Copying Loopy!

Am looking forward to getting the next stone off as that will see me the lightest I've been in 4 years and a little more after that will be the lightest in 15 years! Exciting stuff!

Excellent! You're doing really well. This sounds like it's going to be 'your time'. Your heads in the right place, you've found an exercise that you enjoy and not managing with the calorie allowance.

You'll just go from strength to strength now :) Fantastic Barb
Thanks Loopy and Karion, I really do feel it is all about the head. Tonight I am going out for dinner with family, doesn't happen very often so intend to enjoy myself. In the past I would have thought ' not worth calorie counting, I am only going to blow it anyway, may as well start now', Not this time. I have carefully cut back the cals all day and am going to have a good swim this afternoon. Damage limitation they call it and that's what its all about. One meal out is not what made me fat, so it's not going to now. Old habits are what made me fat and I've ditched them so I am going to be just fine!
I still intend to be careful but I am not going to be a nut about it!
Good on ya Barb.

Last Christmas I watched my family attitudes to food. They are all slim and I could see why.

They eat when they are hungry, stop when they are full, but still eat what they fancy. Something that really surprised me though was the realisation that they did this so naturally.

They ate really well on Christmas day. Even they carried on past the satisfaction stage, but the difference was, they hardly ate anything the next few days:eek:

They weren't thinking "better cut down now because I'll put on weight". Nope...they just didn't feel like eating.:confused:

I decided that they had an off switch that I seemed to be missing for whatever reason.

I felt that if I could watch them and imitate, then perhaps my brain would rewire itself. That's the plan anyway :)

So, I cut down if I've got something planned and keep the next day or two good and it works. Of course it's still a conscious thing at the moment, but hopefully in time something will click
Hi Guys,

I can relate to that, when I stayed slim for years...firstly my portion size was much smaller and I made healthy choices mostly and never over ate.

Also if I did feel I over did it one day I cut back the following day.

I think being a housewife and mother you get into the habit of feeling you must make sure everyone is eating and eating well and my whole married life seems to be about cooking and of course got into a bad habit about not wasting left overs and I felt I was becoming a human dustbin.:(

When I was single I tended to eat on the run a lot of the time, busy life and all that...Food was a quick refuelling exercise to keep me going until the next pit stop.

In my marriage food I suppose became the centre of daily life. And my kitchen the heart of the home...

Love Mini xxx
Oh Mini, I can so relate to that. My Mum has a saying, 'If you love someone you feed them!' Even now she will still offer me more than I want and until recently I would take it rather than hurt her feelings. When my daughter was away at UNI and was coming home the first thing I always asked was' what would you like to eat when you get home?' I have to change my focus and I guess we all do really. Thats not to say we can't still get lots of pleasure out of food, we just need to get it into the right perspective and not make it the MOST important ingrediant of our day. Easier said than done!
Well, I have had a rough couple of days. Didn't even manage a swim today. Yesterday at the pool I managed to choke on a large quantity of chlorine/water and in the evening ended up having quite a bad asthma attack. My peak flow dropped to a fairly alarming 150 and I felt really awful. Lots of medication later I feel quite a bit better although not brilliant. For the first time I have not cal counted for 2 days. To be honest I have not had much breathe for eating anyway so reckon I am doing ok. Hope to feel lots better tomorrow and get properly back on track. Interestingly I don't feel too panicked about the whole 'diet breaking behaviour'; in the past I would have just given up but I just figure, what's a couple of days. I can handle this little blip and get on with it again.
Hi Barb
I'm so sorry you have been poorly these last couple of days. I hope you are much better soon. I'm sure it won't be long before you are back doing 28 lengths!
Take care
Thanks Tracey, I certainly hope to be back in swimming form very soon.
Thanks Cheb, I am OK now, it was a bit scary but I have recovered far quicker than I would have when I was heavier, so that's yet another bonus!
Well, I have had a rough couple of days. Didn't even manage a swim today. Yesterday at the pool I managed to choke on a large quantity of chlorine/water and in the evening ended up having quite a bad asthma attack. My peak flow dropped to a fairly alarming 150 and I felt really awful. Lots of medication later I feel quite a bit better although not brilliant. For the first time I have not cal counted for 2 days. To be honest I have not had much breathe for eating anyway so reckon I am doing ok. Hope to feel lots better tomorrow and get properly back on track. Interestingly I don't feel too panicked about the whole 'diet breaking behaviour'; in the past I would have just given up but I just figure, what's a couple of days. I can handle this little blip and get on with it again.

Hi Barb,

That sounds scary! I hope you are feeling much better today?

Love Mini xxx
Good Morning Barb
I hope you are feeling very much better today!
Hi everyone, thank you so much for caring, you ahve all cheered me up! I am feeling much better, but know I am going to have to be very careful at the pool in future. I have had problems with my lungs since I was a child but when I had my twins in 1987 it put a big strain on my lungs and since then until about 4 years ago I spent a lot of the time taking steriods just to keep alive! I am now on a 'wonder drug' which alleviates all my allergies and (touch wood) don't even take any regular inhalers; 5 years ago I was on 40 -50 puffs a day! so it is a radical change for me. It was a shock to my system to realsie that although I am so much better I am still vulnerable, I will be really careful from now on. I never want to have to take steroids again as they are the kiss of death to any weight loss and their other side effects are pretty awful too. Anyway, back on track I think, still feel a little breathless but by Monday I should be ok to swim I hope. Thanks again, you are all lovely, lots of love,
I am so pleased that you are recovering, You will soon be back in the swimming pool!
Have a lovely day!
Feeling much better today. 6 weeks now since I started and in that time I have lost exactly 1 stone. Compared with others on this site that seems sooooooooo slow, but I am getting on with it and that is the important thing.My chatterbox has been noiser lately but I am doing my best to ignore her. Hoping for a good loss this week.
Good Morning Barb!
Keep on trucking! 1 stone in six weeks is wonderfull! Just ignore that nasy selfish Chatter Box! Don't let her get the better of you! You desrve to be slim Barb and you will be slim! You are going to be a lovely Christmas cracker!!
Have a wonderfull day!
Thanks Tracey, we are both going to be absolutely gorgeous, can't wait to go shopping somewhere other than Evans - Yahoooo