Amy's EE Weightloss Journey :)

Yesterday in group consultant showed us a quick recipe to shove into the slow cooker or rice cooker... so jsut doing it now for my lunch... just add rice, chopped toms, kidney beans (if you wish) and any herbs & spices you wish and hardly takes anytime at all to cook... i've actually put a stock in mine too, just to add to flavour... all free :) Smells yummy too!! xxx
oooo yum! how long do i put in cooker 4?n what setting? i mitr try that 2moz xx
Erm... i don't actually know.. ovbiously depends on how long your willing to wait for it... i overcooked mine as chris came home... waffling and that and then went out to buy a new kettle... so was a bit mushy... nice though... had it with a bed of lettuce and some beetroot so lots of superfree :D Lillie even was nicking some... even after he lunch and was having afternoon snack on gingerbread man.. little chunk!!

Think i might have quorn sausage, chips and gravy for tea... somehting nice and easy as getting my bingo wings on hehe!! :)

Ooo btw i was gutted... we nipped to the naffi... which is where they sell english produce for the armed forces personell and family... well brought those ambrosia snack pot... rice pudding... the low fat one... came home and its 7 syns!!! couldn't believe it... Gutted as been fancying it for ages!! lol... rant over :p xxx
ahh rite how long was that? shall i just cook it on high for like 2/3 hours? does rice cook in my slow cooker or do i have to cook it first? do i add water or anything? ... ohh no thats gutting about that!! its amazing how many syns some things are!.. what herbs did u put in? xxx
no you really dont have to cook it for this long... in a rice cooker it takes 10 mins... in a slow cooke robv a bit longer... all depend son how long rice takes to cook... only water i added was the 190ml to mix the stock in hun! xx
oh is it so like 20mins on high? migjt try it 2moz n just keep checking it! x
Hmm... Not sure how this week's going to go... Chris goes away today for the week... so will only be cooking for myself... usually i do alot better when he's not here on diets but with SW i find it hard cooking for one so get a bit lazy.... but will defo give it a good go... Can't attend class this week either which is a bit of a bother... means have to wait two weeks to find out how i am... ooo and i'll be 38 weeks by then if he's not already made his entrance.... Exciting times!!! :D xxx
Dead mad at myself... yesterday and the previous night i did nothing but pig out... i've been so hungry and free foods just have not been covering it... maybe if i was not able to make group Thursday i'd be making better choices... but i'm going to be 100% today...4 weeks left till due date... and then real journey begins :) xxx
Dont worry about it hun.. uve got 4 weeks till bubs arrive! to have such motivation as you have when your heavily pregnant is amazing!! even if you want to eat more what you want dont worry about it! get back on it as soon as youve had luke and start loosing all the proper weight! dont be hard on yourself xxxx
Thanks hun :D Well i just ordered a pizza... damnit!! haha...i know i'm going to feel SO bad afterwards but i was debating all afternoon... and know i'll only end up having tea n then ordering it anyway... Chris needs to hurry up home before i'm the size of a house... gonna have to try sneak the pizza in... my consultant lives next door hehe!! Odear!!!

But as you say not long till little man arrives... rather have the treats now and be 100% when had him :) xxx
oh does she haha!!! oh well stuff it enjoy it! ive had takeaway once a week past 2 weeks and still lost - plus your due any time now so it doesnt matter! youl get such a boost as youl lose loads of weight the few weeks after Lukes born!! xx
Thanks Zoe, Hope your right!! Lol... i'm just so mad as usually when Chris is away it makes me more on plan than ever not worse... but think i've just been craving crap!! haha but i've drawn a line this morning___________________ See look!! Haha...If i start cheating now then will have no hope when have the busyness with a newborn; Going to be extra good... try get on the wii if my hips are ok later on & then study tonight.... i will be 100%!!

Have a good day & hope you give Mothercare a earful today!!! xxx
Back on the ball... and hope to stay on it too... I had MullerLight and fruit for breakfast, Really fancied Weetabix (HeB) Milk(HeA) for lunch so had it... & for tea i had chicken tikka, chips and salad, Extra Light salad Cream (1.5 syn)

Spent all day cleaning and even did 30 mins towards my Feb target of wii fit.. WOoOp!! Feels good although got a realy aching back now... so few games of bingo... then it's bath time & listen to audio CD for degree... Such an exciting life hehe!!

Well done on your great day hun :) xXx
Well guys i'm in early labour... bloody typical.... same as i was with my daughter... Booo but gonna keep active, wii, power walking, clenaing... doing the deed (tmi!!) Hehe... have till 21st and then they are going to help along labour as he's a big baby and measuring nearly full term already!!!

Went to group last night... missed last weeks due to hubby being away and have to be honest the past 2 weeks i've done nothing but eat crap :( But i expected about a 7lb gain... and got a +3 so was pleased it wasn't so bad... but nearly puts me back to where i started 3 weeks ago but hey... try and be about 90% on track this week... even if i loose a lb by next group i'll be happy... or if im really lucky i'll have given birth and have a dramatic loss Hehe!!

Hope all is well with everyone xxxx
oo not long huni! im at abit of a circle atm.. ive lost 3lb in 4 weeks lol. slowky getting there tho n a 3lb gain is fab compated to the 7lb i got at xmas lol! xxxx
YEah but hun... the less you have to loose the slower or harder it is to come off... your getting a skinny minny now... so will take time :D Keep it up though.... get some superspeed in you... but maybe not the soup you tried last time haha xxx