Bren's Diary

It is! Very noticable!
Well after all my flapping and agonising mid-week due to ketosis stopping for no obvious reason (except TOTM) and weight actually going UP at one point (weigh in last week was 188.8lbs - at one point this week the scales showed 190lbs :cry:) it finished just in time and last night's ketostix showed I was back in ketosis.

Today is official weigh in, and my weight is :drumroll: 185.0lbs, a loss of 3.8lbs and at my magic weight of 13st 3lbs which means I'm 'overweight' but not obese :D

Really pleased, and hoping for a bigger loss next week as I'll have a whole week in ketosis with nothing to disturb it! MUST get those photos done soon too.
Great loss well done !
That's a fantastic loss you are doing brilliantly!

Well done, keep it up :)

Kirstie x
Hi Bren, you are almost in the 12's, well done. Just read all your diary and I love the honesty, it mirrors my experience-some days are easy and others are hard work and a struggle. I too find the water a chore but i'm managing 2 litres everyday by measuring it out and making sure its gone as early as possible. I like Cleo's idea of 500ml bottles. x
Thank you all! Size 10, I'm getting a bit better with the water; I've just started a new job (on Monday) and we always have 2 breaks and someone else makes all the drinks. I'm on the list for a hot water, so I always get 0.5L that way. I'm also trying to get into the habit of having 2 x 0.5L bottles of water in the car, and drink 1 on the way to work and 1 on the way home - so that's 1.5L already. I always wake up thirsty (but can't seem to drink much at once) so try to have 1 glass (0.25L) of water before I get in the shower, and at least another mug of water in the evening - so I'm hitting the 2L mark regardless. I am trying to aim for 3L though, so trying to drink a glass of water alongside every shake.

Can't wait to be in the 12's! I was thinking this morning that just 2lbs more and I'll have lost 2 stone; just 3lbs more and I'll be over half way with 2st 1lb gone and 2st to go! So inspiring! Someone asked me this morning how much longer I was staying on LT, and without thinking I said 'Ooh about another 3 months, I've got about 3 stone to go' - no I haven't, only 2!!
Here's something I put in another thread re: my refeed plans:
I have already got a plan in my head of how I will maintain my weight loss - once I have reached my goal of 11 stone on TFR, I'll be doing 'day 1' of refeed repeatedly for a fortnight, to start with. Then I'll be moving onto Atkins as I reintroduce other food, but ALWAYS having 1 lipotrim shake a day (probably for lunch as I've always struggled with lunches, on whatever diet I've been on). I imagine I'll stay on Atkins for at least 6 weeks, which will take me to 2 months from finishing the diet (and for me, will probably take me over Christmas - probably wise to not have too much free rein in what I can eat, yet nice to be able to join in with most of the Christmas dinner!) After that, I plan to switch over to GL diet, so I can begin to reintrodice some carbs, but ones that are less likely to upset my blood sugars and make me pile the weight on. I'll stick to the 'losing weight' level of GLs for 4 weeks, then move up to maintenance. So I hope that 3 months after finishing TFR I will be eating my 'diet for life' - it may seem like an overly long 'refeed' but I am going to make sure I keep complete control over what I eat and not waste all of this effort!

I'm also going to keep going back to the pharmacy monthly, as recommended by Lipotrim, to be weighed and buy some more sachets. By this stage I shall probably be having 1 a day Mon-Fri (those pesky lunches!) but not having them on a weekend. If my weight ever starts creeping up again, I'll be already visiting the pharmacy and can always buy extra and up my weekly shakes from 5 to 14, for example, to get me back on track.

I still have 31lbs to lose. This should be doable in 10 weeks. 10 weeks from this Saturday (weigh in day) is 20th November. I plan to begin refeed that night.

20th Nov - 3rd December: I'll be on 'day 1 refeed, ie 2 shakes a day plus a meal consisting of chicken, turkey or white fish with mushrooms and a max of 2 heaped tbs cooked veg.

4th Dec - 14th Jan: Atkins - first 2 weeks (until new year) as if on induction, then gradually starting to introduce some fruits (berries) and more variety. Probably sticking to 1 shake per day (lunch).

15th Jan - 28th Jan: GL diet at limit of 40GLs per day. Probably sticking to 1 shake per day (lunch).

29th Jan - 4th Feb: 55GLs per day (still shaking for lunch?)

5th Feb onwards... 65GLs per day and hopefully in maintenance! Continuing with monthly weigh-ins at pharmacy to keep buying shakes to help with maintenance.
End of week 6 and another 4.2lbs gone. Over half way now, hurrah! I have emerging cheek and collar bones, very pleasing, and am beginning to notice a waist. I popped into the local shop near the pharmacy for toothpaste after my weigh in this morning and spotted some bargainous digital scales that also measure fat % - I am shortly going to get them out of the car and brave the fatness.

