Caroline, Suseka and Picklednut get swinging them bells


Repeat Offender
Hi ladies, I thought that it might be easier for us to use a separate thread to chat and buddy up as if we do it by messages, we'll end up saying the same things twice I think!

I did Resistance today, which finishes Week 1 for me. I started with Cardio, it was hard work but a good challenge for me and I still enjoyed it, in a love hate kind of way! I definitely found Core the easiest and most enjoyable, though I felt it the next day more than with Cardio. I did Resistance today which was alright, I didn't love it but I didn't dislike it either, it was just ok. I guess I hoped it would be a little more different to the others but seemed a lot of the same stuff, it was still good though.

How are you both going?
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Great idea.

Well - I've been aching (pretty much all over, but especially my back) since Monday when I did wk 1 Cardio, but I carried on with Core this evening.

I liked most of the exercises, but I found the 'crunches' and 'spell kettleworx' ones practically impossible. My core is very weak and I just cant 'crunch' - lol. I liked the 'glutes' one though, as I'd love to have buns of steel :D and I definitely need to lose a love handle or three :D

The only downside is that my inner legs were aching so much that I wasn't able to walk to work this morning. Oh well, I'm sure after a while my body will start working with me, rather than against.

I bet I'll ache for England tomorrow :eek:
Hi! Looking forward to the inner thighs aching! My plan is to do Cardio tomorrow and then resistance over the weekend. I'll then do the same order as you two - Cardio, Core then Resistance on Mon / Wed / Fri. I found Cardio quite easy going but did find writing Kettleworx quite difficult by end of 3rd set and had trouble doing 3rd set of pump and crunch. Quite liked the ab twists, side bends and bum lifts. I can feel aching in my hips and a bit in my abs so always a good sign.

Bring on Cardio tomorrow.
Caroline - well done on the Resistance and good luck with week 2.

Picklenut - good luck with Cardio. I would prefer a Mon, Weds, Fri cycle, but I can't do Weds, which is why I opted for Tues, Thurs, Sat.

So ladies - let's gear up for week two and 'swing them bells' :D
I was surprisingly ok with the core stuff, I think it's because lately I've been doing crunches, planks etc myself to try and improve my core and doing other kettlebell stuff and pilates, which has a lot of core stuff. So I think I got off quite lightly on the pain the next day because of that, wasn't quite such a shock to my body apart from my obliques! They definitely hurt! I'm not scheduled to do cardio again until Sunday, might see how I feel tomorrow though and if I feel alright, do it then if I have time. I reckon as long as you have a rest day inbetween it would be alright. We'll see though.

Good luck with cardio picklednut and hope you're not too sore this morning suseka!
Ouchie - my obliques are sore this morning. Oh well, as they say "no pain, no gain" - although I don't think that's strictly true.

You've definitely got more stamina and core strength than me Caroline - so good on ya. What pilates workout do you do? I'm on the lookout for a beginners mat workout myself. I've had some good tips from those on the main KB thread - so I will keep looking.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on cardio Picklednut.

Now time for me get comfy with a good book and a nice cup of coffee :coffee:
Hello Ladies!

Well I did Level 1 Cardio and all I can say is Oh My Good Lord! I take it all back saying Kettleworx was easy. My legs were like jelly afterwards, I was drinking water like a fish and my face was beetroot. I'm glad I started with Core otherwise I think I would have been frightened off. I hope that is definitely the hardest routine. If I feel ok tomorrow I'm going to attempt Resistance and then start with Week 2 on Mon. How are you both feeling now? I feel very virtuous after the workout tonight. Also lost 2 pounds at my WW weigh-in. Woop Woop! Have a good weekend and I'll report back tomorrow. Thoughts on Level 1 Resistance?

Everyone says that Cardio is the hardest but that Wk1 Cardio is the worst. I'm going to do Wk2 Cardio today instead of tomorrow so I'll let you know how it goes! I'll be honest, I'm a bit scared haha I both loved and hated it last time, it was hard work but loved it after it was done, felt like I'd really accomplished something, if that makes sense. I can't remember much of Resistance now, was only on Thursday! I don't think it was too bad, there were things like halos and stuff, lots that you'll have done during Cardio and Core. It's a bit like Core but not as intense as it's not quiet as focused on one area. Lots of arm work I seem to remember.
I'll be doing resistance today, so I'll let you know what I think a little later on. Got to get the boring old housework done out of the way first. I'm kinda hoping resistance is the 'easiest' of the three as I'm still aching from the last two. I'll then have a two day break until I start all over again with wk 2 on Tues.

Can't say I'm looking forward to Cardio again, and I doubt I'll be able to keep up - but what's life without a challenge eh :D
Just finished Wk2 Cardio. Not going to say that it's not hard, it is and should be but it's definitely easier than Wk1 and only burned about 20 less calories but was a lot easier but just as much work really.
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Hi Suseka, have you done Resistance yet? I've just done three hours of housework so will do Resistance later today hopefully. If not definitely tomorrow.

