Don't worry honey! I've had a terrible couple of weeks so I'm dreading seeing my WW leader on Thurs, she'll tell me off : (...

I had my birthday and drank and ate loads (including a box of Lindor) and I haven't been properly good since. I was away on an overnight school trip on Thurs and we took the kids to the pub. I chose hawaiin gammon thinking that it'd be good for core but it came covered in cheese and with chips. Then since I felt I'd already been bad i went the whole hog and had cheesecake...oh dear! So I'll be putting on 6lb this week then...

Hi Joanne, sorry youve had a bad week :(

Are you going to manage out with us at all at the holiday weekend??
i have drawn a line under it starting from tomorrow, i didnt even go to weigh-in tonight. I promise from tomorow im going to get back to it starting with the gym when i finish my night-shift. Im working the sat, sun night sandy, i have got a night out in glasgow on the firday night so if you tell me where you guys will be i could pop in for a drink x
Well i gained half a pound :break_diet: . Not too bad i suppose went on another all day drinking session again yesterday x
Thanks Sandy, i know i can do this. I have started my own ww diary so hopefully that'll help me x
It will, it will! I too had a rough weekend and the nasty hangover made for some bad choices. I actually find it hard to remember how much drink I have had at the weekend so counting points is out the window! Anyway, just forget it and move on this week! x
Not sure what Di Maggios's is but assuming it's a resturant?
I would go for fish and salad or a protein and salad.

Enjoy dinner and welcome!

The last couple of days ive been really good, been to the gym and kept within my points as im saving some for thursday and friday night and started my own food diary, so that keeps me on track aswell x
Sounds like your doing brill! .... keep at it hun xx
Went to my ww weigh-in but nobody there i guess theyve taken the night off since its a bank holiday, but i never heard them say that last week, not to worry.