due dates, and weight gain

Just weighed this morning n stayed the same which I'm really pleased about as ive ate rubbish really. So that makes 12lb gain at 25 weeks
Can anyone answer or give an opinion on something I've been puzzling over...should I be counting the fat content on my food? So far I've been cal counting for over a week but I'm not adding up any of the fat. Is it just assumed that if I dont go over 2000 then my fat content wont be high? Reason why I ask is I'm noticing I'm eating a lot of rubbish (mcdonalds, chocolate etc) and even tho its within my range of cals these are quite high in fat? Obviously, I'm trying hard not to eat just chocolate but I'm finding it a bit difficult at the min! - Gemma x
I never did just counted cals and was at pregnancy weight yesterday (10 days after I had baby) so don't worry too much about it x
Oh my god that is excellent! Well done, you should be so pleased! Did you cal count the whole way thru? Ive been doing sw until about 1-2 weeks ago n I'm worried the cal counting might be making me just take advantage of eating rubbish but then I sts this week and didnt gain so thats good x
I did abit of weight watchers, abit of just keeping a food diary to keep in check a few weeks were I just ate crap and then from about 28 weeks I cal counted and had 2000-2300 a day I had him at 39 weeks by c section so cal counted 11 weeks! I had hypermesis at the beginning and lost 16lbs but slowly put it back on then gained an extra stone on top which iv lost as of yesterday, I'd lost an extra 3lbs on top this morning but not counting it til Friday now which is my weigh in day. I think cal counting is perfect in pregnancy because you can treat yourself to whatever you want and after all you are pregnant so you should be able to enjoy it to a certain extent just sensibly ! I ate chocolate nearly every day and had pizza, takeaway or McDonald's about once a week and treated myself to costa decaff lattes and brownies every time I went past one haha I think it's moderation just as long as you arnt using all your cals every single day for crap then you're fine xx
Cal counting too while im preggers not watching fat content il go on ww when I have had baby x I have between 1700-2000 a day x I do eat lot sweets which is sugar x
Thanks both I feel better now! I was just unsure as to whether to count the fat but I think I'll just keep going the way I am counting the cals and having the treats as long as there's some goodness in there! My last preg I just went to town n ate and ate so this time im defo sticking to it. And at the end of the day the only thing we can really do is eat so a few treats aren't going to hurt! X
can you update nme hun got weighed at mw appointment today.i 36+4 started at 158 pounds and now 185 so total gain si far 27 pounds, so 1st 13 pound
Hi can u update me, gain was 10lb at 26 weeks now 11 lb @ 29 weeks xx
oasis6918 said:
Have updated hun, your doing great, wish I'd done that well by 29 weeks :) x

Thanks Hun, altho think its due to the weather getting hotter, not wanting to heat hot food lol am eating plenty of fruit ect xx
7 weeks today, still no weight gain, 3 weeks of ss :)