Apparently healthy range for women of my age is 21-33% and 'overweight' is 33-39%. Obese is over 39% and I'm now in the 'overweight' BMI category so expect my body fat to be within the overweight section too.
Doom. Doooooooooom! According to the new shiny scales, by BF% is very much in the obese category. ARGH!!

Ignoring the scales, my lean body mass should be (according to scientific calculations based on my height and current weight) is 52.52kg (115.5lbs). Given that I am 180.8lbs, I suppose that means that about 65lbs of me is lard. What a revolting thought! Even so, that puts my body fat at 36% which isn't so horrific! The scales suggested :gulp: 48%. However, I think this may be because I have exercised just before the reading and hadn't drunk much this morning - BF% is calculated based on any tissues which the current can't pass through, and that's more than just fat when dehydrated.

If I was to aim for approximately 25% body fat (slap bang in the middle of 'normal') then I'd be looking at my lean body mass accounting for 75% of my weight, soooo 115.5/0.75 = 154lbs.

Of course, at 154lbs my actual lean body mass would be less as less fat to lug around to muscles smaller, so LBM of 108lbs, meaning at that weight I'd actually still have 30% fat :rolleyes:

At 140lbs (which, realistically I can't see me EVER being) my LBM would be 103lbs so my BF% would be 26%. I clearly would never manage the 25% unless I went on a training program to bulk up muscles and I'm plenty muscley enough!
I've decided that I want to be 10st 7lbs, not 11st.

I don't know if this is totally unrealistic - do I dare change is on my ticker / stats on here? At 11st my BMI will be 24.9 which is still so close to being over-weight, whereas at just 7lbs less it'll be 23.7. Would I be setting myself up for failure moving the goal posts at this stage, when I've just past my half-way point?

Do I wait until I hit 11 stone and then go for the extra? I'm worried that if I do this, I'll already be so focused on 11st that I'll have lost motivation for the extra. If I tell myself that 147lbs is my goal, am I more likely to get there? Is IS only another 7lbs, but I literally can't remember when I was last that weight. Probably primary school - I was certain 11st 9lbs when I was 12yrs old and apart from being between 11st 5lbs and 12st for 18 months as an adult (when I'd done LT) I have only ever gone up.

What would you do?
I've decided that I want to be 10st 7lbs, not 11st.

I don't know if this is totally unrealistic - do I dare change is on my ticker / stats on here? At 11st my BMI will be 24.9 which is still so close to being over-weight, whereas at just 7lbs less it'll be 23.7. Would I be setting myself up for failure moving the goal posts at this
stage, when I've just past my half-way point?

Do I wait until I hit 11 stone and then go for the extra? I'm worried that if I do this, I'll already be so focused on 11st that I'll have lost motivation for the extra. If I tell myself that 147lbs is my goal, am I more likely to get there? Is IS only another 7lbs, but I literally can't remember when I was last that weight. Probably primary school - I was certain 11st 9lbs when I was 12yrs old and apart from being between 11st 5lbs and 12st for 18 months as an adult (when I'd done LT) I have only ever gone up.

What would you do?

mmm tricky one Bren! I'm the same height as you and want to get back to 10 stone because that's what I feel totally brilliant at but, a big but, I can NEVER seem to stay there! :sigh: I can manage/maintain, literally, years at 10 1/2 - 11 stone which is OK BMI and clothes-wise but I SOOOO wish that I could stay at 10 stone. I've had, and continue to have, loads of health problems and to be honest getting older (I was 50 last month) makes keeping the weight off even more difficult. I do have a major incentive this time around though, I am having a hip replacement in November and need to be as light as possible to aid both the operation and my recovery. To make matters worse I will probably need the second one done at some point in the future too. My surgeon was very pleased when I saw him last week and said that I intended to be much thinner, I think he believed me because when he did my leg surgeries in 2006/7 I was about 11 stone, a whole 2 stone 1lb less than I weigh today! But would you believe that I felt heavy then because I'd put on a stone following an emergency hysterectomy the previous year then shattering my leg...I'd give my right arm to weigh that now...hang on that might work!

I'd like to think that I'll stay motivated as I really need to weigh a lot less for my health (OK who doesn't on here?!) but will it be enough to help me stay there?

Is there a particular reason that you are 'fixating' on 10 1/2 stone? if you can get there but realistically find it impossible to maintain will you end up giving up trying (like me?) on the other hand, could you maintain 11 stone? still a healthy BMI and perfectly realistic....
No comment.

Ha! Like that's going to happen!
For what it's worth, and knowing you like I do it doesn't matter what you try telling yourself your goal is, once you've decided you'll know deep down if you're really planning on stopping at 11st or carrying on for another half!

