Anja's Up & Down Diary

12,1 this morning so gradually going down. Didn't make it to aqua on Monday but will book tomorrow's later today. Got caught up doing some computer stuff for a client Monday & yesterday. Nice pocket money but it does mean I still haven't made it to the supermarket yet. I literally have an empty fridge - my brother has thrown out anything that needed throwing but didn't stock up with anything so I only have sauce & milk, no fruit, veg, cheese or anything else! Really must make it to Asda tonight.

Have had a few "alone in the house secret eating" issues this week, not helped by having no proper food for several days however am 2lbs down of the 10lbs I put on so no real hardship and since I haven't actually calorie counted a day yet or paused in eating junk it's still all good.

Today will be busy tidying up & finding our dining room will require a visit to the tip. My mother's cousin is coming to stay for 2 weeks and at the moment you can't see our dining room floor. Carpet offcuts, 3 computers, a microwave, cabling... my dad hoards stuff & my mum has decided that while they're not here it's my job to put everything in the sheds/garage as he'll bollock me less than anyone else! What fun! Have got to go and mow the lawn so as to have somewhere in the middle of our 3 (yes 3!) sheds to sort stuff out!

Will then be concentrating on the diet next week. Got my 5th TMA back and only got 70%. Oops! Didn't understand, didn't read the textbook and was rushing before my holiday but since 70% is still grade 2 who cares?

Better go & get on with it! If anyone hears screaming it will be me buried in a pile of junk!

P.S. Found my car keys that dad had lost & insisted were somewhere in the house & would turn up with enough looking. Managed to find his spare key (he takes his actual set with the immobiliser on hol so I can't borrow his 05 reg car!) and MY keys were under the drivers seat! I could have looked at home for a month of Sundays - I'd never have found them!

Hope everything is going much better now! Barb - let us know how the Unit diet goes! Claire - how's the tweaking going?

Love xxx
Hi Anja, sounds like you've got a busy time ahead, clearing rubbish is a great exercise, you walk miles. 70% is a great result, especially if you didn't put much work in. What a relief you found the keys, your parents house sounds a lot like mine, we have far too much stuff everywhere - I recently cleared out a load of ancient rubbish from a cupboard just to fill it with a load of newer rubbish!

I don't know yet if the tweaking is having any effect, still haven't lost the extra I put on on after Wednesday so I am making today a DD in the hope it will help. Not having carbs without protens helps the hunger, instead of just strawberries for breakfast I mix a few with fromage frais and quark, and I don't have the odd biscuit unless it is after a meal. I'm sure I was having too many extra bits like milk in coffee, I scared myself when I worked it out. So now it is one black coffee in the morning and one white one at 5.00 and that is all. Now I am wondering if the caffeine withdrawal might affect my weight for a little while, what with it being a diuretic, so it could take some getting used to. I felt fed up yesterday, but I'm just plodding on, I know other non-VLCD diets don't work for me so if I am plateauing then so be it, it must end eventually.
Hi Anja, well done on the 2lbs down again and also on the rubbish clearing; sounds like good cal burning stuff! I am considering the Unit Diet but at the moment just have no interest in my weight/a diet at all. I feel consumed by all the demands on me at present and think if I try to soon I will be setting myself up for a fall, which is the last thing I need. So, trying to eat fairly sensibly and also increase my water consumption. I notice that if I am not careful my water drunk is very low, perhaps 500ml a day or worse! I try my best to drink as much wine as possible, but not at all sure this helps!

Anyway, popping in when I can and it's good to see you posting, I have missed you.

Hi Anja, how are things going? Did you get the house ready for the visitors? And are you managing to combine JUDDDD and houseguests? That's a hard one, I don't know how I'd deal with that.
Hi Claire

Yes, the house was pretty much done. Got the dining room completely clear & my dad didn't say a word which was shocking in itself! Cousin is coming on Monday 13th so we have a few days to add finishing touches but I'd never have been allowed to touch dining room if dad had been here.

Weight loss is stationary at 2lbs lost. I still haven't gone back onto JUDDDing yet as things are very busy here. Frantically trying to get another Maths assignment done again & getting stuff ready for our guest. Did aqua yesterday & mum and I are booked for Thursday too so hopefully it'll all help and am still aiming to lose some this week just by cutting back a bit.

Better do Maths!

Love xxx
Work has got to take priority, it's a pity that studying is a sedentary occupation, I put on loads when I was a student. You've been keeping pretty active with tidying and aqua though, so fingers crossed the scales will be kind.

6 days in a row at 12,1. If nothing else I want to get back into the 11s soon. Will plan a REALLY low weighed & measured DD for tomorrow to see if I can kick start it! Only had fruit & salad for lunch yesterday & fruit for lunch on Tuesday. Have fruit for lunch today, cereal & banana for breakfast but mum & dad brought the contents of the Spanish fridge home and french bread with garlic butter's doing me no favours.:break_diet: I have no willpower but hopefully from tomorrow onwards I can do this. Spoke to mum's cousin last night & she's bringing her cossie to join us for aqua while she's staying here! It's my cousin's 21st on the 18th & we're going to his party up north so will aim to be a bit lower by then.

Wore all my new bikinis/cossie in Spain constantly, have no probs showing off my stomach over there despite gaining some weight but I think it's a little bit that everyone's in a cossie so no-one cares what anyone looks like in one! Really must start doing a bums & tums class or something - I have a small waist but my bum & thighs are horrible. I don't ever remember having a gap at the top of my thighs like you're supposed to!:eek:
I don't understand this sticking, I am in the same place, being good on my DDs but not losing at all, in fact I look in danger of going up. But with my past bad experiences of dieting I daredn't change to anything else in case I balloon. I hope your DD starts them moving downwards.

