Bev's Battle

Day 8
awww, some of those comments made me blush. muchos love for my minimins family! <3 :)

right i won't keep you in suspense any longer...

i lost....



seriously, i didn't know what to say! i've seen people lose amazing figures on here but somehow i didn't think it would happen to me, and damn, it did :D that means the 23's are gone forever. never in my life will i see such a horrific number on the scale ever again. tbh part of me feels like crying in relief and the other part of me feels like running down the street like a loon kissing strangers!

the first part of this week was so hard, and i really mean it when i say that i'd be completely lost without the support of all you guys! i think its sinking in now that this isnt just a dream, i'm making it a possibility :)

hmm, this sounds like an oscars speach, haha, i'm just dead chuffed! loooong way to go yet though!

as for week 2, im shaking things up a bit. i'm going to try ss+ for a week to see if it's as effective. now i know i wont lose anything like 12lbs again in week 2. i want to lose the weigh as quickly as possibly, but if i can still get good losses (for my size i'd like to be losing at least 4lbs a week) then i think it'd be pretty amazing to be able to eat conventional food alongside CD meals. however, this is basically an experiment for me, if i dont lose 4lbs or more then ill just switch back to ss. im really excited to see how i do. either way my weight will go down. i guess it'd just easier to do ss+ than ss, and if i get the results im looking for every week on ss+ then i may as well do it that way :)

11.30pm - wow, well food sure did taste great! had a chicken breast maranaded in jamaican spices with 2 grilled mushrooms. it was the best meal i've ever tasted in my life. feel stuffed now. arranged to go over to parents tomorrow night, gonna have a long walk with mum (well an hour probably) weather permitting. they were amazed at my weight loss :)

water - 3.5 litres (gonna make more of an effort to drink more water again, want to try and get 4.5litres a day)
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I knew you'd have a great loss!! so chuffed for you lovely :)
made my day that has
Oh Bev that is brilliant you must be thrilled - I'm so pleased for you. Best of luck with your experiment I hope SS+ works out for you.
woohoo - well done
Told ya :D :D :D

Well done - it's an amazing feeling isn't it :D
Heya hun, wowwww, that's an amazing loss, I'm a little jealous, lol.
Dead chuffed for you though!
I hope that work and CD continue to go well for you ;)
Day 9

aww thanks guys, i'm still over the moon, everyone at work was dead impressed too, they're really all lovely n supportive of me :)

well, how nice is it to be able to have normal food! i adore the ss+ plan already. it makes a massive difference just having a small meal to look forward to in the evening.

i guess i should be honest in here, i kinda cheated. not cheated in a bad way, but i didnt eat all my CD meals today, only had a tetra at work and then chicken breast and 2 mushrooms for tea. i dont know why i havent had the others. its silly, because of course im going to lose weight either way. i guess im just scared of losing self control again now i'm eating normal food i guess. anyway, i'll go and make myself a shake before bed. should be nice and refreshing with some ice cubes in.

not done greatat all with the water today, about 2.5 litres so far so still need more before bed.

i was kinda dreading the weekend. its going to be so hard i guess now i cant keep myself busy. going to go swimming though. either tomorrow or sunday. tbh sunday's probably best so i get a good lie in tomorrow :)

11.30pm - OMG! i was talkig to thomas and we finally agreed a date to meet! 7th july 2011, in 355 days time! i'll be flying out to amsterdam to meet by dream boy :) more committed than ive even been in my life now. whats more is that 7th july will also mark the year anniversary of me starting on this diet! it wasnt chosen for that reason, thats just when his uni term ends but strange coincidence all the same. omg, im so excited. i WILL be at goal by then.

less than a year until all my dreams come true! i feel on cloud 9! now time for a strawberry shake!