Caroline, good news about Cardio Week 2! How do you know how many calories it's burning?

I've been good all week and definitely feeling benefits of Kettleworx in my core. Gonna sneak of for a McDonalds now and a 40th birthday party tonight so a few drinks and buffet - yum!

Have a good weekend both of you xx
Cardio is 6150-640, Core is 370 and Resistance 480. But that's for me at my weight, you both weigh less so will burn less doing it. Hope you have a good birthday!
Right - week one done and dusted, with resistance about an hour ago. Just waiting to see which bit starts to ached first :D That, after 4 hours of housework can't be bad. Am pooped now though, mainly from the housework (jeez I've let things slide since xmas).

I got quite a buzz out of resistance earlier and I actually managed to keep up and do all the moves - :happy036: I did wobble about a bit on the baseball lift one and sat back on my bum a few times - lol.

Not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of my day - it's crappy weather and my OH busy watching footie. Might have a bath in a bit and see if I can stave off the aches and pains :)

Caroline -Well done on completing cardio/wk 2 and I'm relieved to hear that it's better than wk1 (although I've two days to gear up for it). Your good working out all the calories you burn off, but I suppose you do that as part of your calorie counting diet.

Picklednut -enjoy resistance if you get round to it today (or tomorrow) and have a fun night out. Maccy D's too....something I can only dream about while I drink one of my vlcd shakes (I suppose if I close my eyes I can pretend) ha!
Yeah, because I'm calorie counting the calories matter. Though to be honest, I don't ever eat them back really. Though if there's a day that I know I'm going out for a meal or something, I will do extra exercise to give me those extra calories. So really, the calories don't matter that much but I just like to see the numbers, I'm a number person! I've got a heart rate monitor so all I have to do is wear that while I'm doing it and check the reading at the end. If it was a lot of hassle, I probably wouldn't.

Picklednut how are you finding doing WW? And Suseka, how's Exante? I've done a meal replacement before, couldn't do it again I don't think!
Hiya, I really like WW, it's my "go-to" diet and I find it really easy to follow (but harder to stick too!). I lost 3 stone in the past and currently have lost 2 stone.

Really enjoying the kb workout so far and I think it's because it's only 3 x 20 mins a week. Next on my shopping list is a step, HRM watch (Caroline with the One Body one do you get a strap with it and do you have to wear it I.e I thought the HRM watch might just measure from pulse on wrist) and a 7.5kg kb but I'll have to wait until my birthday in March.

Caroline, what is the website you use for tracking calories and exercise?

Going to do Resistance later today, didn't get round to it yesterday.

Have you tried any other exercises? I really like the Jillian Michaels DVDs and Davinas (although I do find her a bit annoying).
I use it's really good I think.

Yup you get a watch and a strap with the one body one, I think some use just the watch but if it has a chest strap it's more accurate.

I've done Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, I've got her Shred with Weights and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVDs too which are pretty good. The other one I use the most though is Turbo Jam, which is a kick boxing type one. I did KW Cardio yesterday and Core today, really want to do Turbo Jam too but feel like that might be too much!
My Exante plan is going well thanks - I've hit my stride, so to be honest I don't find it a problem. I even went out last Sunday and sat with my OH while he ate a Sunday roast (now that's willpower :D). I chose this because I've done it before and I know it works - I'm rubbish at counting calories or points or the like.

I did slimming world years ago, but couldn't really get into it again and I really need some fast results, having piled 6 stone on over the last 4 years. This time though I really am going to follow a proper maintenance plan - I've read loads about the Harcombe plan and I like the author's (Zoe Harcombe) philosophy and she's done a lot of research on the whole subject of obesity too.

I've loads of fitness DVDs and I've dabbled with them over the years, but I've never really found any that keeps my interest. I used to go to step classes (many moons ago) and I loved those. I'm not interested in the whole Zumba craze (am totally uncoordinated) - but something about the KB stuff has just 'clicked' with me and I'm starting to really love it.

I'm even thinking of purchasing the step KB dvd that Kron posted the link to so I can aim to work towards being fit enough to do it. A bit like buying a dress two sizes smaller, as motivation to lose weight :)

I reckon you'll enjoy resistance Picklednut and good luck with wk2 core Caroline.
Sounds like you're doing really well and you'll do great with the fitness and the diet.

I'm really not interested in Zumba either, like you I just don't feel co-ordinated enough for it!
Hey - Resistance done tonight. Starting Week 2 Cardio tomorrow. I've been in a grumpy mood all day and couldn't be bothered doing Resistance but forced myself too tonight. I almost stopped halfway through due to mood but battled through and carried on and was really glad I did. Enjoyed Resistance so think it will be good to get Cardio out of the way first during the week as that's the one I liked the least.

Suseka know what you mean about getting the DVD Kron is doing too to work towards it - need a step first though!

I found some of the exercises quite easy with my 5kg so contemplating the 7.5kg for things like kb swing but really can't afford it at the moment so that will have to wait.

Actually looking forward to Week 2 and might throw in a few Fast Burn and Fast Abs.