Cheb....Too old to get home with the Dawn Chorus!

Girls are fine

Heard from Jess last night. They are fine. They finally arrived about 9pm last night and were in good spirits! Jess phoned me this morning though and said she had been freezing all night and hadn't slept:( Oh dear, camping has lost its novelty already! Lets hope tonight is better. Anyway, they have seen FR Antony and he gave them big hugs and was thoroughly delighted to catch up with them. IT will be great to see him on Saturday.

Please feed poor Jarrod!:rolleyes: Poor starving little waif (not)!:D

Am in small trousers today and feeling thin! Hurray! Day 3 and going well. Well done for staying our of that kitchen. Hope you will be OK sitting in mine later.:rolleyes:

Have a fun day with the dinosaurs and see you later.X
MY FRIEND WIGGLED HIS FEET:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) BUT STILL NOT AWAKE YET, BUT THINGS ARE LOOKING UP:D
Hi All

Having a nice break from work, although I'm sure the novelty will soon wear off and I'll be itching to get back there; strange but true!

DS is being reallt good but he's missing his sister; sad thing is I know she won't be missing him:(

Feeling fairly strong just now, should hope so too as I'm only planning to SS til Fri night!! Just hope I get into my dress and am still able to breathe :eek:

Next Monday though, that's it, I'mm SSing all the way to that elusive 10st. No more excuses! The only event that will involve food is DD 13th birthday on 25th and although I do loooove party food I have resolved to be strong.

Did finally here from DD this morning, she didn't starve after all! Thank goodness.
Hi Nikkie
Well I will be on the SS journey with you, although I will be on it a month or two longer. But hey ho, it's the price I have to pay for being so naughty these past 7 or 8 months!
Don't worry Nikkie, you will be 10 stone in less than a month! I'm really proud of you! Keep it up and be strong, you can do it!
Good Morning friend!
Hope your still enjoying your holday from work! Shame the weathers not so good here today, hopefully it will brighten up later for you!
I love your new hair colour by the way, it looks fab! You have turned in to such a glamour puss over the last 12 months

Have a wonderfull day!
Hello Everyone,

Feeling good today, very focused. Not had my first pack yet; have a mousse setting in the fridge. I'm having choc mint today.

Probably feel good cos I've got my size 10 jeans on:D Haven't even bothered to try them for a while so I was quite pleased when they slipped on this morning. I don't kid myself though cos I know they're a big 10.....but I don't care THE LABEL SAYS 10:D

Just been bowling with DS, I lost both games and that's with the barriers up. I'm gracious in defeat though......reckon my ball was dodgy:p

We're going to paint his room this afternoon, hopefully he'll lose interest fairly quickly so I can get on with it! Reckon he'll be sleeping in there by Sunday.

Well must crack on with it. Have a great day everyone.
Hi Cheb,

Thrilled for you in your size 10 jeans...

This is definetly spurring me on big time to get back in that SSing saddle and go for it!!!!

Well done and congrats'

Love Mini xxx
Yipee - size 10!

Well done you, thats fab! The dress will be fine - the way you're carrying on it will be too small!:D

10 stone, here you go - you will be there very soon!

Love Me
Why is it if it fits, it's a large size, and if it doesn't we're too big?! :rolleyes:

Enjoy your size 10 you daft ninny - you deserve it!! :cool:
Evening All

Not feeling so strong now, not sure why. I've drunk 5lt water and kept busy. Must stay strong and think of my dress.

Went to dog training tonight, took hotdog sausages to reward (bribe) Dylan with; fortunately I hate them so wasn't tempted to sit and stay myself!! Have signed up for our good citizen bronze award, think we're setting ourselves up for a failure but it'll be good experience for him.

How has everyone else been today?
Hi Nikkie
You should be absolutey proud and chuffed with yourself!
Being able to wear size 10 trousers is fanbloodytastic!
Well done!

You have transformed from a little catapillar to a beautifull butterfly!
Wow Cheb, a size 10
Go you :D Really well done xxxxx

I bet Dylan loved those hot dogs - how big is he now? Got any more pics? Morning?

Been chasing my tail all day today, running about (not literally) all over the place. Been getting a bit stressy trying to get stuff done. Just given myself a talking to, must slow down and calm down....ahhh that's better.

SSing is officially paused until Monday, the celebrations started tonight ready for the big bash tomorrow. Monday I will continue and do not intend to stop until I get to target. I know I've said this sooooo many times before it's getting boring and becoming unbelievable; but this time........

Brightness, Dylan is enormous! He's just about as tall as our other boy already and he's only 8 months, but he's skinny and leggy so looks all gangley. Hope he fills out soon or else it seems we bought a retriever! I'll post a recent pic in a day or so, he had his first wash and brush up at the poodle parlour today so is looking particularly gorgeous!

Night night