Diary of Poohbearmufc - Restart 3.3.08 - I WILL DO THIS!!

End of Day 5

Well it is still going well.. still hungry!

I have had a chicken salad again and a little bit of milk (skimmed)... but I am OK with it...

Had loads of water and coffee.... I am still determined, but now thinking about hypnosis... to give me the willpower I need...

Lets see what the weekend brings...

Well it is still going well.. still hungry!

I have had a chicken salad again and a little bit of milk (skimmed)... but I am OK with it...

Had loads of water and coffee.... I am still determined, but now thinking about hypnosis... to give me the willpower I need...

Lets see what the weekend brings...


Hi Nikki

Hope you're having a lovely weekend and are feeling in control with the diet.

It's horrid always feeling hungry, hopefully you're food cravings will get easier soon.

I was booked in for hypnotherapy on Friday, but hypnotherapist cancelled due to a family crisis, so am rebooked for Monday. Hoping to get to grips with the binge monster:cool:

Well it is still going well.. still hungry!

I have had a chicken salad again and a little bit of milk (skimmed)... but I am OK with it...

Had loads of water and coffee.... I am still determined, but now thinking about hypnosis... to give me the willpower I need...

Lets see what the weekend brings...


Hiya - well done on getting this far :D

this diet is hard...but you can do it !!

stick with it.....you'll be so glad you did !!

Debz xx
End of Day 6


Everything is still going OK, have picked a little today, but I am still going... I'm thinking maybe hypnosis might help me...

I haven't drank enough water today, so I hope to drink more tomorrow..

Sorry feeling really tired..

Day 7

And I have picked again!! had a birthday party which was difficult! I have had nibbles of biscuits, weight is going on instead of off... not happy, why do I sabotage myself!!

Does anyone know if hypnosis would help on CD? or just on other diets?? I am going to stick with this, but am also going to book an appointment at the doctors as having a few pains, just worried it is relating to last years problems, although I have had my gallbladder out now so really don't know what these pains are, seeing the specialist on Tuesday about my psorasis as it is getting worse and I have tried most things, apart from the tablets that affect your liver and kidneys as I have had problems! so not allowed those... will see though..but half of me thinks what is the worth in losing all this weight if my skin is still horrendous and I hate myself, will I obsess about this instead of weight!!

Sorry for the rant... :cry:

Ah Nikki, you rant away. Sounds like you are tackling an uphill battle, more so than most of us, with young children, and sickness. It is a viscious cycle isnt it, I know I am always so determined and motivated at the start of any diet then its up and downs all the ways, but is mostly me battling with my head!

I dont know much about hypnosis, there was a good thread on it here though recently.

I know I have told you in the past to not give yourself a hard time about breaking the diet, but maybe this time you need to give yourself a break (without going mad with the food though mind!). Get your health sorted and see how you feel. Sounds like you need to get focused on what you really want. But get to the docs and get yourself sorted there first before you make any further decisions.

And don't be beating yourself up over all of this, you are not superhuman, its no easy diet and you have a lot of stuff on.

Feel free to PM me if I can help in any way.
Day 8 and just got weighed

And, I have got rid of:-


Really happy considering I have picked, so trying 100% again today, although had it in my mind if I hadn't done well I was going to pig out!!

And, I have got rid of:-


Really happy considering I have picked, so trying 100% again today, although had it in my mind if I hadn't done well I was going to pig out!!


WOW !! well done Nikki - that is fabulous :D

you can do this - stick with it !!!

Debz xx
Day 9

Well day 9 has gone well, nibbled a bit yesterday but something really strange, I had a few biscuits but then really really wanted fruit!!! so had a banana!

Anyway, nothing naughty has gone past my lips and I have renewed determination! my new laptop has arrived today so at least I won't be kicked off when DH wants to get on it...

Nice to have a new toy to play with...

Well day 9 has gone well, nibbled a bit yesterday but something really strange, I had a few biscuits but then really really wanted fruit!!! so had a banana!

Anyway, nothing naughty has gone past my lips and I have renewed determination! my new laptop has arrived today so at least I won't be kicked off when DH wants to get on it...

Nice to have a new toy to play with...


So glad you had a good day today Nikki and well done on your weight loss this week:):):)

New laptop!!!!! Lovely, I wish I had one then I could relax upstairs in bed when on Mins and not be so near the fridge:D

Take care
Hi Nikki are you ok? I must admit I've been considering some hypnotherapy too. I have the Paul McKenna CD which I listen to before bed, it really does help with the cravings but I think it would be good to be hypnotised into only wanting to eat CD stuff :D
I'm debating it at the moment, I have a number for a local lady who has been recommended to me. But I seem to have got some determination from somewhere! So will see how it goes...

Chika - where have you been, what have u been upto?

Go for it Nikki! I've been on teaching placement with a bit of a nightmare of a supervising teacher. She picked holes in everything I did and was generally evil to me. Thankfully my uni understood but for the past couple of months I've had no life and came this close to cracking up. I was exisiting on 4 hours sleep a night and had to take sleeping tablets so i didn't toss and turn worrying about the next day! However on the brightside its all done and I passed so I can get back to my diet! We should do it together or at least let me borrow some of your willpower!