day 9 is over, in 9 days i feel like a different person. this diet is pretty damn special :)
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I'm so pleased to hear how well you are doing! Also to hear about the meeting. I've had a few of those "special dates" occur in my life- when something important occurs-by chance- on a special day- an they have always worked out well! Have a good one!
Day 10
6.15pm- i dont like weekends on this diet. it makes me realise how much of my life revolved around food, and how empty it is without food in my life. i cant wait until i get paid in august as i can afford to join the gym then, that really will be brilliant, not only is it something to do but exercise should be something i can incorporate into my life. the gym im going to join is really good and not only has a pool but a jaccuzi and steam rooms, hair salon and beauty parlor etc. roll on august when i can join :)

i've been doing a little online shopping and found a gorge pair of jeans in the next size down (24's) that i'm going to order on pay day- 27th. they might not fit just yet but the 26's are getting a lot looser so it cant be many more weeks before i'm getting into the 24's. i've started a jean size challenge, think it'll be interesting to document how long it takes between sizes and the weight i have to lose to get into the next size down etc.

this bit is kinda icky so be warned. having really bad constipation, its pretty damn painful tbh. definately need to get that fibre 89 stuff when i next see my cdc. in the mean time when i have my meal tonight im going to have a bit more broccoli than recommended to try and get some fibre inside me. hopefully that will flush me out a bit.

im doing a terrible job of sticking to ss+ so far, yesterday i had 1 1/2 cdc meals and chicken and mushrooms. really dont like skimmed milk so skipped that part too. will try and do better today but i doubt i can manage 3 cdc meals and an everning meal. thet cdc meals are so unappealing to me. managed a tetra so far today and that's it. :/

11pm - never skipping on cd meals again. felt like i was going to pass out this afternoon. shakes, feezing cold, room spinning. i had to lie down and suck on a tetra and once i had enough energy to stand i made chicken breast and brocolli. its 2hrs since that now and im still feeling incredibly weak, headachy and generally under the weather. i was crying earlier because i literally didnt have the energy to stand. never felt so awful. its my own fault though, not the diet. getting myself back in form tonight, might have more broccoli later if my 3rd tetra doesnt set everything right. tomorrow im meant to go to my mums for a walk but ill be giving that a miss and go on evening next week if this weeks up. havent felt this awful in so long :/

i still feel completely drained. not hungry though so i might not be out of ketosis, idk, todaywas the hardest of the whole lot and its my stupid fault for skipping tetras yesterday! what was i thinking?! its only a 600 calorie diet on ss+ and yesterday i mist have had 350-400 cals, stupid girl! i learnt my lesson the hard way though, sticking to this exactly by the book from now on!

so proud of myself for sticking with plan today. the way i was feeling it would have been so easy to give in and make a sandwich or something which would give me the energy i needed right away. just shows me how many problems i really do have with food if im skipping tetras thinking i wont lose weight on 600cals. maybe i wasnt ready for ss+. will stick it out 100% for the rest of the week and see how i get on but if this continued i'll be moving back to ss next week.
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Day 11

10.30am - woke up feeling incredibly weak again. my head was spinning as i walked to the bathroom, my eyes felt like they were burning and i literally felt terrible. ive never suffered from such extreme lack of energy in my life before. i honestly felt like i might pass out, so instead of mixing up a CD meal i cheated and got a small bowl of cornflakes. by small i mean that calorie wise it would be around equivelent to a CD meal. i know i shouldnt have had it, but i felt like i needed some energy in my blood stream and fast. 10 minutes after eating it i still feel incredibly weak and poorly. next week will definately see a return to ssing. after the first few days on ss i honestly felt fantastic. this whole hovering in and out of ketosis thing on ss+ is doing nothing for me except making me feel terrible.

might count how many cd meals i have left tomorrow and begin ss again if i have enough to get me through to thursday! i cant go to work or newhere feeling like i do atm though so i need to work on getting myself back to health today. if that means having a few more calories than id like i'll have to do it and start ss again tomorrow. its not like i'm wanting to come off the plan, its my own fault fo skipping cd meals that im in this pickle in the first place *sigh*.