Good to know the new swimwear got plenty of use. Small waists make for a naturally curvy shape and tend to make you feel the rest is big by comparison, I have a huge thigh problem too. I have had a gap between them in the past (not at the minute!) but that was more because I have nasty bulges on the inside of my knees than any great slimness in the thigh area.

I thought I would be down this morning but I'm not. I ate 988 cals yesterday and burnt off 388 cals in aqua so I really only had 600. Will aim to be as good today. It sounds silly but having only lost 2lbs in 3 weeks I don't feel I can have an up day yet as I'd be devastated if I put on again. Aiming to do mostly 1000 cal days.

Got to go. Back in a min.
I edited & typed a long message & then it decided my 15 mins to edit were up & deleted the whole lot!

I was having a grumble as I have to drive mum's car at the mo. Some b*st*rd's stolen her blue badge & as I have a parking permit & she doesn't I have to drive hers while mine's parked outside our house. Her inside driver door handle came off in my hand this morning so it looks like I'll be driving her slower, heavier car (& getting out the passenger side) for a month until they get her a replacement badge! She requested a form a week ago & they still haven't sent it!

So in truth Anja you are not juddding at all! Remember what Dr J said about the downs needing to be low and the UD's needing to your actual cals needed approx? I think that is why you are not loosing, you have cut back too far, 1000 cals is pretty low and with your aqua etc.. your bod has slipped into starvation mode. Just my thoughts but I hate to see you struggling and sounding down. You must be flipping hungry to! Maybe you should go back to the juddd principles and kind of start a fresh? It was working, so why isn't it now? I have to say that I have been off it so long now that I have lost the enthusiasm that I had, which is a shame because that was what was keeeping me going. Having said that I really only experienced good losses the first 2 weeks then all started going pear shaped (quite literally!). I am in no-mans land at the mo and am going to post a new diary with some decisions I have made, so won't ramble any further on your diary.

I think you have done really well Anja and I wish you well for the last bit of your journey. You can do it, you are such an organised person, maybe you just need to be not quite so strict with yourself.

Lots of love
Ha! Me in starvation mode? No way. I do fantastically for 8 - 10 hours a day and then lose the plot in the evening. If anything I need more structure, I came back from hol & had Indian, fish & chips, Chinese, pizza - you name it! I need to get my head sorted. It's my 2nd cousin's 21st this weekend so I'm trying to use that as a good excuse to lose this week. My 1000 cals only started yesterday!

On a different note I'm 95% of the way through my 31st August Maths assignment so maybe I'll get that finished today.
What sort of person can steal a disabled badge, that is so mean! And you getting stuck with your Mum's rubbish car is seriously annoying, I'm not surprised you are feeling cross.

Barb is right about the UDs, I think the lower limit is 1200 calories. I've just stuck two weeks of plateau where I felt like giving up but was too afraid that it would mean weight gain. I dropped my DDs slightly, from 525 to 470, doesn't sound like much but it sure feels like it. And I'm doing the unit diet for my UDs, I reckon it gives me about 1300-1400 cals. I'm thinking of starting a plateau thread on here, linking to what people on other forums are saying in case there is anything that can help us when we go through the same. Most seem to do some tweaking, low carb, fast5 or whatever, some just stick it out, and of course many change diets completely.
OK Anja, point taken. Indian, fish and chips you say? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Yeay! 6th Maths assignment done! Woohoo!

Just the last bit of the revision one and my exam to go now... oh and next year!:eek:

Love xxx
Well done, I remember the feeling well!
We don't have a dancing girls and chorus of trumpets icon, how about this

:party0011: :bliss: :party0011:
Bloody scales -

Still in my 12,1 plateau. As per usual I'm not JUDDDing yet but have been on 1,000 cals every day this week. I got all excited 'cos the scales started on 11,12 then up to 11,13, 12,0 before settling on 12,1. Batteries are newish but I wish it wouldn't tease before it settles! Should be 12,0 tomorrow. 21st party at the weekend is in Cumbria so I have 5.5 hours in car each way so little food or drink or we'll be stopping every 10 mins!

Love to all xxx
It is miserable when the scales stick, I can sympathise after spending three weeks at the same point. I hope you get through it soon and see the scales plummet. Have a great weekend.
Oh dear!

After a high alcohol, high jinx, high chocolate cake weekend I was this morning 12,4!!!!!!!!

Traffic was truely appalling. Dad spent ages trying to get me to take Mum's car rather than mine which I refused - and I'm BL**DY glad I did as he took hers to Asda on Saturday and the end of her exhaust fell off to scrape down the road! Turns out the clonking noise I've been hearing was where the rubber protectors had been lost so he had to rush it into the garage wearing a bungee cord to stop it snapping off completely! Can you imagine what I'd have done if that had happened to me? I had to do half the M25 round to the M1 so it would be bound to have been on there! Anyway - took 7 hours up to Carlisle area on Saturday & 10 hours to get home as M6 was stop-start 40 mph for about 150 miles! Mum had to do the first hour's drive home as I think I was still over the limit at that point, but I did the 9 hrs after that! I couldn't walk/talk/move/think yesterday I was so knackered!

Back on my Slimfast (& vitamins) for a little while to get the weight down quickly and then will JUDDD again. Totally impossible to do any kind of diet with cousin here, I'm going to have to be very sneaky! Mum's put several lbs on as cousin likes to have tea & cake every afternoon and if mum says she doesn't want a certain thing, the cousin says "oh well, i won't have it either" and does the guilt trip thing! Arrggggggggh!

Love to you both xxx