C25K Running Thread!!

As above! I walk fast but my jog is only 7.5. as long as i can go for longer each time im happy, its not about how quick we get there just as long as we do! Maybe the first week has shown you that? :giggle:

I did W4W1 again today. Im getting rather fed up of wek 4 if im honest LOL i feel like i've been on it forever!! but im not quite ready for W5 yet. Im back in the gym tomorrow then friday for the final W4 and Friday is hill day!!! :D
Good luck! You are all doing so well. I'm glad to be a part of this too.

There's no rush. I'm a bit loathed to do W1D1 again but I want to be able to do it and get used to the running before I move on.
Well W1 is the same each day so by the 3rd go you should be better anyway :D you can always give W2 a go and if its too much drop back to W1 :D
Well, I had a bit of time today and did Wk4 again, apart from the last jog sequence, and it was okay? I have my 'football' walk tomorrow and then I'll attempt it again on Thursday- if my legs are in better shape than they were last week after it! LOL!
I don't think I'd do too well outside yet, and I like the fact the treadmill keeps me at a steady pace- kind of like it's regulating me or something? But my hat is definately off to those walking/jogging outside, it is tough. Sticking to W4 until the end of the week at least, then I'll see how I feel next Monday about Wk5...
Jettica, a personal trainer friend told me that it's okay to have a brisk walk on your 'rest' days, but if you want to tone up all over then it's a good idea to work other muscles on those days? I'd try something else today, then attempt W1D1 again tomorrow and see how you get on- you'll probably surprise yourself- I know I did!
Me- I'm just trying to improve my overall fitness so I'm happy to keep on walking/jogging at the minute?
Ahh I didn't realise all of W1 was the same. I can't skip through on my iPhone app. Okay well W1D2 tomorrow then. Tonight I might try that Squat and Sit-ups challenge someone mentioned.
You're braver than me!! :giggle:

Irishmum, can you not set the dreadmill to hills? someone mentioned going out on the industrial estate here. Im desperate to get this stupid podcast to work so i can do it!! Bloomin hate apple arghhhhh
Irishmum, can you not set the dreadmill to hills?
Yes. Do I want to? No. LOL! :pI'll get my stamina up a bit first then introduce hills to my C25K programme! I'm happy enough with my hilly walk each wednesday for the time being?:eek:
Don't do it to yourself! Hills are evil. Although I live in Norfolk I live in North Norwich and all the roads near me are ridiculously steep. And people say Norfolk is flat. They lie.
lol i dont like the hills but it finishes my week off! If i can do that i can do the next week! :D

I've just been in today to do W4W2 so i can get back on track with my days rest etc! I felt pretty good and my heart rate is doing great. generally after a run im at 160 and about 1 1/2 mins later im down to 140. Its loooooads better than when i started :D

Will be back in the gym Friday. tomorrow is study day, i've just realised my assignment is due in next week and i've written 30 words! So ill be hitting the books tomorrow rather than the dreadmill!
Just did W1D2 surprisingly found it harder. I pushed myself a bit more with running for the full amount of time and only missed one full run. I did run a fair amount slower though. But instead of a nice ache I'm in quite a bit of pain. Not good.

My lower legs hurt especially shins (shin splints?) Going to have two days off and see if I can get W1D3 in on Sat. In the mean time lots of stretching.

Weekend will be difficult going out Fri night drinking, Sat night drinking and Sun my family are coming over for a roast dinner. I might need to starve myself...
Hi everyone

I want to give this a go, however, at the moment I am definitely not confident enough to do it outside, but I also can't afford to go to a gym and do it on the treadmill.

When I have boosted my fitness then I will head outside, but for now, do you think it would work if I jogged on the spot in my room?!

I know that sounds so silly! Even if I didn't start the actual training programme now, because I know jogging on the spot isn't going to be the same, do you think this would improve my fitness enough?


Sarah x
It probably wouldn't make a great deal of difference. What might be better would be to run laps of your house, even if they are slow. When the Wii asks me to jog on the spot I always run around. It's more difficult.

As for my sore legs after w1d2, they just ache now but so does my stomach and shoulders. URgh!
xsarahx- is there a football field or walking track anywhere nearby? Or an industrial estate (they're quiet out of hours?) I don't think just jogging on the spot would do much to be honest? Have any friends a treadmill you could use? (I use my Dad's!) If you start off just going for a brisk 1/2hr walk in the evenings it'll be a big help for when you attempt the C25K- I don't think I could've done it without walking for quite a while before I attempted it- and the first week still nearly had me in the back of an ambulance! LOL!

Jettica- well done on W1D2. It sounds a bit like you're developing shin splints, and the only way to heal them is rest unfortunately? I'd recommend a 2-day 'rest' between sessions, maybe just walking to keep your stamina/metabolism going, but slow your jogging right down!! Most of us are 'granny-jogging' as we call it, barely past a fast walk speed? The splints are caused by doing too much/going too fast too soon, so if you want to stick at it without having to take a complete break, you're going to have to take it easier? It might seem like you're not doing 'enough', but you'll still be building your stamina. Then when your leg muscles are stronger, you can build up your speeds?

God- I sound like a right know-it-all! LOL! I'm not, but I've been there so I hope this helps?
That was the slowest I've ever ran. Not sure I could go any slower. I think maybe I overdid it on the first run and now I'm paying for it. A slow run yesterday just made the situation worse. Will rest until sat and will go (slowly) from there.

Thank you IrishMum. x
Good Luck Jettica! Remember, the idea is to get fit & lose weight, not kill yourself trying! :p:D

Well, W4 4th complete attempt- DONE!!!! And while it wasn't 'easy'. it was definately 'easier'?:D I felt I could've ran for a longer period, though I don't know how long that would've lasted? LOL! I think I'll attempt W5D1 on Monday, providing I can get at least a good walk in between now & then?
I didn't get for my 'football' walk last night, my car 'blew up' and I forgot to get the buggy out of the boot before leaving it in the garage. I felt it a bit unfair to make my 2 1/2yr old walk nearly 3miles over hills just so I could keep fit....:p;)
Well, legs feel better this afternoon. Going to do some yoga tonight before I have a house full of boys and our movie night. Someone suggested takeaway. Luckily that idea was scrapped!

Well done! Gosh W5 seems so far away for me. You are doing so brilliantly! Have you lost weight since starting the C25k?
well done Irishmum :D

I have done nadda, and that counts for my assignment to :(

Sarah, have you tried asking for one on your freecycle? Or just an old treadmill from ebay? Your looking at £75 on Argos for the cheapest one. It probably wont do much on the spot, you'll have to move around :) I only go to the gym because we have one at work. Im building myself up to go outside. I may attempt it soon eek!

Jettica, im doing Weight watchers and since middle of Jan i've lost 18.5lb!!! :D

Dreadmill hill day tomorrow!!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Congrats Shabba! That's such a good loss!

Since I started this on Monday I've lost 1.5lbs
Very happy.
thats really good!! :D If it comes off at a steady rate its easier to keep off.
Well W5W1 done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek::D:eek:

I think it was hill day that did it! I thought it was going to be a lot harder than it was! Ready to try W5W2 :cool: