Flirty's diary ...............

So i have stepped away from SS and CD totally. We are off down south on Friday to see mum and dad, then my wonderful fantastic SIL and back on Monday. Tuesday is back to CD ... maybe 790 or SS .. will see but that is the 19th of May so a month until Dublin. I have kissed goodbye to 2 stone now - so will aim for one instead ....

Good idea.
Rule No1=set realistic goals.

Then it is my birthday at end of july and my eldest's 21st .... so we are going to have a joint party in the garden with friends and family - and my present to myself is another stone off!!!

that sounds a good target.
Can we help yuo along to it in any way?

I'm sure you all must be fed up with my half baked promises and forever on/off diet but I really do want to try properly for 2months of serious weight loss and not yoyoing.

A-hem Bev ,you've ,by your own admission had lot going on .
you've not long been on meds & picked yourself out of quite a low & anxious state.
give your self time to gather yourself.

I think making a conscious decision to 'step off' the CD wagon shows you are thinking things through and I respect you for it. Don't be so hard on yourself babes :hug99:

Could you say that a bit louder D-Q incase bev didn't hear it the first time?

Hi Bev,

Will look forward to reading about your CD journey from Tuesday, or whenever you feel able to start.

Have a lovely weekend, and please do try to focus on your fabulous achievements so far...

As for your CDC business not being great - I couldn't imagine a more supportive, warm counsellor than yourself. I hope things pick up for you soon.

Lots of love,


I agree..i couldn't either..well except for my CDC that is!

I'm sure things'll pick up as you yourself do too.
Hi Bev

Just catching up... really sorry to read your struggles but pleased that you are being kind to yourself and being realistic too. Far better for you and your well being.

I'm sure that this weekend will help enormously and the break will be good for you.

Here's hoping you are blessed with fine weather and great company. You've achieved so much so far and are a fine person. Don't forget that!

You've overcome loads, be gentle with yourself. You deserve gentleness.

Take care xx
Hey chick just dropping by to say hi and hope all is getting better for ya!!

take care and see ya in dublin :D :D

Hey Bev....just popped in to say Helloooooo....;) and wish you a FAB weekend away !!


have a relaxing B'hol.
Hey hun ! hope you had a fab weekend with your family....:)

spk soon.....

