Hi everyone, thanks for the encouragement and I' glad people are getting something from them so I'll keep doing them. I'm just using a variety of weightloss CBT, OA, law of attraction stuff and might start including Paul McKenna.
OA stuff has a lot about God in it (or higher power) I believe in God but I'm aware a lot of ppl don't but I'll post some of these things too cos I think they are really helpful.
Miss Piggynomore, thanks for your comments- you could maybe help and add some McKenna comments/tips xxx
Hi everyone, thanks for the encouragement and I' glad people are getting something from them so I'll keep doing them. I'm just using a variety of weightloss CBT, OA, law of attraction stuff and might start including Paul McKenna.
OA stuff has a lot about God in it (or higher power) I believe in God but I'm aware a lot of ppl don't but I'll post some of these things too cos I think they are really helpful.
Miss Piggynomore, thanks for your comments- you could maybe help and add some McKenna comments/tips xxx

Without wanting to sound like some religious nut, I so believe in Him and the power of prayer. All that I have prayed for over the last year, since I came back to praying, has been granted and some!!! Only yesterday did something I have been praying for start to materialise. As I said to Jess, when you have faith you have something to hold onto.... that things can get better and I likened it to buying a lottery ticket. When you have that ticket in your pocket you always have that bit of hope that your fortune will change and that of all your loved ones. That you can do lots of good for them too, whereas if you don't buy the ticket then you dont have that. xx
Good way of explaining it Chelsea lou. I understand that some people haven't had a good deal in their life and can't believe in a loving God. I also understand that to many scientist people it could seem far-fetched. I believe purely because I have seen the evidence of God's presence in my life but that is my experience and I can't expect others to feel the same. I do know though that whether you believe or not, the teachings of Christ are recognised as a great way to live your life and even atheist psychologists admit that there is power in prayer.

"In 5 years time will it matter to you if you have stuck to diet today, been successful and remained thin? Or will you be quite happy being fat?"

This is a powerful thought for me. Think what age you will be in 5 years and think how we will feel at that time if you are fat (maybe even fatter than you were) or that you stick to CD just now, get and keep the weight off and in 5 years time be a thin person. What are your reasons for wanting to be thin in five years or maybe you will happy being fat by then? I'll be over 50 and that will be bad enough let alone being fat and over 50. For my health and everything I need to take control of my eating and health.
Broxi - that is a really really good way of looking at it - thank you so much for taking the time to post these - and here's to thin at forty (am 35 now!)
Good way of explaining it Chelsea lou. I understand that some people haven't had a good deal in their life and can't believe in a loving God. I also understand that to many scientist people it could seem far-fetched. I believe purely because I have seen the evidence of God's presence in my life but that is my experience and I can't expect others to feel the same. I do know though that whether you believe or not, the teachings of Christ are recognised as a great way to live your life and even atheist psychologists admit that there is power in prayer.

If you have ever looked into bible prophecy then take a look at Frank Dimora's website. Food for thought!!!!
Hi Chelsea lou, Bible prophecy is my no 1 favourite subject. Thanks for tip! x
Hi Chelsea lou, Bible prophecy is my no 1 favourite subject. Thanks for tip! x

You will be amazed Broxi and he doesnt charge a penny so he is not some charlatan. His book you can download for free. Email updates, he has emailed me personally and wanted to talk over the phone about stuff. Everything he has been saying is happening now.
Chelsea lou, I just looked up your photos. You are seriously young and trendy looking. I hope I look like that when I'm 50! x

"In 5 years time will it matter to you if you have stuck to diet today, been successful and remained thin? Or will you be quite happy being fat?"

This is a powerful thought for me. Think what age you will be in 5 years and think how we will feel at that time if you are fat (maybe even fatter than you were) or that you stick to CD just now, get and keep the weight off and in 5 years time be a thin person. What are your reasons for wanting to be thin in five years or maybe you will happy being fat by then? I'll be over 50 and that will be bad enough let alone being fat and over 50. For my health and everything I need to take control of my eating and health.

This is a powerful one for me as I've always said I'd have conquered my weight by the time I was 35. The thought of not doing so, and still feeling like this 5 years on, doesn't bear thinking about. Thankyou Broxi.
Chelsea lou, I just looked up your photos. You are seriously young and trendy looking. I hope I look like that when I'm 50! x

Aw bless you for being so nice. You wanna see me first thing in the morning though, before I've ironed my face back into position and put on the slap :D

