Good luck for the surgery and recovery afterwards.
Haven't had time to answer but I have been reading! Thank you all!
I had my surgery yesterday and everything went all right. I am really happy that I didn't have to get off the diet! Yesterday I had breakfast at 7:30 am and couldn't eat all day (because of the anaesthetic ). At 4:30 am I had some grilled chicken breast and for breakfast they gave me an omelet. I did have a zero fat activia though... I know I couldnt but it was either that or a toast, croissant etc....
The doc said: "drink lots of water and protein" and I nearly kissed him!
Good day everyone!

Ahh, my mum flew over to stay with me and is also doing the diet. She is really happy that she already lost 2 kgs!