Carrot's Slim Fast Diary

i hope you have a loss as its a boost to make you want to keep dieting
Well i managed to get the two off that i put on last week! Yay me. I now only need 1 more pound and i will have lost a stone and a half since starting slim fast. I'm determined to be extra good this week. Lets see what the week brings! Good luck everyone.
C`mon sarah you can do it you can get to that 1 1/2 stone goal
Well i managed to get the two off that i put on last week! Yay me. I now only need 1 more pound and i will have lost a stone and a half since starting slim fast. I'm determined to be extra good this week. Lets see what the week brings! Good luck everyone.

Wow!! 1 lb until a stone and a half!!
Thats brill!! Good luck
Thanks everyone! Fingers crossed for that pound.

Been a fairly average week so far. I'm totally snowed under at work as i'm still doing the job of two people whilst waiting for my new colleague to arrive. I've been trying to cut back what i eat on an evening as that's when i start to feel bored and want to eat. Since i'm craving something sweet i've been eating a small bowl of frosties and a small banana but think i may be having a few too many frosties in my bowl! So i've also decided to start drinking green tea and see if that helps with the weightloss. I'm now sat with a cup of it in front of me and frankly i haven't been able to bring myself to try it yet! I thought it would be green in colour but it's actually a kind of horrible brown. I think i'm just gonna wait till it cools and down it!
lemon green tea is nicer than the normal stuff i should try get back into having a mug of it everyday to try help i also think they do different flavour green teas but not sure
Did lemon tea help with the weight loss Kazzy? I know there's a lot of buzz about Green tea and my sister in law recommended it as she'd managed to shed pounds even when she had been bad in the week. However you do need to drink about 5 to 6 cups a day. Managed four yesterday and i'm one my second cup so far today. If it work's i'll be chuffed. Watch this space.
Okay so i only needed 1lb to have lost 1.5stone since i started slim fast, so i felt quite apprehensive when i stepped on he scales sunday morning but not only did i get my 1lb i also lost a further 2 with it! Total loss this week .. 3lbs :bliss: I am well chuffed!
Wooohooooo well done,, be proud of yourself
wooooop!!! Lol stepping on the scales is scarey. I do it every day, but if you know you been bad the day before, its like eyes half shut lol.

Anyway well done for the -3lbs
Thanks everyone! I was dead chuffed with myself.

Saturday night i went out with some friends for a my mate's birthday but due to being skint i decided to drive so there was no drinking involved. I honestly don't know how people who are teetotal cope on nights up town. Drunk people can be so irritating! But the scary thing is i'm guessing i'm just as bad when i've had a drink! Lol. Anyway i resisted the urge for a pizza on the way home whilst all my mates were buying theirs. But the real highlight of the night was the fact that i got into a size 12 dress!!!!! Mt stomach still stuck out just a tad so i tried some of those bridget jones knickers but it left me with a unsightly lump above them that stuck out even more! So in the end i went without them (the control pants that is!) I felt fab and although i never blow my own trumpet i looked fab too!

So this is my first full week of drinking five cups of Green tea a day. Let's see how that works out.......... Watch this space.
wooohoooo congrats on getting into a size 12 dress,,,,,,, i know what u mean about coping with drunks its fine when your drunk yourself but a nightmare when sober lol i must get back into the green tea again even one cup a day would be a help
Well i'm averaging about 6 cups a day and i have to say it's making a difference. Not sure about weightloss, i'll see on Sunday but my general health and energy levels. I feel a lot more lively through the day, which is surprising given that ever since i started drinking Green Tea i've been waking up a 4am on the dot bursting for a pee!
i wake up most nights for a pee anyway lol especially the alcohol nights lol
Sounds like your doing brilliantly Sarah! Sounds like you had an excellent night aswell, congrats on not getting the devil food on the way home too.... I wouldn't have been able to resist!!!
I always find with bridget jones knickers, you have to get the ones that go all the way up to your bra (mine tuck in under my bra) to stop that spill over at the top!
Well i had a great week up until Friday night when i indulged in Fish and Chips! And then Saturday when i had a chocolate bun. Very naughty of me but i still managed to lose 1lb so can't complain really! Here's to a new week.