I keep wondering if I should start wearing old birds clothes but I just couldn't. At what age should one start wearing crimplene dresses and a pearl necklace? I can't imagine I will ever dress appropriately for my age pmsl!!!
I'm same. I'm 46 but desperately want to lose weight so I can dress as mutton dressed as lamb! River Island and all that - my son cracks up with me. Well it will be a change from Evans.
Glad you like the post Contrary. I think it's a good one. Cos I've wasted years of my life being fat and I regret it. I also see my poor mum who feels the same and she's 76 and she's old now. She says so many nights out were wasted cos she didn't have anything nice to fit her. So I don't want that
(off to bed now- will leave another tip tomorrow xxx)
Hi I have not posted for a while, after being semi successful I have slipped off the CD wagon big time, I was halfway to goal, then had a family trauma and turned to food while dealing with it (excuse I know) desperately trying to get back on the wagon, I do a day or two then fall off had a good week where I lost 8lbs then came home from Cd WI and binged!!! So keep posting these inspirational thoughts, they give me the confidence to keep trying and hopefully get back into the swing of CD, As like many others It is not the hunger (that leaves after a few days) it is the not eating food, I know I have a problem with food as once I fall of the wagon I shovel in things I do not usually eat and sometimes don't even like??
So after reading your posts I am starting again
As the song goes
One day at a time sweet Jesus is all i am asking of you,
Give me the strength do every thing that I have to do.
Yesterdays gone and tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord for my sake teach me to take .
I'm so glad I'm helping you libbylou. We are all in this together. I know I've stuck to diet so far but I also know that I am equally capable of falling off completely so we all need each other. And taking a day at a time helps so much. You've already done very well and you can do this and finish it off. Do it with me. WE've almost the same amount to lose. xxx

By sticking to CD, what have you got to lose but weight?

I like this one too. We have absolutely nothing to lose but everything to gain by sticking to CD! Fold a sheet of paper into two columns. Make a list in column 1 of 'What I Have to Lose' ie problem things associated with weight loss/how CD could negatively affect our lives. On column 2 fill in 'What will I gain With Weight Loss' ie benefits of sticking to CD. I'm sure I know which column will be biggest. Why then do we even struggle with something which is so obviously for our advantage and good? Think about it. Why do we struggle? I don't even know - in my case so I can enjoy a very short time eating some bit of food- hardly worth it!
As requested, some tips from the Paul McKenna book. He says we need to learn to love ourselves and feel good about ourselves to be successful in losing weight. If you call yourself fat you will believe you are fat and you will always be fat because you will behave like a fat person, eating unnessessarily, dressing in 'fat clothes' and feeling unhappy about your looks which is likely to turn you to more food to comfort you because you are misserable....about being fat/looking frumpy/having no willpower! We have to reprogramme the way we think, start thinking like a thin person, paying ourselves compliments about our looks to put us in a more positive state of mind so we are less likely to comfort eat. He suggests 2 simple exercises that should be done daily to help us do this:

Exercise 1 (read through before starting the exercise)

Stand infront of a mirror with your eyes closed and recall a time when someone you trust paid you a compliment (even if you didnt believe them). Run through the experience in your mind and how you felt.

Pay attention to the sincerity of the person and the trust you have for them. When you feel this as strongly as possible open your eyes and allow yourself to see you as that person sees you, with the compliments they gave you.

Imagine taking a photo of yourself as you are in the other persons percepion and keep that photo in your heart for the time when you need to see and feel how good you can feel.

Get comfortable doing this each day.

Exercise 2 (for when you are comfortable with the first exercise)

Each day spend at least 1 minute looking at yourself in the mirror, preferable naked, if not then something that reveals your figure.

Notice your thoughts ie "ewww fat tummy, legs are not bad"

Send love and positive energy to the person in the mirror, tell them your love for them is not dependant on their size. Compliment them on their positives (pretty eyes/great mum/loving friend/smile....whatever your good bits/traits are).

If you want to change the negative parts about yourself you need to love the positives to keep you positive whilst you work on making the changes to the negatives.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for that MissPNM, I am going to do those exercises. I do a thing you might know with the kids I work with it's amazing. Get someone to stand with their arm out to the side and to say/think positive things about themself. While they are doing that try to push their arm down while they are trying to keep it up. Then get them to say/think bad stuff about themselves and push their arm down now. It just flops. This shows me that postive thoughts even help our physical strength - nothing to do with weight loss but similar idea.
Can you keep posting this stuff too as I'm sure people will love this. xxx
I've done stuff like that before. What we say and think has a huge effect on us. Possitive affirmations are good too to build inner strength, saying possitive and encouraging words to ourselves each day in the mirror and repeating several times, saying things such as :

"I can control my cravings for food and I do have the strength to take control of my weight"

"I love myself and respect myself am strong enough to work towards the healthy body I deserve"

....can really help with dieting. This isn't in the book by the way, just something I believe is useful. It can work for all different things, confidence, exams, if you learn to believe in yourself you can empower yourself so much to get the best from life.

I'm also interested in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) which involves tapping on certain points of the body (similar theory to accupuncture) and saying encouraging words to change the way we think. There are some exercises which use this theory along with NLP in the Paul M book and they're excellent. I'll post some soon.
I'm interested in EFT too but I feel it might be a bit silly? What do you think? I've not posted tip today as a bit down so was great for you to do it for me. I also need to hear that. x