2pm - decided to take the day off CD, get some energy back in my body and resume tomorrow. if i feel like ido now i simply wont be ablet to work and thats not an option for me. ive not gone overboard at all, cereal for breakfast, sandwich and fruit for lunch, probably a light choices ready meal for tea. then tomorrow will be resuming ss again. mum thinks ive got some kind of bug, maybe shes right.

i feel kinda guilty for coming off the plan for the day, but i feel like my body needs it, i literally couldnt walk to the bathroom without sitting down half way because i was so tired. i found a quote that make me feel a little better:

"View stumbling blocks as stepping stones to the stars"

i guess the real test will be tomorrow. its not falling down thats hard, its getting back up again. i'm as motivated as ever to carry on with CD. from now on i'll be sticking to it 100%, ive learnt my lesson. of course todays boo boo will have an impact on my losses for the week, but i hope to still lose something this week. atm though my priority is getting healthy again and resting lots. just off for a hot bath.

7pm - im thinking more and more now that ive got some kind of bug instead it being anything CD related. im feeling a bit better now i have some energy inside me (eaten cereal, sandwich, fruit and jacket potato with tuna for tea). will be restarting CD tomorrow, back to SS, and on SS i will remain for the rest of my CD journey :) although i havent lost anything today of course i doubt ive put anything on (except water weight) so i still think i can make a decent loss on thursday night if i stick with 100% ss until then.
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Hi Bev! I've just read through your diary and wanted to say how great you are doing!I tried CD a while back but couldn't hack the lack of enegy so packed it in so I have utter admiration for anyone who sticks with it!

Sorry to hear you're not feeling great. Hopefully getting back onto SS will get you back to where you were!

Good luck! Look forward to reading about your journey with CD and Thomas...sounds so romantic!

ooooh :( Please don't skip packs, you are starving your body of the nutrients to keep you well.

I have heard of something which is kind of called CD 'flu' maybe this is your body going through this stage. I felt terribly cold for the first couple of weeks, I mean really freezing, which again is a common thing in CD.

Take it easy today and rest.
this bit is kinda icky so be warned. having really bad constipation, its pretty damn painful tbh. definately need to get that fibre 89 stuff when i next see my cdc. in the mean time when i have my meal tonight im going to have a bit more broccoli than recommended to try and get some fibre inside me. hopefully that will flush me out a bit.

Please learn by my experience this week :eek:

I left it for 3 days whilst being in the most excruciating 'going to the toilet' type pain before taking action.

I started with Dulcolax Perles and took 2 that night. I should have taken 4 I think as nothing happened. I then bought the glycerin suppositories (only £1.50 for the box) and it literally was 30 minutes later!! Both were on the shelf products in the chemist.

If you are in pain, please do something today as I wouldn't want anyone else to be in that much pain :(
Please learn by my experience this week :eek:

I left it for 3 days whilst being in the most excruciating 'going to the toilet' type pain before taking action.

I started with Dulcolax Perles and took 2 that night. I should have taken 4 I think as nothing happened. I then bought the glycerin suppositories (only £1.50 for the box) and it literally was 30 minutes later!! Both were on the shelf products in the chemist.

If you are in pain, please do something today as I wouldn't want anyone else to be in that much pain :(

hey hun, thanks. luckily the situation resolved itself yesterday but it was incredibly painful. i can honestly say ive never been in as much toilet related agony in my life. felt incredibly relieved when it had "passed" so to speak, but since then thats when i strted feeling really exhausted and poorly. very strange.

decided to have "normal" food today and to resume ss tomorrow. already feeling a bit better after fruit and a sandwich for lunch. think ill be picking some of those suppositories up this week so im ready incase it happens again.
restarting ss tomorrow after a day off plan, its going to be hard going through all that getting into ketosis malarky again but im determined to do this :)
Oh dear you seem to be having a time of it, but I'm pretty sure missing your packs contributed to the dizziness etc.

Don't feel guilty about coming off plan and I don't think you'll have any problem getting back on CD - you'll be in ketosis in no time.
thanks hun, i sure hope so. im kinda thinking i blew any chance i have at gaving a loss this week, but ill just draw a lone in the sand and carry on. my ss+ experiement failed pretty badly i guess, will be ssing for at least 3-4 weeks before i even consider trying it again.
still feeling absolutely awful today - muscle ache, sweating, shivvering, exhaustion. booking doctos appointment when they open at 8.15. i really doubt this is anything cambridge related afterall.
It does sound like you are simply sick darling. I hope you are feeling better soon. Don't worry about losses this week, lots of time for that, (eleven months, two weeks and four days!), eat moderately and rest!