Personally, I think you looked amazing at 11st AND remember, you're an active outdoorsey person with lots of muscle tone, so that extra half a stone may well tip you from looking fabulous to a bit gaunt (like T does IMHO). Remember, it's not about the LBS it's about the INCHES!!
Sandra - I suppose that the maximum I want to be is 11st, and I am very conscious of the fact that 7lbs is likely to pop almost straight back on (last time I got to about 11st 4lbs, then immediately put on 7lbs but was able to then maintain at that) - I suppose I think that if I get to 10st 7, I'll be able to maintain at 10st-something but with 11st being my maximum?

I do have in my head that I'll do another 10 weeks, so perhaps I'll do the 10 weeks regardless of my weight and if I've only got to 11st, fair enough? Cle, you're right I don't want to look gaunt, but OTOH when I was just above 11st I clearly remember still feeling pretty damn fat (unless in fantabulous corsets!) and even now, I look at some of the modelling photos taken at that time (freebies for budding photographer friends, obviously noone would pay to photograph me!) and don't think I quite look 'slim'. Definitely not 'fat', but still on the chubby side...
My measurements today are 35/35.5/43.5 so another inch lost this week. Total losses 3/4.5/4.5. I also measured my upper arms and thighs (thighs are my main problem area :yuk: ) and have shrunk from 14/28 to 12/25.5 so another 4.5" gone there.

2 weeks ago I posted the above. Measurements tonight are 34.5/34/43 so lost another 2.5 inches. Total losses 3.5/6/5. Nothing shifted from arms, but thighs 25" so another half inch gone there.

Supposedly a 12 is 35/28/38 but then according to my measurements I should still be wearing 18s (40/34/44) but I'm in 14s (albeit a bit snugly at the moment!)
I look at some of the modelling photos taken at that time (freebies for budding photographer friends, obviously noone would pay to photograph me!) and don't think I quite look 'slim'. Definitely not 'fat', but still on the chubby side...

Shut up right now. You most certainly did not.

You looked amazing and I shan't hear another word on the subject. Consider yourself spanked.
Harumph! (But thank you!)

Last few days have been tough - constantly hungry. I'm pretty much ok at school, the kids keep my mind of it and I always take a shake. All the other staff know I'm doing this, so I am never tempted to cheat because they are always so impressed at my willpower and paying me lots of compliments.

It tends to be when I get home - it's too early for my 3rd shake, but I am usually ravenous. Tonight I'm being naughty and having an extra LT portion (braving the coconut flapjack...) because I feel I need *something* and I daresay the extra cals won't hurt massively in the grand scheme of things, and at least I'm not 'breaking' the diet. That's how I'm justifying it, anyway...

Should be seeing the cambridge diet consultant tomorrow evening - it'll be interesting to see what she says. Then it's LT weigh in on Saturday, when I'll be buying another week's supply and then, if I've decided to switch to CD, be saying goodbye to the pharmacy! All a bit scary, to be honest.
Bit of a disappointing weigh in (lost 1.8lbs) but still on target for a stone this month and I have made the decision to stick on a TFR diet for another 9 weeks, regardless of loss (ie if I've not hit target, I will still begin to introduce food then but continue trying to lose, and if I hit target before then, I will continue and let myself go lower as my target it right at the top of my healthy BMI anyway). I have also taken the decision to switch to CD for numerous reasons, and feel quite comfortable with their refeed plan as it's extremely similar to what I was planning using LT shakes anyway.

25lbs to go, which is less than 3lbs a week! I know I'm not even half way through my time on TFR, but I really do feel having set a date that the end is in sight. I'll also have been refeeding for a fortnight by my OH's birthday so we'll actually be able to go out for a [sensible!] meal! And even better, I should be wearing some slinky size 12 number :D
Seem to have developed an obsession with carrots...

I KNOW I'm not allowed them, I KNOW they will be affecting my weight loss, I just can't seem to resist a table spoon when they have been cooked (I did the same last night and tonight). It's only a few calories, but it's not the point really. I have done a bit of exercise to try and cancel them out. I don't know why I've been so hungry / having cravings, but I think I'm PMT'ish. Friday will be hell - coffee morning in aid of Macmillan, with billions of cakes for sale. Argh!!
I find it hard some days too. If it helps I get so hungry some days I could eat anything going. I'm at school all day and cope really well. Bags of energy - the kids think I've gone loopy all of a sudden but at teatime it is killing me. I haven't fell of the wagon yet but it's sooo hard.

You have done so well and I love reading your diary for inspiration. Keep going - you've done so well.
I know what you mean about the bags of energy at school - I was worried that I'd struggle keeping up with the demands of teaching on this diet but I haven't struggled at all! I am not having any problems resisting the biscuits / cakes in the staffroom either, like you, it's from about 5pm I feel ravenous! Today I gave in and ate my 3rd shake at 5.30pm - I usually try and hold out until 7pm in case I get hungry later. So far so good - half 7 now and now hungry.

Thank you so much for your support - good luck on your journey too! xx